
Strong Determination

"Bro, bro!"

I heard someone call my name when I fall asleep.


He slap my back. Make me rapidly wake up and scream.

"Aaaww! What the egg you're doing!?"

"You just literally passed out on Miss. Abela course! What the egg you are thinking!?"

I quite calmed down when he says I just sleep on a killer lecturer course.

I drop off my head into table chair when my head finally full of stressness. On that pose, I asked my best friend on thing that maybe will fill up my head with another stress.

"Is she said something about, me?"

"Well, she literally not paying attention to you. But believe it or not, if you repeat this mistake one more time, you will surely death on this course"


I forgot this is not the first time I'm doing this. My twenty years head start spinning on it own.

"Oi-oi, don't be so desperate like that. Doesn't your new work place make you gain more goods?"

"Yeah, but that's not the problem here"

"Weeell, I know that right. If I were be you, I will surely be like you or even worse right now"

"Damn right"

I still manage to put my head on the table. Hope that the stress go paste on the table and sway away on my head.


"What is it, buddy?"

"Can you let me go and release me from this hell?"

I asked a question that made made him – my best buddy since our childhood glaring at me. Sees me like I'm his slave.

"What the freak you mean, you know you can do it. You know you can finish your study if you get serious about it, right. You're now just – "

"-Tired. And what you need is rest a while to sway away your deppression"

Just when he trying to finish his words, a girl voice replace his and talk about the rest of what he thinks about me.

"You hear this angelic existence, ghast dang it"

He pointing at a really beautiful girl that just come and enter the conversation.

I'm looking at her and she smiled at the desperate me.

"Hey, what about I treat you an ice cream"

The girl names is Angela. A rich and beautiful girl that I saved back then from a rapist, and after that time, she almost always stick around me at college. And a friend of mine beside is Lucky. Just like his name, he's lucky to have a good family, life, and childhood friend like me.

When those two compared to me, I'm quite lucky to have them on by my side. But when they're not around, my luck falls into a ravine. That's because at this time, I need to pay my dummy dad's debt and that's not cheap.

My family were poor and I'm really lucky if I can still be here, on the college, gaining every knowledge I can get. But I just can't always be like this. Stressed out because I have many problem to solve. And now, the problem is increase by one.

I really lucky to have those two on my life, if I'm not, maybe I will drop out from school and just focus on my work.

"How is it, do you not want to have a treat by this beauty girl?"

"Calling yourself beauty, you are really confident about yourself, huh"

When Angela kneel down and put her face on table to see me better, I lift up my head, slam my forehead a few time, then get up from chair.

"Are that slamming really needed?"

She get up too then ask my action before. But the one that answer is not me.

"Well you know, he always do that kind of thing to sway away his stress. Just get used to it"

"What, really?"

Those two talking about me on the back when we are walking through the corridor.

"So, where we headed?"

I asked and Angela run and stop beside me. Talking with quite enjoyment.

"How about on skybucks?"

"You said ice cream, not coffee"

"Hehe, just, come on, okay, if you feeling tired, doesn't coffee is the best relaxing drink to sway away your tireness"

She talked with so much energy and enjoyment that I can't understand. Why the heck this girl want to stick around with a no-spirit-guy like me.

"Oh boy, why you just can accept her offer. Moreover that is a treat to a quite-nice-place to spend time"

"To spending on wathcing a beautiful waiters, you mean?"

"Ha ha ha, don't be like that buddy. Even though I've been struggling to accompany you on a date with a beautiful girl next door, hm, where is she?"

Lucky looking for Angela that was behind us. Stopped by her friend for a moment and then running away to us again.

"You know she stopped by her friends and you didn't want to wait for her? What the egg you thinking, bruh"

"First thing first, a guy like me doesn't fit her, and what you think if a no-interesting-guy like me waiting for her when she talking with her friend"

"What the egg, dude!"

"What is it? What is it? Did I missed something?"

Angela arrived at us and curious about what we have been talking about. Her eyes remain full of blinking when she talk with us. I don't know why she feels like that, but the thing is, I don't want to involve a lucky girl like her on my problem.

"Naahh, we are just talking about how lucky he is to have us"

"Ooohh, is that right, is that right?"

Luckily, Lucky assist the atmosphere to not let her know about what we are talking about.

Angela teasing me with positioning herself in front of me. Stopped me and won't get away until I say what she wanna hear.

"Okay-okay, I get it. Thanks because you guys want to play around with me. I'm really lucky to have you guys"

Even though I admit that without I said it, I said it in front of them now and that made them want to teased me more.

"Ohoho, finally being honest, huh. Okay, so now let's go to Skybucks with high spirits"

"Yey, let's go!"

"I won't do that, I swear"

That time was almost night. We get into Skybucks on 6pm and have a nice drinking for like an hour before we get home. We separated on our way back home. Leaving me alone. Finally.

On my way back home, I walk into a casually building gap street that I walk every time I want to get into work place.

I walk then stop when I found a really quite place that nobody won't see what I wanna do. I'm standing on a building door. My hands take a button thing on my pocket.

"I'm here, please open the dimensional door"

I push the button and start to talk. Nothing happen in a few moment. But then a rainbow light start shning on the door's gap. Which means the dimensional door is now open.

I hold the door handle and open it. The view when I opened the door is not a view of what inside the building.

The view of what I see is a place full of black steel. A wall of a military base exactly.

What is the work you ask? Well for now what I can say is the job is not fit for a weak men. Me, nahh, I'm not weak. I just a man full of stressness. A man that's not interested on anything except a problem that I have to resolved if I want a peacefull life.

Swaying my weakness side away. Sharpen my eyes and straighten my chest. I began to walk. To work on another dimension.

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