
Wulfrum Armour

It's been 4 day's since I left the papyrus paper to dry, I have been doing nothing but, hunting rabbits for jerky, gathering tree's for wood, and cordage, and exercising.

I have always not been the most athletic so I used my now free time to start working on that, I have also been working on my bowsmanship, it needs to be alot better for me to potentially use it in the underground.

I practiced in the dark, in tight spaces and while running and climbing, being in a cave would require all of these things so I want to get as good at it as possible. And I think I have made some solid progress, my accuracy while running, climbing and jumping still needs to be worked on but its better than before.

But enough about that, my papyrus paper has finally finished and I must say, I did a awesome job, it pretty much looks like normal paper, and you can only see the cross hatching when you look at it in the sun.

But now I can finally start actually making designs instead of winging it, I will also be able to make a map of my surrounding area and the underground when I get there.

I sit down and start designing my treadle table, using my papyrus paper and a 'pencil' which is just wood dipped in a coal, water and plant juice mixture.

It works pretty well for what I'm doing.

After going through a couple designs I finally stick to one that I will be able to modify for other purposes, I first plan to make it a grinder, then a lathe then anything else that I will need.

I first remove my Wulfrum rods and bolts from the casts I put them in a couple days ago, I then start grinding them by hand.


It has been another day and I have finally completed the treadle table, and have made it possible to switch out mechanisms, I have made a grinder, which is pretty much a grainy rock that spins really fast.

And a lathe which is just something that spins something you put in it, you cant really adjust the size of the objects you can put it yet, since I never had a chance to do that but it works well for small things I would need.

Like handles or wood rods. I am now ready to sand down my armor plates, so I sit down at my brand new table and install the grinder, before fetching all my casted metal plates.

I then line up the plates and spin the flywheel to get the table going, then I start pushing my foot up and down on the pedal, the flywheel starts gaining speed until it reaches its max speed.

The only I could get it to move faster is by using gear ratios but this is enough for now. I then get to work sanding away.

After a few hours I finish sanding the last metal plate and set it aside, I then get to work sanding my metal rivets which will be punched through the leather and metal attaching them together.

They are just sharp thick needles that if hit enough can pierce Wulfrum since they are Wulfrum, and obviously they can pierce leather. I then sit down and get to work assembling.

I pull out my leather base, and start puncturing holes in the right places, I start mapping out where each metal piece would go with my 'pencil' I then mark all the places where holes are going to punched, and mark all the places where I will put fur.

I place everything together but dont punch them so I can see if everything lines up well, and wont obstruct me when I fight, after making sure it is fine I start punching holes where they need to be.

I want this armour to be a light armour, Wulfrum is very light to begin with so its not hard to do so, but I also want to be able to move well in it, since I am a ranger and moving around is my thing.

But I also dont want to be under armored cus I know I wont be able to avoid attacks from everything, especially bosses, I know for a fact when I fight any boss I will get slapped around like a bitch before I can kill it.

If I even manage to kill it, I would more likely die than actually beat them, but hey I have nothing else to do, so I might aswell go out with a bang, a bloody bang.

Anyway, I continue punching holes and tightening rivets, and finally I have a green-ish silver set of armour, I then start stitching on all the white fur and I have a white and greenish armour set, I decided to scrap the helmet since it will impair my vision since I dont have the skills to make a perfect visor.

I remove all my clothes except my body suit and start putting on the armour, and after about 10 minutes I have the entire thing on.


Wulfrum Light Armour

-Defense: 16

- +1 max summons

-5% increased movement speed

-5% increased damage reduction

-Can repair itself using Wulfrum metal

Durability: 450/450


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I was debating with myself on how good I should make the armor, in Calamity it gives a grand total of 3 armor, but I though since its pretty much an alien metal it should be more than that, plus the armor in calamity wasn't even really armor it was literally described as clothes.

So I made it the same as gold, which it should be higher than, since gold armor is made from pure gold and you can bend pure gold with your hands. I also added that effect since Wulfrum armor had the ability to don power armor, but I didn't want that so I added something else.

Oh and am I the only one experiencing problems with Webnovel? I can still write and publish but I cant use the site at all.


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