
Advisors And The 5 Star Points

Leo was now exstically looking over his new rewards with great fervor and excitement. After he unlocked the ability to gain advisors, faith, economy, and cultural scrolls he had gotten two of the 4 almost immediately. He was very happy with his choice to browse the market and buy some stuff, even though the prices were pretty egregious. However Leo couldn't really blame those other Lords as he figured that the market was unstable right now because no one really knew how much something was actually worth.

Leo first picked up the Territory upgrade scroll and asked the system,"How do I use this upgrade scroll System?"

[Simply rip the scroll in two and the process will happen automatically Lord Leo]

Leo followed the simple instruction and tore the scrolls in half lengthwise. As soon as he did so he heard the systems familiar voice,

[Lord Leo has used the Territory upgrade scroll (Blue Grade). Territory will now expand by 150 units of space]

Leo ran out of the recruitment center and saw that the shimmering border started to expand little by little as it expanded. What Leo thought was really interesting was that none of his people even looked at the border expansion, like they couldn't see it. Suddenly Leo got another notification from the System.

[Lord Leo, Please clear the cave of 'Crystal Hoarders' near your territory border or there may be a risk of the ant invading]

Leo hadn't forgotten about those ants but now it seemed like he really would have to clear them out no matter what if he wanted to keep expanding outwards. Leo then remembered that he had a stonemason and he could get that guy to build a large wall around his territory. His border was almost done expanding and when he looked back at the mountain Leo realized that the border that wasn't even touching the mountain before was now enveloping almost the entire thing!

Leo went back into the recruitment center and picked up his Orange grade faith worker, putting it into the cubby hole. However to his surprise the scrolls shot back out of the hole and he got another notification from the system.

[Lord Leo, to summon this Orange grade Faith worker you must upgrade the recruitment center or build a higher tiered one. Currently you can summon Blue grade workers and below]

Leo slapped his forehead in frustration and cursed himself for being such an idiot. How could he have forgotten such a basic rule? "Well" He said," I guess I can save it for later when I get a better recruitment center. Leo then picked up the 20 Green grade scrolls for the production workers and summoned them all at the same time.

[Lord Leo has summoned 8 carpenters, 4 farmers, 4 miners, 2 chefs, and 2 stonemasons]

Leo watched as all the new people came down and saluted him. He quickly gave them orders group by group. "You 8 carpenters, go help the other carpenters build the houses, and bring them another 100 units of wood" He said as he beamed 100 units of wood in front of them.

Leo then turned to the 4 miners and said,"You 4 go and help the miner near the base of the mountain collect stone." After they left he turned to the 4 farmers and said."Go to where the other farmers are located and start your own farms. Also, bring these potatoes over there and one of you plant them for harvest."

Leo then turned to the 2 chefs and said,"Sorry I don't have much work for you right now, we have already eaten our meals this morning, but here is 100 units of raw pork, make something delicious for everyone tonight." The chefs nodded their heads and quickly disappeared to prepare the food for tonight.

Then Leo told one of the stonemasons,"You, go help the other stonemason with building the weaponsmiths shop, as well as bringing the weaponsmiths these 10 Green grade blueprints, and you," he turned towards the other one,"start work on the roads, I would like them to be done by the end of the month, so we need to start working on them asap."

With all of those Green grade production workers gone Leo could now summon the Blue grade worker and his Blue grade advisor. He started with the 5 Blue grade production worker scrolls.

[Lord Leo has summoned 1 Weaponsmith, 2 Carpenters, 1 Stonemason, and 1 Farmer]

Leo watched as the 5 people were summoned in front of him. Leo didn't know why but the process of summoning fascinated him to end. Leo felt like he could watch this process happen thousands of times and never get bored of seeing it.

Leo repeated his process of assigning jobs to the different summons. He turned to the farmer first and said,"I have given blue grade crops to some other workers and told them to plant them, but those workers are only green grade, make your own farm and plant them on yours to make sure they are properly attended to."

The farmer smiled and said,"Of course my lord. Would you like me to make it a 2 unit land farm? Unlike the Green grade farmers, I can handle much more land."

Leo nodded his head and said,"You may do exactly that." and then turned to the Weaponsmith, telling him,"I have already given Blueprints to a stonemason to give to the other Weaponsmiths, please help with their current project and the next ones as well."

The weaponsmith bowed his head and went to do as he was told. Leo then told the 2 Carpenters," Do either of you know how to build a Castle?"

One of the carpenters stepped forwards and said,"I do my lord, the one that I know of will cost roughly 500 wood, 400 stone, and will take up 20 units of space."

