

Dion: I heard that you wanted to make a deal

I looked at myself in front of me but the difference is he had a smile on his face that made him look like he was insane and knowing full well who this is I know that he can and will do much worse to me if I just attacked him, I mean look at what he did to Rell and he again showed up in the New War, but the question is is he here to help me or not.

Dion: What deal

Dion: Now I know that you are going to go on an adventure and get stronger in the process so let me help you by getting your foot in the door

He sticks his hand out and it's glowing waiting for me to shake it.

Dion: And what will you get out of this

Dion: I already got it or will get it in this case

I grab his hand knowing full well that one I needed to do this and two I've played over 2 thousand hours of warframe to know that there is no saying no to the man in the wall. After grabbing his hand my mind blanked out but a lot of information went into my head about the void abilities that I now have.

After what felt like hours my mind clears up and I can see again, I look around to see that he is gone but before I could say anything I hear Oull - Ris - Xata - Vome - Khra - Lohk..

Jasmine: Hey Dion you ok

Dion: Yeah yeah I'm fine I'm good just that I need to tread carefully right now

Jasmine: Ok as long as your ok and your chat members are yelling over the phone for the past minute

Looking at my phone I dropped I pick it up while looking around the room to see if he is still here.

Relay Chat: ( Due to the interference of an unknown entity the shop function is now active)

Seako: Dion are you ok

Dion: Yeah I am why

Tier: will that's because as soon as that other you popped up behind you the chat group just shutdown until now a few minutes ago

Anko: then we saw you just standing there with a vacant look on your face before you dropped your phone

Dion: everything is fine guys but I got to go

before they could say anything I logged off the chat.

Dion: Jasmine let's go to that empty lot that the Yakuza gave dad a year ago

Jasmine: Why dad said that he didn't know what to do with it I thought he gave it back to them

Dion: Because we can now travel through space

Jasmine: Alright but let me get ready first

When Jasmine left to get dressed I opened the shop function that just opened up wondering if there is anything useful in there. The moment I opened it there was a gift for all the chat members for activating the first function and the gift that I got was an Orbiter and that it is already in space out of the rang of earth's satellite and telescopes, I was so happy I wanted to dance now I don't have to figure out how to hid the Liset from anyone before I was able to power it up.

Jasmine: Ok I'm ready

Looking at Jasmine I see she is wearing long johns sweat pants and sweat shirt and a big winter coat.

Dion: I know it's December in Japan but is all of that necessary

Jasmine: Just because you got those body warmers that stick to your clothes on doesn't mean that you are still warm

Dion: So you have the body warmers and your dressed like your about to climb Mt.Fuji

Jasmine: Come on let's just go already

Me and Jasmine walk out of the house and take a 10 minute walk over to the vacant lot, after coming here and making sure that there wasn't anyone around I took the Liset out of the Chat storage.

Jasmine: Is that

Dion: Yep

Jasmine: and the reason why you had me keep my eyes closed

Dion: I didn't know if he would drive you mad

????: Or give her a gift

I turn around quickly to see that the man in the wall has his glowing hand on my sisters shoulder and her having a vacant look, but before I could say anything he disappeared.

I run over to Jasmine and hold her close to me hoping that all he did was give Jasmine control over the void, it only took a minute for Jasmine to snap out of the information that was given to her.

Dion: Are you ok did he do anything to you

Jasmine: No just gave me the ability to have perfect control over the void well the little that we can control

Dion: well that's good but now we need to train cause knowing and being able to do it are different

Jasmine: will before that we need to power the liset up before someone sees

Knowing that time was not on our side I use the console that is on the side of the liset to power it up, it only took 20 minutes to power up after that me and Jasmine got in, The inside only had room for two people but Jasmine decided that my lap would be a better seat.

It took an hour for me to learn how to control it so without wasting time I flew us out if the lot and into space easily breaking the earth's atmosphere.

Jasmine: Wow space is so beautiful

Dion: Video games, computer simulations, TV, and the internet does not do space justice

We took our time looking at some of what space had to offer with its looks.

Jasmine: I just hope that no one saw us taking off from earth

Dion: Someone most likely did but they won't know it was us

Jasmine: But how are we going to hid the Liset there is someone who is bound to snoop are

Dion: We will hid it with that

What came into view while flying behind Jupiter is the Orbiter with its dull looking gray color.

thanks for reading everyone I'll edit it if I got anything wrong or mixed up

Suzaku22creators' thoughts
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