
The Blue Bearded Young Dwarf

-Sorry for being late but life and college comes first-


I and gubota got caught by the guards of the city, to avoid any more problems we did as they did, but the motherfuckers throw us in jail, what kind of bullshite is this, sure I throw some idiot to the mountains but still, we were the victims

"As I said, they threatened us with weapons and I defended my self. it was self-defense, self-defeeense~" I am trying to convince this dwarf man, he is now reading some kind of paper and scratching the back of his head

" Well, what you said is the same as we got from questioning the bystanders, so it's all good"

" then let us go"

" no, you have to spend the night here until we are done with the papers

what kind of shitty rule is that I have stuff to do man, I didn't want to complain so to avoid trouble so I left my thought to my self

I looked back to gobuta who is standing in the corner and said " tomorrow we will see some dwarves to build our houses" he saluted me with an over exaggerated move, you don't have to do that

after spebding the night and the morning came up, we left the prison, i had a terrible expression as the motherfuckers didnt even gave us any bed nor something to warm our selves, not that we will fell cold but we were staying there thought we are innecent, at least make us comfortable,

gobuta took me to the wrkers districkt, it got all kind of dwarves, from builders to poition makers, we first went to sell our gems, it was easy as we looked at gems store, the owner was shocked with the gems and how pure they were

"OOooh!! so pure!! snake, I will give you 70 gold coins for each stone, what do you say"

the young man didn't even hide his exitment, a common mistake for every buyer, so I took, my chance

"a 100, take or we will we will leave"

"huh? snake, you must be crazy but 80 is my limit" he crossed his arms

I tried to leave but I was stopped by him with a shout " ALRIGHT!!! 100 THEN!!"

" see it wasn't that hard" gobuta then gave him the 100 gems that we brought back with us, making us gain 10000 gold coins just like that

we then left the shop to seek a builder to help us, on our way we passed by the weapon shops and we stopped to look at them, I noticed gobuta looking at one particular dagger and said

" do you like it?"

he was shocked and jumped from his place and said

"I am sorry Asura-Sama, I didn't mean to " he bowed to me, what is wrong with him I only asked him if he liked it

I looked at the shop owner and said: " what is that dagger?"

the shop started explaining " this dagger is made out of the grey stell of the misty mountains of the joura forest and it's decorated with the gems of the evergreen caves, it's one of my proudest works now " he was clearly excited when explaining about the dagger, since gobuta likes it then let's just take

" how much is it then??"

"75 golden coins," he said with a bright smile, it's not expensive to me right now, so I just took it

after giving it gobuta he was so touched and tears started falling down, and as the comical he is, he gave me a salute while saying " I WILL FOLLOW ASURA-SAMA TO THE END OF TIME!!"

after that, we continued our search for the builders and on the way, a drunk dwarf was coming our way, in this morning he must be spending his time in the bares

the drunk dwarf is walking in a random pattern until he collapsed right in front of me, I looked at him and I could smell of alcohol, Gobuta came near him and started slapping his face, he was a brown skinned dwarf with a blue beard that has three braids, 2 falling from his mustache and one long braid falling from his beard, his clothes are somehow still neat and clean "Oi!! wake up" the man's face started turning red

" Guh!!... for Gods sake stop slapping me " the dwarf pushed gobuta with an annoyed expression, he got up and looked at us with an angry expression, Gobuta got in front of me with the dagger I bought for him ready to defend me

the dwarf's eyes landed on the dagger and his eyes expressed disappointment as he murmured " such waste for such good materials " his low voice didn't escape my sharp hearing sense

" what is it that is a waste??"

" That dagger is a low-quality production, all those precious materials are wasted for nothing...Those Old farts got their hands on the steels of the misty mountain and look what they did if it was me I would make a national treasure with that steel" he started to massage his head as he falls on the ground sitting to relieve his headache

I became interested with this man " Hoo!!! then if I give you more of this steel, what will you do "

he looked at me " How can a snake give me more of the misty mountain's steel but if I hade that I would realize my dreams" he said, he got up and started walking away" I talked for so long, I am leaving "

I looked at his back and then I called gobuta " let's go gobuta"

" to where Asura-Sama??"

"To see if we can bring him with us " I floated up a little and followed behind the young man

he noticed us but he didn't care thinking that we are just going in the same direction but after a few detours he became certain that we are following him " Why are you following me??" he stopped and turned to look at us

" I want you to come with us, "I told him what is on my mind without any small talk

" Come with you??? to where??"

"I am building a village and possibly a nation in the future and I need some builders and blacksmiths and you might be the one"

he looked confused as he started looking at me, he may be wondering how can a monster build a village much less a nation

" Listen, your offer is a good offer but I can't just leave my country" at the last part he sounded disappointed, as if he was somehow angry at this nation

" you don't look happy here...how about we take in some closed space??" I suggested to him and he looked at me for a moment, his blue eyes somehow had some sort of expectations, I can see that this man is talented, a wasted talent in this country

the reason I can say that is because I saw that look in his eyes, in my past life too many young men came with a strong ambition to be the best at our company but with time and their wasted effort on people who don't appreciate their work, their talents started to sleep and they became passive workers like everyone

much like this young dwarf here, his eyes are starting to go to sleep but they are still struggling to keep the flame of passion in them, meaning that this man still has hope for his chance to appear. I am ready to give him the chance but first, I need to see his talent

the dwarf signaled to us to follow his and we did, he is taking us to his workshop, which is located in some dark alleyway, you can't even notice it if you don't pay extreme attention


I know I am late and didn't update for too long but forgive me, I want to continue this story and I will.

Next chapter