
Chapter 49 - Stage

「Who are you!?」

「Uzumaki Karma, Just a passing through Demon lord. 」




「Demon lord, you said?」

Madara muttered.

「Nothing personal man, it's just that the nine beasts are just happen to be my sister's friend, so I can't give them to you」

I snapped my finger.

By that snap, I put Naruko, Gaara, and bijus inside the ID.

「What- where did you teleport them!?」

I grin, I raised my palm again as it shone in light.

An object formed on top of my hand as I slammed it onto the chains connecting to the Gedo Mazo's mouth.

「Here, take this instead. Eat your fruits kids.」

The impact from my slamming produced a sonic boom as it pushed the chains back at the Gedo Mazo.

Even if Madara looked pretty calm, I had to deal with a bunch of his shadows in the limbo.

By that, the shining object plus the chains, flew inside the Gedo Mazo's mouth.

It took him by surprise while standing on top of the Gedo Mazo who closed its mouth and almost fell due to my pressure before it regained balance.

「Call it as a "Gift" upon our first encounter, For now, I'll bid you, Adieu. 」

I stated with an evil grin as I disappeared to my ID.

On that, white Zetsu started to move.

「Urk... my body feels..."pain" is it that the correct word? 」

He clutches his head.

Madara looked at him in dissatisfaction, while pondering the situation.

Who is that Uzumaki? What did that Uzumaki throw into the Gedo Mazo that makes it surge in power so much? Why did he do that? And who's side is he on.

In the end, he decided to leave it unimportant before he turned his head at the place the Bijuus disappeared.




「So anyway bite*, I may be dead, chew* chew* but I'm still powerful as ever munch* munch* dattebane, swallow*」

Currently, I sat on a sofa in the middle of an empty battlefield while biting on a nice warm sweet taiyaki

In front of me is a screen showing Madara pinning down Tobirama to the ground.

Behind me, is the Bijuus, Naruko and Gaara can be seen looking in my direction in bewildered expression.

Deciding to hold her watery eyes to burst, Naruko asks.

「Ano... Karma...-san?」


「What are you doing-ttebayo?」

「Ugh... eating Taiyaki? You want some-ttebane? 」


Such was our exchanges.

「Where is this place? Who's side are you on? 」

Gaara stated calmly.

「This is a mirror world where I am the god and you are the outsiders, and I am not on anyone's side.

I do what I want, whenever I want, wherever I want to.

Now shut up and watch the show, don't bother me.」

I explained coldly.

That brought a bit of surprise to the other listener.

「... If you're not up for the war, then I believe there isn't a need for you to interfere with our fig-!」

「Ka- Karma? 」

Naruko cut in.

「Whazzit? Naruko-chaan~??」

'What difference of treatment'

I can hear not only Gaara say that by telepathy, but the Bijuus also thought of that.

「Y-you're not an Edo Tensei...」

Ah... right, I changed my body's essence not a while ago.

「Yup! And...? 」

I ask her cheerfully.

「...how? 」


「You won't understand either way dattebane?」

This somehow ticks her off.

「Karma, I-!」

「Nevermind that! 」

I gets up as I shouted.

「Look at this」

I snapped my finger.

Another screen appeared.

The screen shows an Uchiha who got beaten up by an odd-looking Madara.

Madara's appearance changed.

「That, was his aim. To became the ten tailed jinchuriki like what Obito did, then cast the infinite Tsukuyomi.」

They stood there a bit in shock while I could see a hint of realization on the Bijuus.

「How did he awaken the ten tails with the Gedo Mazo!? We're here, yet-!?」

Gyuki's exclamation got the attention of everyone.

「Oh, that~ I took liberty on letting him have chakra supplies equal to all of you. Maa~ I gave him a pseudo chakra fruit though? 」

Once again, they turned their heads at me.

Now all of them wanted to say something before I cut in.

「Relaaax~ it's a part of a plan.

