
Tenno in the Chat

This is my new story that I'm making, this one is for me mainly because there are hardly any warframe fan-fics out there but I won't be updating this till I'm 20 or 30 chapters into my first one so no chapters yet I'll let you know when a chapter is coming out in my first book.

Suzaku22 · Video Games
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19 Chs

Finishing the Mission

After feeling the energy rushed through me, Volt, Jasmine, and Mag I looked at Volt's stats and saw that Volt leveled up to 12 I looked over at Jasmine to see a shocked look on her face wondering whats going on. I look over at Mag and see Mag is level 11 before I can say anything I felt my phone vibrate, I pulled it out to see that the Relay chat was open Jasmine come's over to me to see what it going on we both read the notification that popped up to see that for a first mission buff everyone in the mission got a 30 day affinity booster.

Jasmine was just about to shout but I covered her mouth to keep her quite I don't need zombies rushing at us and for everyone in the house to hear and rush out, Saeko came out a few seconds later making sure that Alice and the dog now named Zeke was comfortable. Saeko, Tier, Anko, Jasmine, and me gathered around to see how we should go about doing this killing spree that we are about to do.

Anko: Is it time for us to finally let loose

Dion: Yes it is from on the way hear and from your scouting the only people around here are ones that are taking advantage of the zombie apocalypse and zombies

Mila: Harribel-Sama can we finally eat all we want here

Tier: yes we can

Jasmine: Before you guys rush off we need to make sure that we make it back before sun rise just to add a little challenge to this

Anko: Do we want to team up or go in alone

Dion: Lets team up just encase something happens I don't want to see that someone died because they got to cocky in thinking that the zombies are easy to kill, always watch your backs here

Anko: why it's not like they can use chakra or abilities like us

Dion: Zombies do have a ability they can out stealth all of your 7 mist swordsmen of the village hidden in the mist

Anko: How is that possible

Jasmine: That's just how it is when ever there is a zombie out break happening and we have to make sure that their is no one hiding the fact that they go bit to save everyone else speaking of which

Jasmine walks back into the house with Mag that has the MK1-Furis equipped, not even a few minutes later we here a gun shot go off and a lot of screaming and Takashi's group trying to calm the situation down, Jasmine came back out looking like nothing happened.

Jasmine: I just remembered that I saw one of the cult idiots was bit on the arm but didn't turn in all this time I don't know how but I have a feeling that as soon as we left he would have turned and attacked everyone in there

Dion: That's how all clichés happen its annoying to deal with, now then Saeko and Anko are going to go east and make there way to the school while me and Jasmine are going to go the way we came from to get here and lastly Tier and her Adjuchas can take the east route and yes you can join anyone of us when ever you guys want

Anko: Nice now I can finally let loose I was starting to feel like I was getting rusty

Jasmine: Oh yeah its great if you guys start working on technique's that you guys wanna work on cause for the next 30 day's every kill we get or training we do will make us learn faster and get stronger

Saeko: Does it have something to do with this affinity booster that we got

Dion: Yes it is, so lets say that Anko you was trying to learn a jutsu with this affinity booster you can learn it half the time or less that you normally learn jutsus, and with Saeko that Armament Haki you can train and learn it faster than what it took you about a week to learn, as for Tier and her Adjuchas can become an Arrancar and Fracción before Aizen shows up and make's you guys become part of his plan

Tier and her Adjuchas looked happy and ready to kill everything they see just being able to become stronger then they already are.

Dion: Alright everyone you got your routs and that you should always watch your backs while your standing in one place now lets hurry up and end this half of the mission we still need to get to Saya's house and clean up in that area

Everyone nodded, Saeko and Anko ran off to the area that they are going to clean out while Tier and her group left in theirs.

Dion: you ready Jasmine

Jasmine: I was born ready

I had volt use speed and we ran off to the way the bus came from on the way here, Jasmine had Mag pull out her MK1-Strun while I had Volt pull out the MK1-Paris while running at full speed we see our first group of zombies Jasmine had Mag use pull making them fly over to us, but before they got into the air good enough Volt used shock at full blast frying all of the zombies in front of us and the shock traveled into the store's around us frying what ever was in them.

Seeing that we started to go all out even if out ability rang was not far enough we was still able to kill all the zombies around us, while me and Jasmine started to use void blast to kill the zombies that was outside the rang of our frames abilities, me and Jasmine started moving faster jumping on top of roofs and in alley's Volt is shooting arrow after arrow all of them finding there way into the zombies heads while Mag is using pull on the zombies while also pulling the cars and anything metal killing the zombies that was being pulled to us.