
To where ?


[[ Sorcerers Dynasty of Sarion ]]

[[ North Forest ]]

[[ Day 5 ]]


[ Liam's POV ]

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After Eve had completely disappeared I made my way back to the cave where I left Shiro during her evolution , she changed like alot from a giant 5 meter bear into a 1.4 meter Loli Bear girl.

When I arrived at the caves it was surprisingly quiet and Shiro was not where I left her which got me a little worried but even before I could react something came crushing into me , the most surprising part is that I couldn't even sense it with all my abilities or even dodge , it sent me flying and we crushed into the side of a cave making it collapse.

After the dust settled down I appraised the situation and calmly tried to figure out what or who crushed into me , beautiful no cute is more of the word here , a cute brown haired Loli with two fluffy bear ears on top of her head , big green eyes and a tail , but something else made me freeze.

" Good morning master ". she said in a cute childish voice but her words fell on deaf ears as my mind was already taken up by something else.

" WHY IN HELL ARE YOU NAKED ". those where the first words I said after I had snapped out of my trance , ' No control yourself , Don't look , look away '. I tried to look away from the tempting figure infront of me which took up most of my will power , ' I am not a Loli-con , not a Loli-con , not a Loli-connnn '. I kept chanting the phrase in my head like a prayer but I was still loosing it , her naked body that lay flat on top of me was not helping at all.

Hearing my remark she finally realised that I was uncomfortable and got off me , still smiling , ' I guess a bear won't understand the situation '. I thought.

" Good morning master ". she greeted me again.

" Y-yeah goo-good morning Shiro ". I replied while trying to remain as calm as I can , « Nike hurry up and make me a blanket or something ».

A white sheet materialized in my hands and without a second thought I immediately covered up the tempting Loli and sighed in relief. ' Thank God , I was really starting to loose it ' good thing the FBI does not exist in this world or else.

" Growl ". the sound of hunger broke the silence , ' I guess evolving works up quiet the appetite let me just hope the amount of food she need also decreased with her height or else '. I looked to a pile of bones that were once a towering beast but now only a small pile of bones remained.

" * sigh * are you hungry ". I asked , and she reluctantly nodded her head.

" Fine then let's go hunting , I want to see the benefits of your Evolution ". I said excitedly.

" Yes master ". an enthusiastic Shiro replied , ' I guess she also can't wait to taste out her skills either '.

" Ok but first ". I materialized a dress for her since I couldn't go around with her covering herself with a bed sheet , she curiously looked at the dress then back at me , ' well I forgot she's never wore something like this '.

I guess I will have to dress her myself then. ' she's your little sister , she's your little sister , yeah '. I kept telling myself that till I believed it and stepped forward , I first gave her the pants that I made with Yahweh then proceeded to help her wear the dress , good thing her melons weren't fully developed yet or else I would have suffered with the bra since I literally have no idea how to put one on someone , you know this experience made me question whose the master and whose the servant between us.

After she finished dressing up it was finally time for us to depart , due to the events of yesterday this forest has become a hot spot for trouble and I want to be out of here by then , I might be strong but with out a proper body and experience I can still be defeated . since I am already in Sarion I might as well as explore and learn some new things.

Though there are still a few things I need to take care of especially for old Liam but those aren't much of a problem the only thing that worries me the most is Syndicate even an Omniscient ability like Akashic Records has it's limits so I don't know everything in the world but I have time to create a name for myself and build up my legacy.

Exiting the cave the sun was already up but the forest was still quiet mainly because most of the animals and beasts that used to roam this region fled due to the epic battle last night , I immediately realised how hard it's going to be to find some prey due to this but we might as well coverup some distance , and so my adventures in this new world begin.


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Character stats.

~ MC ~

[ Liam

Race : Parasite ( Elf by possession )


Elf body : S

Parasite : S

Perfect Possession : S+


✓ Origin skills : None

✓ Ultimate Skills :

√ Nike Lord of Victory . sub skills

° Victor's luck.

° Analytical appraisal

° Thought acceleration

° Probability manipulation

° Future Attack prediction

° Law manipulation

° Weapons mastery

° Learn and improve

° Evade

° Separate and synthesis

√ Akashic Records : Ability to use almost all the skills in existence except God tier Ultimate skills and other restricted skills , also contains information about everything and everyone in the world from their skills to their weaknesses.

√ Vermilion King of Nullification : the ability to Nullify anything from skills to laws even Ultimate Skills are no match for it's effects.

√ Emperor : a skill that's grants the ability to impose your will on anything be it living beings or the world it's self grants enhanced abilities of Ruler , it's sub skills include ;

• Emperor's Authority : Ability to impose rules on anything or change them to your liking but changing world laws has a limit of which laws can be tempered with or changed and by how much.

• Food chain

• Emperor Aura : the aura of an Emperor makes all want to bow before your presence.

• Loyalty

✓ Unique Skills :

√ Yahweh : can create anything apart from living things and skills that do not exceed the level of Unique Skills . the only limit is the imagination and power of the User.

√ Impossible : a skill awarded to those who achieve the impossible and with it they are able to by pass all restrictions placed upon them by the Voice of the World to achieve the impossible.

✓ Extra skills :

✓ Charm : Attracts members of the opposite sex to the holder of the skill.

✓ Elemental Manipulation : Allows easy control over all elements.

✓ Magicule Manipulation : Allows the user to freely manipulate magicules.

✓ Mage : Allows the user to use all types of magic.

✓ Superspeed : allows the user to travel at supersonic speeds.

✓ Intrinsic skills :

✓ Possession

✓ Infinite Regeneration

✓ Adaptation

✓ Unkillable

✓ Universal ditect

~ I might have missed some skills so if you notice any please tell me ~


please if you see any mistakes tell me , hope you enjoyed the chapter

KristoPheruscreators' thoughts
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