
Auxiliary: 1/9-1/15

In order to avoid being forgotten and working my writing muscles, here's the plan for chapters 8-13. Any readers with suggestions are more than welcome.

Chapter 8 is the introduction to the few Hiei chapters. Since the First two items were retrieved by the Void Entity, Hiei is on alert for them. After making a few demons to hold off Tom, he goes after Yusuke and his girl Keiko.

Chapter 9 shows how much Tom has improved from training with Kurama as he takes down some demons. With some help from a late Charlene, he tracks down Hiei and frees the side characters from a few demons. Yusuke begins the clash with Hiei at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 10 is a speeded up battle chapter with Yusuke and Hiei moving at fast speeds that Tom has trouble seeing. Kurama is the only one able to make out the battle. When Hiei opens up his third eye, Tom makes a move in order to avoid another Gouki incident. While he succeeds in getting the sword, the transformation is complete. Hiei then pounces at Tom.

Chapter 11 is the conclusion to the Hiei Arc. Tom is beaten bloody and the Void Entity will not retrieve him until another three days have passed for completing his mission. Luckily, Kurama has Hiei in the nick of time and urged Yusuke to use his Spirit Gun. Yusuke refuses which leads to Hiei breaking free. After some more slugging Hiei is taken down with an impromptu blow to the gonads. Even demons feel something from that. The Spirit World team then gathers the team for some treatment.

Chapter 12 is the cleanup. Tom had been in the hospital with Yusuke heavily wounded but Kurama only has some scratches and bruises. Tom then informs them he'll be leaving for a period of time and to take care of themselves. Tom reflects on the experience and what kind of person he wants to be. Yusuke says that if Tom is in trouble they will help. Charlene and Koenma ponder over Toms background as it seems like it isn't what Spirit World makes it out to be. This works as foreshadowing for future chapters. Tom enters a secluded hall and disappears back into the void.

Chapter 13 is an introduction to the story to come. Tom enters the void but it isn't the same empty void he is accustomed to. There's a few people here who call themselves Team 7-A and that they go on missions like he just did. People enter the team after surviving the first mission like Tom did and the team works together for future missions. Tom is the new guy so he must learn to cope with this new team dynamic for volume two.

Hope you guys like the prospects for this book. I'm sorry for the delays in the chapters. Who knew it would be so hard to get the settings for Kurama's hospital time?

Good thing I can write these easily without worrying about quality as much.

Here's looking for future support

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