
Ch.113 A weird start...

Plot Summary of The New Mutants

Danielle "Dani" Moonstar, a young Cheyenne Native American, escapes the destruction of her reservation from an unknown source. During the chaos, Dani's father William hides her before an unseen entity kills him, leaving her the only survivor.

After being knocked unconscious, Dani awakens in a hospital run by Dr. Cecilia Reyes.

Reyes comforts Dani, telling her she is a mutant, and advises her to remain in the hospital until she learns what her abilities are and controls them.

Dani is introduced to four other teenagers; Samuel "Sam" Guthrie, Illyana Rasputin, Roberto "Bobby" da Costa and Rahne Sinclair. Reyes has brought each of them to the hospital after they have all suffered tragedy;

Collectively, the five of them believe that they are being trained to join the X-Men, hence the strict supervision, as well as Reyes reminding them that they are considered dangerous and should not leave until they have mastered their abilities.

In their journey to master their ablilities, and over coming their individual traumas.

The group all begin to have horrifying visions of their deepest fears...

The Story so far...

A young Cheyenne Native American, escapes the destruction of her reservation during a tornado. But during the event she was knocked unconscious, later she awakens in a hospital run by Dr. Cecilia Reyes.

Who informs her that she is a mutant, now in a facility to train, and help young mutants control their abilities. She must learn to adapt to her new life, and try to make something of her self. But, first she needs to figure out what her ability is...




MAIN QUEST: The Mission.

Objective: No way out! - Help the main characters escape the Milbury Facility. Each player receives a D rank reward.

Basic Survival Reward: 1000 Points.

SIDE QUEST: Bonus Points.

*Orientation - The first Player to explain to the New Players the inner workings of Missions, Exchanges, and how to return home. 100 Points


*Kill some Smiles - Killing a Smiley. Awards 1000 Points and D rank reward.

PENALTIES: Negative Points/Death.

1. New Players - Negative 1000 for a Player killing a Newbie Player of their own team. A New Player is a New Player till they start their second Mission.

2. Spoiler - Negative 10 points per Sentence.

3. No need to Die to be a Hero - Protect the main characters of the movie. Each player will be subtracted 4000 Points for every main character dead.

4. D-ZERO Version 2 - Any player with 0 or negative points at the end of a mission, after all calculations are finished, will be killed, no exception. Those unable to pay a D rank reward for failing the Main Quest will be killed.

The next day Kris was awoken by the voice of Dr.Reyes leaving an announcement regarding this day's itinerary.

Kris looked around to find where the sound was coming from, turns out that the camera on the ceiling comes with a speaker, and no doubt a bunch of other things as well.

If Kris only know, he would not believe the other features coupled into the camera if he finds out.

Our protagonist haven't seen this movie, So he did not know that he is being monitored by the doctor thru the device on the ceiling, from his pulse rate down to his psionic dispersion.

It was only his cautious nature, that prevented the doctor from spoting the fact that he is acting differently. After he came out of the bathroom last night.

And the fact that the preliminary scans doesn't show any thing abnormal in the psionic level with regards to Kris, made the doctor think that Kris has a physical mutation.

Which couldn't be more wrong... its just that the device the facility uses couldn't touch the domains of the soul.

Ever since transfering to his new body, Kris's abilities are deeply rooted to his soul. Leaving his physical form still without enhancements... its just that the base form of this body have really high stats.

Kris went out of his room and went straight towards the bathroom bringing along his little toiletries basket.

Wearing only his boxers and a towel on his shoulder, he walk down the hall with a devil may care attitude.

To his surprise, even at this time in the morning, the facility's halls were still empty.

When he arrived at the bathroom he finally saw another person for the first time.

It was one of the main characters in the movie, Roberto "Bobby" da Costa or also known as "Sunspot" in the comics.

But, Kris doesn't know that. So, the first thing he did was to check the persons wrist only to see their was no black watch there.

So, he smiled and stretch out his hand for a handshake introducing himself.

"Hi, I'm new here... names Kris, nice to finally meet someone else in this place."

"Hi, I'm Bobby... I know the feeling, this place used to have only 5 people... or 4 if you don't the doctor. But, its a great change today, seems like 8 of you guys might make this place a little more lively."

"Well, I can't wait to meet the others... " said Kris as he went to the sink and started brushing his teeth.

"Yeah, well, you'll love them... like this place their all kinds of messed up." said Bobby who went out the bathroom leaving Kris by himself.

Kris just shrugs at those parting words, and went on his own things.

According to his schedule, there would be a little meet and greet before breakfast so he proceeded to the assigned room. Now wearing a black shirt, cargo pants and black sneakers.

Upon entering the room he saw that there were already 4 people there, and one of them was Bobby, who he just gave a nod as he found his seat amongst the stares of his new peers.

Not long after he found his seat the doctor came in, and brought along a dark haired girl, with native american features.

"Ah! wonderful everyone is here... We will begin introductions shortly... But, first let me explain why the others will not be joining us for the moment."

"Firstly this will be your therapy group, where will talk about your experiences, and how we could resolve some of them."

"So, we're the broken bunch huh? So, new girl, how messed up are you?" said Illyana the sister of the famed X- men Colossus.

"Illyana, that's not how we treat our peers. Don't worry Dani, we are not here to judge, we are here to support each other."

"Ok, second, the other six of our newcomers have not settled in just yet. 3 of them will be joining us later today. But, the other 3 have a little problem with turning off their powers that they'll be staying in isolation for now until they get a hang of things."

"So now, without further ado let's introduce one another. Rahne would you like to start?"

The girl eyed every one in the room meekly, and said,"My name is Rahne Sinclair, nice to meet you."

The doctor look towards the next person saying,"Sam?"

The boy was a little anxious but said,"Sam Guthrie, nice to meet y'all."

"Roberto da Costa, you can call me Bobby."

"Illyana Rasputin, don't get in my way." said the blonde.

The doctor looked on to Kris next giving him a the cue,"Mr.Cross?"

"Ow, Nam'es Kris, let's get along..." said Kris

Then the Dr.Reyes gave a little pat on Dani's shoulder giving her a bit of a push to speak.

"Dani Moonstar, nice to meet you."

"Ok, since we have been introduced. let's head to the cafeteria and get some breakfast. I hope you all get along. Since everyone will be spending alot of time the coming days. Ok you may go."

Kris stood and went out with the rest choosing to walk along side Bobby. Who he met earlier...

When Bobby saw Kris came next to him he pat him in the back saying,"So, what can you say now that you've met them?!"

"Interesting..." said Kris.

Bobby gave him another pat and laughed at Kris's response.

But, within his thoughts, Kris was thinking about this whole situation, as he had checked all of them... are not players, and wondering what the players are going to be like.

Next chapter