
C8 Do You Want The Good Or Bad News First?

It was from Nole Ksum, a renowned entrepreneur and amateur astronomer, claiming to have captured an image of a massive battleship near the International Space Station.

Marco initially met the post with skepticism. "Another internet hoax," he thought, dismissing it as either doctored or part of some elaborate publicity stunt.

However, the clarity and detail of the accompanying image nagged at him. It wasn't the typical grainy, questionable quality of most fake posts.

His curiosity piqued, Marco remembered the telescope he had received as a gift, which now sat mostly unused on his balcony.

"Might as well have a look,"

He mused, half-expecting to debunk the post. He set up the telescope, aligning it with the coordinates mentioned in Nole's post.

Peering through the lens, Marco's skepticism quickly turned to shock.

There, against the backdrop of the starlit sky, was the unmistakable silhouette of an enormous battleship, just as Nole had described.

Its design was foreign, imposing, and clearly not of Thraean origin. His heart pounded with excitement and a hint of fear – this was no hoax; it was a genuine extraterrestrial presence.

In a flurry of excitement, Marco attempted to capture what he was witnessing.

He grabbed his phone and awkwardly tried to align its camera with the telescope's eyepiece.

The photo he managed to take was blurry but unmistakably showed the outline of the otherworldly ship.

Rushing back with his phone, he quickly added his voice to the chorus of online reactions, reposting Nole's original message along with his own hastily taken photo.

"It's real! Just saw this through my telescope! #AlienSpaceship is here!"

Almost instantly, Marco's post started gaining attention. Friends and strangers alike began commenting, sharing, and reacting to his photo.

While some expressed skepticism, others were grateful for his confirmation of Nole's discovery.

Debates erupted in the comment section, ranging from theories about the ship's origins to concerns about what this meant for humanity.

Marco's balcony, once just a place to enjoy the evening sky, had become the site of a monumental personal discovery.

As more and more people around the globe began to confirm the sighting with their own telescopes, the reality of an alien presence near Thrae transitioned from a fringe theory to an inescapable truth.

Marco, once just an average netizen, found himself in the middle of a historic moment, his simple act of curiosity contributing to one of the most significant events in human history.


Upon returning to the bridge from the interrogation room after I got everything I needed from John, I headed straight to the communications station where Ensign James Harper was diligently managing the ship's advanced communication systems.

"Ensign Harper,"

I commanded, my tone carrying the weight of authority.

"Send a message to all the leaders of Thrae. The message is as follows: 'I am Imperator Dracula Von Death of the Terranum Imperium. I will address your world in one hour.'"

Ensign Harper, trained for high-stakes situations and accustomed to executing orders swiftly, acknowledged my command with a firm nod.

His hands moved with practiced precision over the holographic controls, initiating the transmission protocol.

"Message will be transmitted immediately, Imperator,"

He confirmed, his voice steady and professional.

As Harper worked to send the message, the bridge was alive with focused activity.

The crew members, each a specialist in their field, continued their tasks, fully aware that the impending address would be a pivotal moment not only for our Imperium but also for the planet below.

With the assurance that the message would be sent, I turned and walked toward my command seat, the center of control on the bridge.

Settling into the seat, I allowed myself a moment to reflect on the magnitude of the upcoming address.

This was not merely a formality, it was a strategic move that would lay the groundwork for our future interactions with Thrae.


Across the globe, in secure military installations and government communication centers, various nations' communication officers received an unprecedented message from an extraterrestrial source.

The message, originating from the TIS Einherjar and bearing the signature of Imperator Dracula Von Death, immediately caught the attention of the officers on duty.

In Liberty Leagues Communication Center:

Lieutenant Miller, monitoring the communications network, was taken aback when the message flashed across his screen. He reread the text, ensuring he understood its implications correctly.

"This is above my pay grade,"

He muttered, quickly forwarding the message to his superior, General Hargrove. His hands trembled slightly as he typed a brief, urgent message:

"General, immediate attention needed. Extraterrestrial communication received."

In UNOT Defense Headquarters:

Captain Dubois, the communications officer on duty, stared at the screen in disbelief.

"Mon Dieu,"

She whispered, quickly composing herself. She knew the importance of relaying this message swiftly to her command.

She forwarded it to Admiral Renard with an urgent tag, her mind racing with questions about what this meant for global security and diplomacy.

In Heavenly Domains Military Command Center:

Major Singh, overseeing the communications desk, received the message with a mix of shock and professional curiosity.

He immediately recognized the gravity of the situation and forwarded the message to General Liang.

"Sir, urgent message from an extraterrestrial source. Awaiting your instructions,"

He typed, knowing that the contents of the message would send ripples through the highest echelons of the military command.

In Workers Union Security Office:

Sergeant Nikolai, responsible for monitoring international communications, was startled by the message.

He read it twice, ensuring he had all the details correct before passing it on to Colonel Adeyemi.

"Colonel, we've received a communication from an alleged extraterrestrial commander. Awaiting further directives,"

He relayed, aware that this could mark a turning point in human history.

In Nacirfa Federation Strategic Operations Center:

Corporal Gomez, who had seen his share of unusual communications, was astounded by the message's content. He immediately escalated it to Commander Vasquez, attaching a note:

"Commander, extraordinary message received from space. Please advise on the course of action."

In each case, the communication officers acted with a mixture of surprise, urgency, and professionalism.

The message from Imperator Dracula Von Death was unlike anything they had encountered before.

As the message was passed up the chain of command, a wave of emergency meetings and strategic discussions was triggered in military and government circles worldwide.

The implications of the message were profound, signaling the start of a new chapter in human history.

The leaders of the world's nations were now faced with the reality of an extraterrestrial presence being revealed to the public and a forthcoming address that could redefine humanity's role in the cosmos.


In the secret compound where world leaders had convened, the President of the Liberty League sought a brief respite from the mounting pressures.

He retreated to a separate room, hoping a glass of whiskey might steady his nerves, which were fraying under the strain of potential human extinction.

Just as he took a sip, the door swung open abruptly.

His Chief of Staff, usually a beacon of composure, entered with an urgency that immediately signaled more trouble.

"Do you want the bad news or the good news first?"

She asked, her voice tense.

Faced with the day's relentless challenges, the President responded with a weary tone, "Bad."

Handing him her tablet, the Chief of Staff revealed the source of this new concern.

The screen displayed multiple news reports covering a viral post by Nole Ksum, a renowned entrepreneur and astronomy enthusiast.

And the owner of the largest and most advanced aerospace company In the world.

Ksum's post revealed a shocking image of a gigantic battleship orbiting Thrae, directly contradicting the narrative the leaders had been striving to maintain.

Even more disturbing were the live feeds showing large, agitated crowds gathering globally, demanding transparency from their governments.

The President's heart sank as he absorbed the unfolding chaos.

The public's trust, already delicate, was unraveling rapidly in the face of this unexpected revelation.

The President set the tablet down, his hand trembling slightly. This was a scenario he had hoped to avoid – a breakdown of public trust at a time when global stability was already hanging by a thread.

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