
Terrae Fabula

A kid bullied A world in trouble, played with by the whims of a higher power Watch as a kid grows into something alike of a legend within a messed up world of men and gods. Within there will be monsters, A mysterious system, Revenge. Rage. Sadness. What will become of our kid..? Also bear with me on the beginning, I am slowly going through those chapters fixing them. Note- I am a student, So I can not post chapters on weekdays- But on weekends I will try to post 2 chapters on saturday and Sunday and fix mistakes! So let me know your thoughts!

Emilarrow_Viper1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Drip Robber

'Now which houses should I raid for clothes' Aksel thinks, but then in his mind he remembers the fashionable family that lived down his street ..!

...(6 years ago)

"Aksel there is a new family on this street! We are going to go visit them, go get ready!" The boy's mother yells from across the house. 

"Ugh but I would rather play the new game that came out yesterday.. fine mom!" The boy responds back in kind.

'Hmmmm what should I wear? My white pants and blue shirt? No I would look like a smurf. How about brown pants and a green shirt.. Yes that sounds perfect!' And so the boy went into his closet and took out what he believed to be the most fantastic clothes he had. He changes into his baggy brown pants that is striped in blue, then he puts on his green shirt that is too big on him. Why the boy had these oversized clothes is a mystery..(He stole from his father..) 

Aksel then proceeded to put on his 'masculine' cologne. The boy thought that he was the best dressed, best smelling, image of a handsome young boy . 

The young boy proceeded to walk towards the car, and when he got in his mother asked, "What are you wearing? We need to look presentable to the neighbors.."

'Mom can you really not understand this fashion statement? I saw an outfit like this just the other day!' The boy thinks and then he addresses his mom. "Mom.. this is the newest trend in fashion, our neighbors will be so impressed when they see that I can keep up with the world of fashion! I'm telling you!" And the mom agreed to take him while he is wearing that atrocity of a outfit, fully knowing that the boy has a high chance of getting teased for his horrible dressing sense.

After 5 minutes of driving, the family reached the house of the Penelope's. Aksel opened the car door on his side and then he walked to his moms side and opened the door. "Awww such a sweetie pie" Said the mother, which made our chivalrous young boy regret opening the door for her. 

"Come on mom lets go knock on their door!" Aksel says excitingly while also trying to forget the embarrassment of being called a sweetie pie.. 

This street has not had any new life for many years. Now there is finally a breath of fresh air. and Aksel wants to see what this family holds in store for him..

The duo of mother and son walk on a concrete pathway surrounded by an amalgamation of beautiful red and yellow flowers and green grass, stopping in front of a finely handled door with a shiny doorknob.

'Thud Thud!' The boy knocks on the door and then waits with his mom by his side, grinning in anticipation of what could be a fun venture! 

Running through Aksel's mind was the possibility of a power couple of finely dressed lawyers, or vampire-like pale skinned business-men. His mind was racing! 'What if they have a boy my age? We can be best friends since we live so close! What if it's a girl..?' Thoughts of a blooming love story between our hero and a young maiden overtook his mind, leaving him staring at the opening door blankly!

"Aksel.. AKSEL!" The mother whisper yells into his ear, waking him up from his delusions. Only for his delusions to be played again in full force when he sees who opened the door!

In front of the eyes of this boy was a beautiful girl his age. A diamond shaped face with green eyes that captures the beauty of nature, ginger hair that falls to the base of her legs, a pale yet tanned skin clear of blemishes that modify her beauty even more! A girl he would see dancing amongst his dreams!

"Hey! Are you guys our neighbors? Hold on a second! I need to go grab my parents!" The girl spoke to the two waiting outside the door.

'She even has a voice of an angel...' The boy notes.

Tak Tak Tak! The sound of 3 people coming down the stairs plays into Aksel's ears and voila, the girl and her two parents appeared at the door!

'Is this a royal family?' Courses through the mind of mother and son alike, for at the door the 2 parents of the girl are dressed so finely, so fashioned with an epic design that the air around the family is suffocating in awesomeness! 

On the father is a kingly red and gold robe that just barely shows the jacket under, which holds the design of two dragons interlocked. One holds a sword and the other holds an orb and scroll! The dragons seem to pop out of the design which is in the middle of his fur laced light jacket that screams that he is comfortable yet also making a statement in fashion! 

The woman is wearing something just as majestic. A dress that reaches the floor, colored in the same scheme as the robe that the father is wearing, red and gold. She is wearing high heels that are colored in black which match with her black gloves. On the dress are multiple designs of a beautiful fox whose white fur puffs out, yet also shows it's personality in it's cunning eyes!

"Hello fine lady and her.. Earth-colored son?"


'I can't believe that I am really going to rob their house.. I can finally wear those fantastic clothings that they have denied me due to my "Insult towards fashion"' Aksel thinks with a smirk coating his face! 

Aksel starts running towards where he remembered the house of the Penelope's to be. He stops and remembers the situation that he is in, he starts crouching down and slowly makes his way through goblins and zombies and wolves, taking cover as he goes to the street that he used to live on!

Aksel made it all the way to his house but.. it has been torn down completely, along with the houses around, almost reaching to the house that he was planning to rob.

The boy takes a minute just staring at the house and the destruction of where he used to live, having memories of different moments he has experienced. The remembrance of his time with Scout filled his mind making Aksel grow in resolve. He starts to walk slowly towards the Penelope's house while coping with the fact that his house and the house of many neighbors are gone! 

He stops at the once beautiful flowers and grass and goes up the dilapidated pathway to the door which has been slammed open..

Covering the room that he is looking into are organs, limbs, and blood, which make Aksel throw up 3 times before he gets the courage to go inside the house.

He takes 5 steps in when, as if alerted by someone entering the house, a zombie rushed from up the stairs to the bottom floor. The zombie being extremely stupid, fell down the stairs landing in front of Aksel.

Aksel grimaced seeing the ugly creature in front of him. After realizing that the zombie is an enemy, he raised his leg up and brought it down on the head of the zombie, smashing the skull open and splashing the brain matter over the floor!

'Player has leveled up'

"Look like experience points have just been gifted to me" Aksel speaks out loud before going up the mushy stairs and venturing through the once great house , landing himself inside the room of the father of the house! 

'Man he really took his clothes seriously' Aksel thought as he unlocked the hidden closet that was kept in the wall, almost as if it was originally belonging to a super hero or villain. Why Aksel knows of the closet is a story for another time!

Once it was opened, an enormous amount of clothing items were shown, each with their own trait and fashion styles!

But Aksel knew what he wanted! He started foraging the closet for the red and gold robe and the light coat of his dreams! He put it into one of the grocery bags he got from the grocery store, accompanied by other dress suits and fashioned clothes! Though Aksel wants to wear one of the flashy outfits, he knows that he will be sticking out like a sore thumb, so he decided to wear a more concealed outfit, which just so happens to be his two favorite colors green and brown!

The pants are slightly too long for Aksel to wear and the shirt as well, but it won't get in the way of combat and movement. On the green shirt is a design of a plant with rows of blood-stained teeth, while the brown pants have striped black lines going across the legs.

Aksel sees the Penelope's favorite tools inside the closet and he puts those into the bags as well, then he puts the bags away into the inventory!

Now he is ready to find civilization.. he goes back down the stairs and holds a hero's pose at the door before his adventure begins, imagining a grand display of light is shining on him! Only to be met with bird poop falling on him making him remember he is not a hero...yet.