Black Zetsu will be a bit useful later on, so just relax, watch the show until I call you out after Madara fights Minato and Kakashi okay? 」

I waved them as I sit back.

「wait! Isn't that us-dattebayo!?」

In the corner of the screen apart from Madara who's trying to reach out to Obito to hand the half chakra of the Kyuubi, is Sakura, a downed Naruko, and Gaara who's protecting them along with Kakashi and a handless Minato.

「Oh, that~ I took liberty on NOT changing the timeline too much, maa~ don't worry.

With this Obito's belief in Madara will shatter, and actually be on our side. 」


In this part, rather than giving Kurama's half chakra to Madara, Obito did not only stab him on the gut but silently Kamui'd one of Madara's eyeballs inside his eye socket.


Good job Obito!

You're giving me a hand at keeping the timeline the same!!!


Ignoring the comments behind me, I used Kamui and we are back in the Kamui world.

But I only take Naruko and the Bijuus with me, I replaced my cloned Gaara with the original Gaara before entering the Kamui world.

I looked around to spot a Rinnegan duplicate I made and picked it up.

Not a minute later, we're greeted by a Sakura and Naruko with sands around them, a minute later, Obito appeared.

With this development, I clapped my hand.


「What!? W-who are you!?」

This was the voice of Sakura.

They turned their attention to me in wary, but that soon change into a confused expression upon meeting the Bijuus, and Naruko.

「Naruko!? What-」


The Naruko on her cradle puffed in smokes.

Ignoring the surprised Sakura, I approached the dumbfounded Obito as I pat him on the shoulder.

「Good work」

Red chakra can be seen forming on his shoulder as his dumbfounded expression changes to wary.

I pulled yin-Kurama out of him.

As soon as he realized that, he round-house kicked me to stop me.

But that was too late.

Yin-Kurama is already on my hand shaping its form as an object, as I landed in a backflip.

A pseudo chakra fruit is on my hand once again.

This is followed by a surprised expression by Black Zetsu

「Who- what...KUFFT are you!?」

Obito exclaimed between his coughing.

「Naruko come down here for a sec~! 」

I loudly exclaimed.

She stared at my smiling face a bit before she landed in front of me.

Without caring about all the faces around us, I approach her.

「Eat this.」

That line somehow matches perfectly with a certain hero who's touted as a symbol of peace.


That was not only voiced out by Naruko, the surrounding also shared the same expression.

Even though there's confusion written on her face, he decided to comply after talking to Kurama.

That fruit was not only having yin-Kurama in it.

I also contacted the Bijuus via telepathy to get inside Naruko so she could get more power.

The moment she took a bite, the fruit turns into particles of light as it goes inside her body as she's in a state of freezing on spot.

Then I Gluttony'd the rest Bijuus behind us and transferred them to Naruko's mindscape.

With that, I can guess Hagoromo will reach her soon.

Now... things are going to be a little bit more... interesting.




「「Time to go」」




No one's POV

A certain bowl head surrounded by the red vapor of chakra landed his hit on Madara.

「You're the first since Hashirama to make me feel this excited!

Can you still dance?

Do you have any other techniques?

Give me some more fun!! 」

With a bloodied mouth, Madara spouted with a glint of ecstasy.

「Guy-sensei!! 」(Lee)

「Even that...didn't work...」 (Gaara)




「AHAHAHAHAH! I almost died, you bastard! 」

Madara let out a maniac laugh.

His left part of his body has been disintegrated while it heals itself like the juubi.

Not far from him is a burned body covered with many flaming veins.

「Your flame is about to go out.

But in gratitude for such a great time,

I'll finish you off...before you turn to ash on your own! 」

By that, he sent out a truth-seeking orb at the burned Gai.

But before it reaches, a sound of kicking can be heard.

It was Naruko.

She kicked the black orb back while it missed Madara.

This brought a surprise to Madara's face.

「Brushier brow sensei...」

She placed her hand on top of gai's chest.

From that, a white mark was glued onto him.

「Naruko...No, you seem a little different from before. 」

What did Obito do?

