
Ch.92 Baba Yaga?!

It was a long drive to New York, So Kris, and Clear pass the time talking about some random things until...

Clear said,"So you, and Felicity huh?! She's like you..."

"Ironic isn't it. Your world came crashing down after knowing your a movie character, and thought you were not real."

"As it turns out there are people like me, and Felicity that could be considered artificial." Kris said with a deprecating laugh. But, then he shook his head as he noticed the familiar gleam around Clear's neck.

"Your powers have improved, I'm impressed. So... was my item helpful?" asked Kris

"You mean this thing?!" she showed Kris, the pendant around her neck.

"I was really happy that death could somehow be fended off by this. But there was a time it stop working, so I had to ask William about it. That's when I found out that it needs energy to do as its intended."

"He told me, I needed to meditate under moonlight so I could recharge it. The meditation help me center myself, and gave me some sort of peace while I was in it."

"From then on... it became a habit, and thru it my ability became second nature to me. Now I can control when to feel out other people's emotions, and when to shut them out. That's all." explained Clear

"Well at least your not dictated by other people's emotions anymore. Freedom is such a precious thing to have. Soon I'll have that too..." said Kris

"Is that what you're trying to do in that lab?" asked Clear which Kris only nodded to confirm.

"You know, of all this time, sensing what other people feel. I learned only one thing... The only thing people can't fake, or copy is your soul."

"Be it may have started artificial, or natural, or even fictional. Its the weight, and the distance that soul has carried and traveled... that's what, makes it real." said Clear while putting her feet on the dashboard, and looking out the car window.

This is when her phone rang breaking the solemn mood.

[Mohinder POV]

Mohinder Suresh is from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and is a genetics professor at the University of Madras who holds a PhD in parapsychology.

After hearing news of his father's death in New York, Mohinder suspects that his father was murdered to silence the findings of his genetics research about the 'superhuman' beings on Earth.

He goes to his father's local apartment to look for clues and to finish his research.

Mohinder Suresh have been telephoning people on The List, he discovered hidden in his father's journal. Leaving messages for some but being hung up on by most.

He was expecting another scolding, and a phone being slammed on him. But, this time it was different.

"Yes,Hello?"said the person on the other line.

"Yes, Hello I'm looking for Clear Rivers? My name is Mohinder Suresh. Am I speaking to her right now?" Responded the Doctor.

"Yes, May I know what this is about?" ask Clear.

"Yes, My father had recently passed away. And I'm looking thru his contacts and it seemed he knew your mother, and even has your number."

"So I was hoping to talk to you, If you have time... I haven't been in contact with my father in the recent years. And I was hoping to know how he lived the last parts of his life away his family."

"I'm sorry to hear that he passed away, I have actually talked to him before... about a month ago... I'm on my way to New York now so... Why don't we meet tomorrow, I'll call you by then, is that Ok?" said Clear

"That's great, sure see you tomorrow." said Mohinder as Clear ends the call."

With Kris, and Clear...

"So why did you want me to meet up with this guy?" asked Clear, as she was wondering why would Kris ask her to meet with somebody when they were looking for Molly.

When Kris overheard the name of the caller, He quickly remembered that this guy was one of the main characters in the series. So he used his Telepathy to tell Clear to meet with the guy.

"And how many more of your abilities are you keeping from me?"

Kris just rolled his eyes and said,"I'm not sure if I should tell you that, how else could I maintain my air of mystery? And I recognized his name so he must be important, I just don't know why. It's a gut feeling."

Ever since he entered this movie world, he had been feeling the effects of God's influence on him grow. To the point his beginning to lose access to some of his memories in his mind palace.

This feeling just made him more convinced that jumping bodies soon is the right choice. But he can't let it be so obvious, he has to accomplish his other goal first before he could be totally sure that the system won't try, and subvert him again.

They arrived in New York that evening, they booked two rooms in the Continental Hotel and had some dinner delivered to rest up for the meet up the next morning.

The next morning Clear contacted Mohinder and ask to meet at 9am in the lounge of the Continental Hotel.

Kris woke up refreshed, and was feeling mischievous at the moment so he called for room service, and ordered the same tuxedo John Wick wore in the movie.

This being the Continental just seemed appropriate, not long after a tailor came knocking and took his measurements.

Not 2 hrs later he was kitted with the whole John Wick get up and was having some coffee with Clear in the hotel's cafe.

Clear couldn't help but roll her eyes at Kris's antics.

Kris didn't know if it was his old antics, or his feline bravado, that lead to this. But he really does feel powerful and domineering right now.

So he just gave Clear a smile as he drunk his coffee.

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