
Training Camp pt.1

Player: Tie Ta (24K CyberScythe)

Age: 19

Missions: 3

Exchangeable Rewards: 12504.5 Points + SA-rank Rewards

Upgrade: 1/3

-Mission Rewards

Objective: Survive for five days against the child-eater, the pagan deity, Bughuul.

Reward: 2000 Points, B-rank Reward

Basic Mission Survival- 1000 points

Newbie Introduction: 100 points

Hidden Quest: Defeat Jason Vorhees- 6500+ A-rank

Hidden Quest: Natural Evolution: 10000 points + One Free Movie Mission Selection

Total Rewards Earned: 19500 points+ AB-ranks + One Free Movie Mission Selection.

Total Exchangeable Rewards: 32004.5 points +SAAB-rank + Free Movie Mission Selection.

Upgrade: 1/3


First POV

A few moments after I returned to GOD's dimension, things felt strange. I just told God to heal us all. Naturally, Reika and Ouyang Di were the first ones to finish. I, on the other hand, was trapped in his light as my limbs regrew. It all cost me 5000 points.

At this point, the pain was but a distant memory. Bughuul toyed with me, tortured me with every blow, and was set on taking every one of my limbs before he devoured my energy.

This was the reality of my world now. A reality that I had accepted the moment I realized that I had to survive a horror movie where zombies ate people and a deranged AI wanted to kill me in an underground laboratory with biologically designed weapons of mass destruction.

Survive. Evolve. No good or bad, right or wrong. Live by the seam of my pants and survive...

Including myself, Zhao Yinkong, Xu Lingyue, Bai Wutong, Ouyang Di, Reika, and Qi Tengyi survived. A team of seven is good. And until one of them becomes strong enough to challenge me, I will remain the leader.

But this situation makes me think of Jie. What was his problem? The sole survivor becomes a team of one. Naturally, making him the leader as the strongest member of the team. Making us survive Resident Evil on our own is understandable. Thin the herd, and the strongest survive. It's a game of evolution.

But afterward, he should have owned his title. Told us about the next mission and trained us to kill aliens. I don't get it. But I'll be better. My team will be better.


I didn't have time to waste after I was fully healed. I banged on every door and woke everyone up. When the players gathered, as they were no longer newbies, I sat them down in crescent design. I sat across from them all and waited until they were fully awake.

Then I said, "My name is Tie Ta. 19 years old. I survived 3 missions. I'm a Tyrant Ghoul. I also have Advanced level Qi and High-level Psionic Reiryoku."

"What's a Tyrant Ghoul?" asked Yinkong.

"A combination of the T-Virus from Resident Evil and a One-eyed Ghoul Mutation from Tokyo Ghoul," I answered.

"So you eat people," said Di.

"I do. Ghouls evolve by eating. It's a lot of science, but there are levels to ghouls, and the more ghoulish, the more likely you are to take on the ultimate form of a Ghoul."

"The Kakuja," Lingyue muttered.

"Yes, the Kakuja," I told her. " Lickers from resident evil also evolved from consumed organic matter. Since I had the T-Virus after my first mission. I chose the most optimal route that aligned with GOD's mission."

"What is GOD's mission," asked Tengyi.

"Evolution. Human evolution. During my first mission, I ran down a flight of stairs. I wasn't in the best shape, and I had to stay within a certain distance of a well-trained mercenary. That's when I pushed past my physical limits. On the platform as the mission started, I remembered all of the fucked up shit that happened in the movie. Shit that I would be forced to confront. It all became real. But I controlled myself and broke a mental limit. Then I survived a scratch from a Licker and a zombie bite. I broke the longevity limit. GOD then rewarded me."

I continued to tell them everything. I wanted them to know that risks and pushing themselves past their limits was rewarding and beneficial towards their survival. How to gain ranked rewards, upgrades, hidden, and side quests. I explained the stats, exchanges, and how similar powers combined. I then spoke about bloodlines and mutations combined to create something new or potentially kill them.

I then explained the purpose of the creation function and how everything they created was obligated to participate in the missions unless freed by a D-rank reward. But everyone had similar thoughts.

Reika telepathically told me that new players thought their evolution was a lot more important than setting a created existence free, especially if they could design the creation to defend itself.

After some time to digest the information about their new normal, I asked them all about their points, which they all received 3000 points and a B-rank reward.

GOD told me the next mission was the original Mummy. A very simplistic movie and something easy for a new team to manage. Which meant I was in no rush for training.

"Okay. So a T-virus mutation with all of its evolutionary abilities costs 1500 points and C-rank. I can give this to you for free. SciFi weapons can be created, magic weapons, for now, have to be exchanged along with other enhancements."

"Does the T-Virus require human flesh," asked Lingyue.

