2 Silver is Born!

[Hmmm It's warm]

Gin thought, it's very nice and cozy. He was in full darkness but he felt like he was being hugged from all sides.

Almost like a womb…

[Wait! Isn't this just a womb!]

Gin began to kick.

He heard several excited and muffled voices, and a feeling like he was being moved.

Several hours later

Gin was (re)born.

Frankly, it was a traumatizing experience.




Gin, who had never seen the "miracle of life" was shocked beyond comparison.

His vision was still blurry but he could make out a few figures. The one who was holding him seemed to be his mother. She smelled faintly of milk and had a very warm presence.

There seemed to be several other people in the room. Gin could hear several voices, there was one particularly exciting masculine voice who Gin assumed was his father. There was also the soft murmuring of a few women who Gin assumed were midwives.

He looks up at his mother. While his vision as an infant was not quite developed yet he could see still that his mother was quite a beauty with delicate features.

She softly cradled him and cooed.

Gin felt very warm and allowed himself to be spoiled by her embrace.

He felt his sense of self slipping. He wasn't concerned, newborn infants didn't have a developed enough brain to have a sense of self, to begin with he assumed that eventually, his memories would come back.

He fell into a dark milky sleep as his consciousness faded away.

[1.5 years later」

Gin was suddenly aware. It had been a slow process but now he suddenly realized that he was [Gin]

Although, now he knew that he wasn't "Gin" anymore but rather "Silver l'Argentia"

It was an odd name but since he was already used to being called "Gin" being named "Silver" wasn't really that much of a difference.

Frankly, Silver was more confused about their sex.

They had a "son"

No maybe a "daughter"*

*what I'm trying to describe her is intersex while keeping it PG okay~

Silver tried not to think too heavily on it.

Silver was just about to be done being weaned. He was thankful he didn't have to be aware while drinking from his mother's breast.

In truth, Silver was bored.

There was nothing to do.

He would sit at home and do nothing. He spent most of his days sleeping. There wasn't much to stimulate an infant besides cry when he was hungry or needed his diaper changed. He was actually so quiet that his parent worried that something was wrong with him and sent for a doctor who confirmed to them that he was perfectly healthy.

Silver tried to act more like an infant after that. It wouldn't do him any good if his parent thought he was some sort of devil spawn.

He tried to spend his time learning about the world. From what Silver could glean he had been born into a middling noble house. Once again his ability to to to be slightly above average was impeccable.

It was to Silver's shock he didn't have any sort of appraisal skill. Apparently, it was something that was pretty exclusive and most people didn't have it at all.

[What a pain] he thought

Silver was steadily approaching the age where he could walk but he was still limited to crawling around at this moment. There was very little ability for him to do anything. He spent most of his time being locked up a cared for by maids. Apparently, children had quite a high mortality rate in this world and they were kept away from outside influence before they could catch illness and die.

Silver would eventually begin to enter society once he was 5.

There was also another frustrating thing.

[I can't speak!] It seems that like all fine motor skills silver still have to practice speaking before he could. His infant mouth would trip over words and make sounds that sounded more like baby babble than language.

He was determined to learn how to speak so that he could at least convey his thoughts. Silver had never realized how disgusting baby food could be, but now he wanted to be rid of it.

[Bleh] Silver once again nearly retched as he ate a flavorless mess of mashed-up root vegetables and ground meat.

[This is torture! Cruel and unusual punishment!] He internally screamed.

Silver was currently being fed by the maids.

Today was going to be different. This time he was going to speak.

"B-bad!" He said with an unshakably baby voice.

The maid looks at him in surprise

"Ehh? Silver-kun? Did you just speak"'

"Silver tried to speak again"

"Food B-bad" he said

The maid nearly dropped the spoon that she was using to feed Silver with, out of shock.

She ran out of the room. Presumably to call the lords of the house.

Silver's mother came rushing into the room.

"Silver?" She said

"I heard your first words were spoken to the maid" his mother had a slightly sad expression

"You are a very naughty boy" his mother said.

She put extra emphasis on "naughty" in the sentence despite the fact he was being scolded, Silver felt it was somehow erotic the way she said it.

[Is my mother a nympho?] Silver thought it would explain why Silver slept in a different room from his parents.

"Ah, you're growing up too fast," His mother said, taking him into her arms.

[I'm still a baby!] Gin thought slightly annoyed.

"Soon you'll be finding a girlfriend and leaving the house" His mother started saying

[lady! I can't even walk yet, please stop acting as if I'm already about to leave for university"
