
Terrible Heaven

It has been almost 18 years since that scene entered my mind. That terrifying scene, earth and sky, space and time, heaven and hell. The heaven that people often say is the place where pure souls can live eternal life there, and hell is where the sinful souls go down there to suffer eternal torture. But for me it is only partially true, the heaven that I see is a place of blasphemy of pure false souls, and truly pure souls will still go to hell, because its nature is all spirit equal souls as human beings. Pure false souls are extremely sinful souls but creating false repentance to get to heaven leads to the Angels being forced to lead them to heaven and punish them.

I'm Whesten 25 years old; currently, I'm living in a not so shabby inn; Lonely, without friends, without servants, living alone for the rest of her life. This inn is located in the heart of London, there are many passersby, some are lonely, others are many friends but fake to build trust and slowly deceive them. Sometimes I dream of going to a place with a bright and clean color, but today's world is full of dirty skirts, people tricking each other, leading to fights and carrying a sinful spirit. When I was 7 years old, I remember having a strange dream; I went to a bright place with beautiful cotton gardens, green trees, happy people playing, birds flying back and forth, singing solidly colored dome houses bright colors. I wandered there until I saw something oddly shaped, and since the place was so bright I couldn't see clearly. But I dimly realized that it had wings, a pair of wings that felt rough and a pale white color. I ignored it and wandered around again, where there were not only ordinary creatures but also strange creatures; a lion but with a light gray color, bats with a false white color, and a monster-looking one threatening to bully a bipedal sheep, however, I feel that those creatures are pure and have no malice towards humans. When I was wandering around looking at this scene, I suddenly bumped into something, and I turned around, looked at it and screamed in terror and woke up; an abomination that confounded the whole area with bleak black, a round shape with countless white, sinewy eyes like a head, grafted inside, circling around with swirls of characters. strange words that I couldn't understand, and behind the head were dark black wings with a hint of yellow as if it hadn't been completely destroyed, flapping making a rustling sound.

On January 27, 2000, I took a solo trip to Wonder Land; in Wonder Land is a place full of fun and happiness, families having fun together, including a zoo, and a haunted house made up of sketchy techniques and more. On the way, because I was so tired of the daily life stories that I had to go through, I took a short nap, even if it was only "a little", but I met the thing that I always dreaded in a dream; I opened my eyes and saw that I was standing in a place that was soft and airy like a cloud but it wasn't damp at all. Looking around, it seems like it stretches to infinity and endless, the scene is like being in an extremely peaceful and quiet place, giving us the feeling of wanting to stay here forever and avoid reality. I was in a dream when suddenly below me collapsed and in a free fall, no first aid, no protection, just kept falling and falling, but then it ended and in front of me was a house; This house looks so strange and yet so familiar as if I had walked into it and lived here, but couldn't understand it. When I looked around there was hideousness and disgust in sight, surrounded by corpses crammed in perfectly large bags with only their heads sticking out, although I had read a lot about horror novels are nerve-wracking, but the scene is just too terrifying. The stench from these disgusting corpses is a blasphemy for someone with a keen sense of smell like me, it makes me want to vomit out the things I just ate even in my dreams, I immediately ran inside in that house, because there's no way to go but that house. Once inside, I immediately closed the door to escape the disgusting stench, but it still came in through the slits of the windows even though they were closed.

I haven't opened my eyes since seeing that scene, now I think I need to open my eyes to observe the situation, when suddenly a warm, deep voice reaches my ears, "Don't open your eyes. boy, if you open your eyes, God will not be able to save you anymore, so please close your eyes and keep walking, and I will guide your soul.", although I half believed, half doubted, but I thought my soul needed comfort and salvation from God, so I closed my eyes and followed the voice's instructions.

It seems that warm words touched my soul, my emotions, and made me waver. I kept walking and walking until my cloud-white pinched feet got tired and couldn't go on. The warm voice spoke again; "Why did you stop here? Don't you need to be saved? Go on son, true salvation lies ahead, and there will be your first time going to Crawing." Before could explain, the voice disappeared, and of course I still had my eyes closed.

Going and going, I thought this road was endless, but it also seemed to have a limit and I hit something like a brick wall. Still I didn't open my eyes, the voice said again in my head, "Welcome to Crawing, this is where your soul will be saved, absolute salvation comes from the creator Gods, Let's laugh in this joyful happiness!".

Looks like I was able to open my eyes, I'm excited because my rotten soul will be lightened, when I open my eyes... my eyes are met with 2 disgusting things that appear from the dream mine 18 years ago, those things held a sturdy, dark gray wooden bow, pointed at me. And in front of me was a certain humanoid object, with wings like those, walking towards me. At this point, I tried to advise myself to escape from this place, but it was completely useless, my mind was almost crazy, my body was exhausted, exhausted. That object stretched out its hands and I gradually lost consciousness and fell into an eternal sleep.... Could it be that my soul bears some sin? Am I a pure false soul? Too absurd and illogical, I've always been a loner, with no friends, no relatives, no enemies, so how can I commit a crime? Or are they demons....

If you want to know more about the story of this world that I created, check out the stories I wrote. Thank!

ALA111creators' thoughts