11 Come Out, Come Out

The scent of blood was dominant in the air. The moon was shining down every dead body in the palace of Saquiro. The masked men were long gone and the palace was filled with cries of people who lost their loved ones. It was a very hectic night, some trying to identify the corpses and some aiding the survivors.

I have been searching the palace and am now in the last place that I haven't looked.

I climbed the steps of the princess' chambers, taking my sweet, sweet time. I breathed in deeply, the smell of blood mixed with the faint scent of Mara exciting me.

Touching the doors, I closed my eyes and recalled the first time I held the princess.

So fragile.

So small.

So beautiful.

So... mine.

I pushed the doors and walked towards her bed. I sat on it and let my fingers run through the sheets. Grabbing one of her pillows, I stood and walked towards one of her chambers' window, opening it.

The chilly breeze of the night entered the chambers and I brought the pillow to my nose.

"Mara..." I whispered as her sweet scent entered my nose.

Looking up at the sky, I glared at the moon and searched for any stars.

"...come out, come out wherever you are," I finished, licking my lips, my voice echoing in the room and into the night.

There are no more stars in Saquiro.