"No. but it will strength you and save points," I replied. "I'll give you all a dose. If you want it, use it. "

We then moved on to enhancements. As a leader, I told them how I could sort the exchanges and chart the best course of exchanges. That detail led to a very in-depth conversation about everyone's desires.

"Okay. So Yinkong will evolve her assassin abilities. Ouyang Di will become the best law mage and take the spot of a magician on the team. Bai Wutong will be a brawler. He wants to be like Romulus. Reika is our Psinonic user. Lingyue wants to be a Vampire cultivator. And Tengyi wants to be a..."

"Like the Black Panther... A superhuman with a nice suit is more than enough for me," said Tengyi.

"Alright. Then let's get to work."


Everyone received the T-virus mutation. Tie Ta then started with Yinkong. She spent 2500 points and a B-rank reward on Nether Energy -a chthonic element.

Lingyue was the first to divide her rank rewards. Her B-rank became two C-ranks and three D-ranks. She then spent 2400 points, C-rank, and D-rank rewards to become a Vampire Viscount. She then used another 500 points and D-rank for low-level Qi.

Bai Wutong spent 2000 points and a B-rank on a Sabertooth Genetic Mutation. While Ouyang Di spent what was extremely lucky. He was a 1st-degree law mage. Equivalent to a Sorcerer's apprentice. By spending 2500 points and a B-rank, Ouyang Di became a full Sorcerer. It increased his power and gave him enough energy for spells that he once failed to perform. But it was only the first step in his long, expensive journey to World Architect.

Finally, Qi Tengyi exchanged 1500 points and a C-rank reward on a Heart-Shaped Herb. Tie Ta had much advice, but each member of his team had a vision of their best self in the end. Tie Ta settled with aiding them in their choices and building the team around the power they had and not the powers he wished them to have.

Like himself being a Tyrant Ghoul, not many people could handle the changes he experienced. And the last thing he wanted to do was break them by pushing an enhancement on them that they weren't ready for.

Finally ready to exchange points for himself, Tie Ta stretched his mind and took a look at his Player Sheet.


Player: Tie Ta (24K CyberScythe)

Age: 19

Missions: 3

Exchangeable Rewards: 27004.5 points +SAAB-rank + Free Movie Mission Selection.

Upgrade: 1/3


1. Intelligence: 399

2.Mental capacity: 600

3.Cell Vitality: 700

4.Reaction Speed: 690

5.Muscle Density: 710

6.Immunization: 885

Genetic Constraint: Stage 2

- Exhangables-

1. Scifi Weapons: 16" Mini Machete

2. Magical Weapons: Amulet of Shara, Marduk's Sigil, Asauchi

3. Support: Advanced Telekinesis, High-Level Qi, Stage 1 Tyrant Ghoul, Zankensoki, Psionic Reiryoku, Enhanced Muscle Memory, Mental Palace, Total Recall, Speed Read Spell

4. Entertainment:


'Stage 1 Tyrant Ghoul really boosted my stats.' thought Tie Ta. 'Well, it would be foolish to purchase more enhancements right now. But a storage ring is finally needed for the team. The team also needs to learn how to fight within a short time. GOD exchange for enhanced muscle memory for every member of my team. Take the points from me.'

Tie Ta watched as 2500 points were taken from him, and the enhancement was given to his team. He then refocused on GOD and started sorting the exchange system.

-Ring of Na-

A ring created by Xiuzhen technology. It had a subspace of 1.5 cubic meters and can be activated with Qi and other Xiuzhen related energy. Once activated, it would create an energy field around your fist. This energy field could damage supernatural beings. 1500 points and D-rank reward.

-Belt of the Twelve Stars-

Sword belt crafted with twelve stones found by Dragon Riders. Four of the stones were black, four were white, and the remainder were red, blue, yellow, and brown. It was made of cloth threads woven together in an interlocking pattern that depicted a coiling Lianí Vine. The belt gems can store energy and give aid during battle. 3000 points and a B-rank reward

-Pendant of Shezmu-

Can store up to 5 cubic meters of space. Shezmu, the Demon (Frowned Upon Lesser 'God') of execution, slaughter, blood, oil, and alcohol. Functions unknown. Created by Player. 10000 points and B-rank reward.

'Exchange for all three. Then show me my remaining exchanges.' thought Tie Ta.

Total Exhangable rewards: 10004.5 + SABCCDD + Free Movie Mission

Upgrade 1/3

'How long do I have to change the next movie mission to one of my choices?'

'One day before the start of the mission.' replied GOD.

'How much would it cost to take all of my team to Resident Evil?'

'How many days?' asked GOD

'Seven days'

'2100 points'


Tie Ta explained his intentions to the group. Resident Evil was a way to get accustomed to their powers and earn more points in the process.

Tengyi took a little convincing, though in the end. Tie Ta took his team and Reika to the world of Resident Evil.

Next chapter