
Selfish Asura

I Hope you enjoy this chapter

As an apology for the past month, I will try to post 3 chapters this week.


Gobuta's POV

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Overwhelming, powerful, inspiring, scary. all those words can apply to the current Asura-sama, his humongous body is covering the sky and it's moving constantly while it never left its place. Asura-sama is looking at one of the women who came this morning, his eyes are filled with rage, I can see that that woman is being controlled by something. my guess is that Asura-sama's rage is related to that.

The woman's body was covered in a pillar of flames, when she emerged, what came out was a body of a muscular man with his long hair engulfed in flames. I think that is a spirit and higher one at that.

Oh shit!! Asura-sama just attacked, I didn't see his giant hand at all, just the shockwave, his fist came down on the fire spirit, but unfortunately, the spirit survived even he received the hit head-on, looks like physical attacks don't work on him. Asura-sama stopped his attack as he growled with a deep voice.

After that a vast Silver barrier field started to form covered the battlefield of Asura-sama and the spirit, it stopped at our feet. we backed a little to not get inside the field.

The fire spirit made clones of himself and started to attack Asura-sama with multiple fire attacks, Explosions and shockwaves filled the area as the attacks landed on Asura-sama's giant white body, but as expected, it didn't affect him at all. So cool-ssu.


As expected physical attacks don't work on the spirits, even tho I attacked at a fast speed that he couldn't even see, so annoying.

[Force Field]

I activated my force field, with this he can't run away until I deactivate the field or he defeats me, which is something coming out of a fairy tale.

If physical attacks don't work, then magic is the solution and if that didn't work either, then both, I readied my next attack and finish Ifrit for good... but then it struck me.

WAIT!! WHAT ABOUT SHIZU??!. God! because of my rage I didn't think of that. If I destroyed Ifrit or harmed him wouldn't that effect Shizu!

SHIT!! it will harm her, he is now possessing her body, meaning that Shizu will receive all of my attacks too, and the smart me just went and crushed him with my claws. How lucky of me that physical attacks don't work.

{Solution: Use [Unique skill: Predator] to separate Ifrit from Shizu Izawa and devour him. The fire spirit will provide a good amount of skills}.

I already thought of that as soon as I realized what I was doing.


The fire spirit flew up as it made clones of itself and launched every attack it has, I have to admit if it was anyone else he would be dead.

Locating the real body, I immediately destroyed the clones with my white『Breath 』. The living torch was surprised and tried to back off when he saw all of his attacks having no effect as I basically was just floating without evading, but he was already surrounded.

『 Predator 』

The white mist started to spread inside my Force Field as it made its way at Ifrit, He was struggling, sending fire to stop the mist, he sensed danger from it and made a loud scream as the mist covered his whole body.

After The mist Shined, Shizu immediately came out unconscious, I can tell that she was exhausted, I hurriedly put my large palm under her to prevent her from falling.

{ The Fire spirit has been devoured- all of its skill are being analyzed}

{Analasys is complete }

{ All of the fire spirit Ifrit has been acquired }

GS informed me of my new power, but I don't have time for celebrating my victory now.

Shizu opened her eyes slowly and looked up to me, she gave me a tired smile before she went back to being unconscious.

I somehow don't feel great now, I feel like I am about to lose something precious to me, and my intuition never betrayed me through my whole life.







A full week had passed and Shizu hasn't opened her eyes yet, I am feeling more terrible by each passing day, I can see that her body had become skinnier and her skin became paler. and if I listened closely and focused my hearing senses, I was able to realize that her heart beats are slowly becoming weaker.

Just what the hell is going on with her body?? My mood is becoming worst, and to answer my confusion, The Great Great Sage finally decided to speak.

[Report: Having Ifrit in the Body of Shizu Izawa is what extended her life span ]

Fuk!! I can somehow guess where is this going. continue...

[ Her Soul vitality is slowly being depleted, meaning slow death ]

" Why the fuk didn't you tell me this earlier, I had technically killed her, why did you do this to me?"

I was angry at the GS, how can he hide something like this from me, he understands me better than anyone, he knows that I don't want Shizu to leave me, he knows that I want her beside me. Then why...?

[ If you had not purged her of him, he would've taken over her body completely. And I am sure that is not what her or you would've wished for. ]

And that what he said, True, but... I don't know, my mind is in a mess, I can't think straight.

[But there is a solution...] Listening to the great sage made me feel hope again, I listened to his solution and my Golden eyes went wide open and my Jaw dropped to the ground... I didn't know I could do that.

In the middle of my emotional confusion, Shizu spoke weakly and called for me, I jumped from my place and flow besides her.

" You're awake! " I was happy at that, I could finally speak with her but before I could say anything she was faster than me.

" Were you beside me this whole time?"

"Of course!" I said in a cheerful tone and showed her that I was proud of what I did.

Shizu smiled at my behavior " You know... I could feel your sadness, it made me feel uncomfortable knowing that I made someone as kind as you feel sad " said Shizu, small tears made their way out of her eyes.

" Don't bother about that, you should focus on relaxing. you're not fine yet "

"Asura Tempest " she called for my name again, she opened her closed eyes and looked at me with her blue eyes " I am glad that I met you " Her hair is turning white, her skin is becoming older slowly. It looks like it's time, but... I won't give up, she may hate me for this but...

" Shizu...." I called for her making Shizu use her remaining power to answer me, I brought my Dragon face near her forehead and looked at her eyes deeply before continuing.

" I hope you forgive my selfishness," I said to her

" I don't think I have any reason to hate you for Asura," she said, her voice turned very old, she can barely raise her voice.

"Then...I won't let you go "

I touched her forehead and Blue light shined in the room, it was a pure blue light that surrounded me and Shizu, The light seemed like it was dancing for us and celebrating something.

This light is my [ Dragon Soul ]

{ Link has been formed...}

Next chapter