
Chapter 3 : The Rise of Asgard (Part 3)

(3rd Person Point of View)

Location: Central World

Time: Moments after Thor's arrival within The Central World

In the skies above every battlefield across the cardinal world, the same storm rages.

The great spears of lightning fall from the heavens with pinpoint accuracy, striking the angelic encampments and strategic locations, sending shockwaves through their forces.

The winds roar like a hurricane of destruction.

Tornadoes begin to form on the horizon, swirling masses of wind and debris that tear through everything with unstoppable force.

Mighty cyclones rip through the battlefield, uprooting trees, demolishing fortifications, and scattering the angels like leaves in the wind.

Water pours down from the heavens all over the world for hours, creating a global flood that cleanses all those who dare lay hands on the innocent.

A fierce blizzard blankets the landscape in a veil of ice and snow, spearing across every corner of the world. Bitter winds howl as frostbite sets in, freezing them where they stand and crippling their movements.

The air crackles with energy as flames erupt spontaneously from the ground, engulfing all in searing infernos.

Rivers evaporate into steam, leaving parched riverbeds in their wake, while the very earth itself seems to smolder and burn beneath His wrath.

It was a storm the size of a world, warping all cardinal worlds in its mighty embrace.

A storm that rained God's Blood and Uru with thunder as its cry.

Day turned to night and night turned to day, yet still, the storm raged across the world.

For six days to come, there would be nothing but fiery earthquakes and volcanoes that spewed lightning and thunder, roars loud enough to crumble mountains as the storm only grew stronger with each passing day.

During those six days, many would try to stop this storm. Ultimate skill, Administrative Authority, ultimate-level magic, God Grade equipment, and divinity were used, yet nothing worked.

No Demon Lord or True Hero was able to stop it.

No primordial Demon or Primordial Angel.

Not even the mighty True Dragons.

Nothing worked.

On the seventh day of unleashing the storm, as the battlefield lay in ruins and the relentless fury of nature began to subside, a profound silence descended upon the land.

The howling winds ceased, the thunderous roars faded away, and the flames dwindled to embers.

In the midst of this eerie calm, a king stood tall, his eyes surveying the devastation wrought by his godly power. For a brief moment, the world held its breath, as if waiting for the next act in this divine drama.

And lo and behold, in the darkness, in the silence... there once again was thunder.

And racing behind it was the roaring voice of a man turned god and a god turned king.

"Hear me."

And with those words, the tempestuous skies parted, the clouds dissipating to reveal the clear blue expanse above. The raging winds stilled, the flames extinguished, and the frozen earth began to thaw under the warmth of the returning sun.

"I am Thor, The Thunderer, son of mighty Odin and Fair Queen Freyja, son of Mother Earth Gaea, the king of Asgard, All Father of The Ten Realms, Avenger of Midgard, God of Thunder, Lightning, Storms, Sacred Groves and Trees, Strength, the Protection of Mankind, and Fertility."

His words soared across the cardinal world from Siberia to Falmuth.

For the humans, it is a humming sound of peace.

Though in the Nasca Narium Ulmeria United Eastern Empire, a fallen hero king looked up to the morning skies and narrowed his eyes.

In the deepest hollows of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, the dwarves sang and drank as Mjolnir, the smasher, rumbled for them as well.

There, a tired king looked up to the heavens and winced.

And here too, in the skies of Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion, the elves resting in the divine tree cheered and wept that darkness may never touch their lands again.

There, a sorcerer empress looked up at the disappearing hammer and smirked.

"We have, all of us, warred enough Carnage for a thousand lifetimes."

The hammer spoke, and the message was for all to hear across the ears of the Dragonewts of the city of the forgotten dragon, where a Dragon princess spotted a bloodthirsty smile as she heard the message.

And in the ice continent, the primordial rogue, for the first time in a long time, felt a biting chill run down his back along with an overwhelming sense of intrigue.

In the barren lands at the westernmost part of the central continent in the holy void Damargania, the great desert split in two as Mjolnir smashed through everything in its path.

Not even the contaminated Magiclues from the battle of The Destroyer and The Lord of Darkness could stop it.

There, a True Giant and a fallen angel looked at the speeding hammer with a sense of intrigue and curiosity.

"Enough blood has been shed in this world, enough death."

Infused with the power of the Bifrost, the strongest All Father that has ever lived, and the Mother Storm The God Tempest herself, Mjolnir moved at a speed beyond physics, beyond all known laws of Man.

It would take hours for light to catch up to her, months for sound, yet her approach could be felt across every dimension.

And with it, her Master... Will ... rage and power.

The hammer moved, crossing realms, crossing worlds, so that its master's testament may be heard, and indeed, it was heard by all.

For even in the hottest pits of damnation, in the daemon realm, they heard it over the wails of the damned.

In the highest tower of heaven, they heard it, and there, The Phantom King looked down at the hammer with an overwhelming mix of , grim and hatred.

"It ends now. It ends forever. It ends with me. So hear this, realms of the world ash... For I shall say it once: let there be peace...."

Finally, the hammer of heaven reached its final destination, the country of Nightrose, where a storm dragon raged and a Queen could only watch as her people suffered in silence.

Thunder roared, thunder raged, and a streak of rainbow descended from the heavens,Mjolnir igniting with power only seen when the star Dragon still walked in the mortal realms striking the true dragon, instantly killing him.

An explosion of thunder and lightning could be heard from the neglected ruins of a once-great city, ending the god's words.

".... Or let there be thunder."


Author Notes ; Now please tell me your honest opinion about this along with any idea you have for the future

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rayen_Zouinacreators' thoughts
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