
Chapter Two

" I'm just keep monitoring the movements of our clan members in the Uchiha Clan Compound." Itachi said. " My younger brother Sasuke will be enrolled in the Hidden Leaf Academy by next year."

" That would be good for your younger brother." Tenma said. " Even though he can be an elite ninja of the Leaf."

Later, Itachi went to the roof as Shisui showed up.

" Your father asked me to watch over you." Shisui said.

" So much for some bodyguard like you." Itachi said.

" I'm not agreed with the Uchiha Coup." Shisui said. " That would cause a bloody civil war in the Hidden Leaf."

" I'm also not agreeing with the Coup." Itachi said.

" Let me try to stop them by using my perfected genjutsu." Shisui said. " In order to changed their minds."

" Are you sure that your plan worked perfectly?" Itachi asked.

" Trust me Itachi." Shisui said. " I'm going to prevent civil war erupted within the Hidden Leaf Village."

Nightfall, Masked Madara came and brutally murdered Danzo and then he left. Tenma and the others came to Danzo's room.

" Lord Danzo has been brutally murdered!" Tenma said.

" Who would do such a thing?!" Fumiko asked.

" Someone breaks through the barriers and sneaks into Danzo's house and killed him." Tenma said. " We have to report this to Lord Hiruzen."

Later, Tenma and the others reported to the Council.

" Lord Danzo has been murdered." Hiruzen the Third Hokage said.

" Someone break into barriers and sneaked into Danzo's home and killed him." Midoko said.

" Lord Third. It looks like I'm going to be in-charge of the Foundation." Tenma said. " Since we don't have any leads of the suspect that killed Danzo. We have to placed all of our guards around the area, I suspected that it could be one or two members of the Uchiha Leaf Police Force. Then, they should be prohibited from attending meeting in the Leaf."

" I really don't trust the Uchiha Leaf Police Force." Fumiko said. " They're more like dictatorial factions. In the Hidden Leaf Village, dictatorship are not allowed in the government. "

" I can place every members of the Foundations around the area so that will prevent the Police Force from sneaking into the Hidden Leaf Village." Tenma said.

" Like a game of chessboard. Once we stricter our own barriers, then this will paralyzed the entrance which will prevent the police force from sneaking into the Hidden Leaf Village." Midoko said.

" The Uchihas might become more angrier if we placed more guards around the area." Hiruzen the 3rd Hokage said.

" The Uchihas cannot take their new actions because they are being monitoring their movements by myself by sending Itachi to the clan compound to keep monitoring movements. " Tenma said. " He'll report to us if anything changes."

" Hiruzen. Looks like we have to rely on Itachi." Koharu said.

"I agree with Koharu." Homura said.

"Well then, we'll just have to wait for Itachi's intel." Hiruzen the 3rd Hokage said. " Tenma, I shall let you to be in-charge of the Foundations and we need new recruitments from the other ninja clans."

"Leave it to me Lord Third." Tenma said.