Leo asked the man,"Your name?"

The man responded,"Kurt, your lordship."

Leo replied back to him,"Well, Kurt I will drop off 500 units of wood and 300 units of stone for now and when the stonemasons get done with the weaponsmiths shop, pull them over to the castle and have them start working on that with you. They should be done by this evening, so for today just start gathering the supplies and building the framework for what you need."

Kurt bowed to Leo and then took 100 units of wood from Leo to get started on his work. Leo turned to the other Carpenters and said,"You there, can you build me a barracks?"

The man nodded his head and said quietly,"Yes, my lord. The one that I know of will cost 300 units of wood, 50 units of stone, and takes 4 units of space."

Leo nodded his head in affirmation and said,"How many soldiers can it hold?"

The soldier thought about it for a minute and then replied."I believe its max capacity is up to 300 troops my lord."

Leo huffed a little proudly, chuckled and said,"That's perfect for now. Build it near the edge of the territory so the noise of the soldiers' training won't bother the common workers." The Carpenter left with 100 units of wood to get started and Leo eyed his last scroll, the Blue grade advisor scroll greedily. "Let's see what this baby has in store!" He said happily.

[Lord Leo has summoned 1 Advisor]

The woman who appeared before him was stunningly beautiful, and Leo couldn't help but gasp. Sure some of the people who had been summoned were female, but none of them were this beautiful and Leo didn't know if this was a special perk of being an advisor or if this woman was just this naturally pretty.

The gorgeous woman stepped down from the summoning platform and bowed to him saying cheerfully,"Sally is at your service my lord!"

Leo nodded his head slightly, still in a daze from her beauty, but he quickly snapped himself out of it. He asked her,"How does this advisor thing work? You are the first one I have summoned and I am unsure as to what you will be doing and how it all works."

Sally gave him a big grin that nearly took his breath away and replied to him,"Well, we advisors are to be given a sector from one of the 5 Star points, and then we help the lord govern those areas of his kingdom."

Leo was now really confused as yet another unheard of term came up from this new person. Although he didn't want to sound stupid, he needed to know everything and so he asked her,"What are the 5 Star points you are talking about?"

Sally responded curtly,"The 5 Star points are the 5 different sectors of which the lord can get governing help from us advisors. They are the Political Sector, the Economic Sector, the Intelligence Sector, the Cultural Sector and the Agricultural Sector."

Leo grunted in confusion when he heard this and asked her,"Can you tell me what each thing does? It was just this morning that I was told I can get scrolls that summon Economic, Religious and Cultural Workers, so I need an advisor for those as well?"

Sally chuckled slightly and said,"Those are purely the workers. For example, Economic workers will buy wood units from the lord or his advisor to make their own independent trinkets and items, such as chairs and tables. Then they may sell the finished product to other workers or even the lord himself if they think it is good enough to warrant your attention. An Economic advisor simply monitors the amount of goods that lord is selling, and receiving, as well as trade between two cities. An economic advisor will also review the lord's wishes and tell them what can and cannot be done, as well as what should be done."

Leo's head was starting to hurt from the information dump but he pressed forwards and said,"Ok, I guess that makes sense, but what kind of advisor are you?"

Sally simply cocked her head and said,"I don't know yet?"

Leo was struggling to grasp the situation and said."What do you mean you don't know?"

Sally laughed a little and responded,"You need to assign me to a sector before I can know what I am doing my lord."

Leo was still having a hard time understanding this advisor stuff but decided that Sally should be in an important position as his first advisor and so he thought about what he needed the most. "Let's see" He thought to himself,"I won't be able to summon my Orange grade faith summon yet, so that knocks out the Religious sector straight away." He was starting to remove the possibilities one by one, and he continued by thinking to himself,"I don't have any Cultural workers yet, so she wouldn't be doing anything with that yet. I haven't formed an alliance or even met with another player yet, so the political sector is out too. That just leaves the Intelligence and Economic Sector."

He focused back onto Sally and asked her."What does the Intelligence Sector do?"

Sally responded to his question by saying,"They send spies to competing alliances and lord's territories to gain information on them as well as keep track of the lord's citizens. Rumors, propaganda and other such items of importance are usually what keep those advisors busy."

Leo shook his head in a no pattern before deciding on Sally's advisor position. He looked her straight in her emerald eyes and said,"Sally, you are my new Economic advisor, and I will need your help quite a bit. I look forward to our many years as partners."

Sally beamed him a big smile and gave a small bow, saying,"Thank you my lord, I will do my utmost to serve you!"

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