Madara stared at her in shock.




「Go go! Naru-ko! Faito! (Fight!) Faito! (Fight!) 」

Karma waved pom-poms on his hand here and there in front of the screen showing Naruko throwing lava-style Rasen-shuriken at Madara.

Behind him are the bewildered Sakura and a panting Obito who is still trying to fight the venom-like Zetsu.

That lava-style Rasen-shuriken damaged the shinju tree to the point it collapses in Madara's direction.

But then Madara flew towards the falling tree, and absorb it inside him.

「Aiyaaaaa~ he absorbed the shinju tree, doushiyou~?? (What now) 」

That turned the attention of medic-nin and Uchiha at the devil.

「Just... who in the world are you?」

This came out from Sakura.

「How cold, I just got revived and you don't even know this old face. 」



「So anyway, Obito.

Just give it up, Madara will take it by himself later on with Kakashi's Sharingan anyway.

So why not just give him over the eye? 」

I explained briefly.

This caught the attention of the three.

「Karma-kun, what are you-? 」(Sakura)

「Just- pant* just who's side are you on? 」 (Obito)

「Saa~ who's side am I on I wonder? Maybe Madara's? Maybe yours? Maybe... "her"? 」

That last part was accompanied by my devilish grin.

While both Sakura and Obito were confused at this, it was not as confusing for Black Zetsu.

「Why not drop the act now, Kuro-Zetsu?」

They got more confused.

「...What are you talking about? I am-」

「Drop your "Madara's will" bullshit. 」

Now that brought another surprise upon them.

「I know what you are, and I know what you're trying to do.

Gotta say you did a pretty good job.

Madara is quite the vessel.」

Karma raised his hand.

「Join me, Kuro-Zetsu. I know her, I know... you yearn for her too」

On that last part, he opened his palm, revealing a Rinnegan.

Black Zetsu narrowed Obito's Sharingan.


Black substances came out of Obito's body not fighting against him for the Rinnegan anymore.

The black substances have transported themselves to Karma's Rinnegan holding hand as it takes over half of his body.

Even though Sakura is confused, she has developed wariness and somehow anger at Karma.

「Karma-kun! What are you-!?」

Before she finished, Karma has already Kamui'd out.




「You cannot take me down!

Essentially, I am completely immortal now.

I have obtained eternity! 」

Madara spouted.

「Stuuupid! I'm not taking you down...」

Naruko paused a little as she is coated with golden chakra once again.

At the same time, Sasuke arrived beside her.

「WE're gonna take you down-ttebayo!」




Karma Uzumaki's POV

I'm inside my ID watching Sasuke and Naruko fight Madara.

「Why are we here? 」

That was the voice of the certain symbiote-like life form in my body.

「Maa maa~ let's enjoy it a little bit shall we? I don't want to miss the chance to see the two brats' powers, it could be worth noting for later on if they fought back. 」

I told him.

That calm him down a bit.

Maa~ I do wish to meet our alien milf, but I never said I have no wish on eating (gluttony'd) her.

「Humu humu. Interesting, when you only have one-tailed beast you can overuse your chakra, but when you got all ten of them, you're basically a walking chakra breeder yourself. 」

I mused.

This is nice.

I mean watching is nice.

Just as I watch Naruko and Sasuke is about to magnet style Rasengan and Chidori at Madara, I stood up and tell Black Zetsu.

「Alrighty then, it's time. Here's a body for you, I'll let you take the Rinnegan to the vessel yourself. At this point, I just want to watch. 」

「Understood. Then I shall give you a good show! 」

The black substances shouted as he transferred himself at the Zetsu body I made on the spot as I hand him over the Rinnegan.

At the same time, sending him off to the real world.

Looks like 『Absolute domination』controlled him nicely, adjusting the effects at the lowest will bring out 『Thought guidance』 instead.

Well, just as every time I end the chapter with a cliffhanger,

This is certainly, going to be...





To be continued.

Next chapter