
Temptations: trapped under his spell

"Ah, Sophia," Alexander said, his voice cool but with an edge that hadn’t been there earlier. "I see you’ve met my fiancée." The words hit Sophia like a punch to the gut. Fiancée? What the hell is going on?The woman stepped closer, her heels clicking softly on the marble floor. "So you’re the girl he’s chosen for his little… arrangement," she said, her voice filled with disdain. "How quaint." Sophia’s mind raced, her pulse pounding in her ears. This wasn’t part of the deal. None of this made sense. Why would Alexander be engaged to someone else when he’d just—Alexander’s eyes were unreadable, his face calm. "This is Amelia," he said, gesturing to the woman. "We were engaged long before you ever came into the picture." The room spun, and for a moment, Sophia felt like she might be sick. "Engaged?" she managed to choke out. "Then why… why me?" Sophia Hart had spent the last five years building her life from the ground up. After her father’s sudden death left her family drowning in debt, she had no choice but to work three jobs, sacrificing her dreams of becoming an architect to make sure her mother and younger brother could stay afloat. That’s why, when she walked into the offices of Maddox Global that morning, she was on edge. She wasn’t here for an interview, but for a deal. A deal that would change everything.

AM_RAMZ · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

til contract do us part

Sophia barely heard Lily's voice as she sank deeper into her own thoughts. It felt like a guillotine hanging over her head, its sharp edge just waiting to fall.

Lily was still talking, ranting about how Alexander was "some egomaniac billionaire playing God" and how "there's no way in hell you're marrying that psycho." But Sophia could barely process her words. Her thoughts kept circling back to the deal.

Was she really going to do this?

"You're not actually considering this, right?" Lily's voice cut through her haze, sharp with concern. She leaned forward, her eyes searching Sophia's face. "Soph?"

"I… I don't know." Sophia's voice sounded hollow, even to her. She wrapped her hands around her coffee cup, seeking warmth, something to ground her. But the ceramic was cold, just like everything else in her life right now.

Lily groaned in frustration. "Okay, no. We're not doing this here." She stood up, throwing a few bills on the table before grabbing Sophia's arm and dragging her toward the exit. "We're going to your place. We'll figure this shit out together."

Sophia followed silently, her body moving on autopilot. She wasn't sure what the point was—there was no other solution that she hadn't already tried. No last-minute loan, no secret investor waiting in the wings to save her father's company.

*Just Alexander Maddox.*


Back at her apartment, Lily paced back and forth while Sophia sank into the worn couch, watching her with a tired expression. Lily had always been the fighter, the one who refused to take no for an answer. But this wasn't something they could punch their way out of.

"There's gotta be something we're missing," Lily muttered, her hands flying as she talked. "Maybe you can sell off part of the company? Or negotiate with the creditors for more time. Hell, we could crowdfund or something."

Sophia sighed, her eyes drifting to the stack of unopened bills on the kitchen counter. "It's too late for that. Even if I sold everything, it wouldn't be enough. I'm drowning, Lily. I've been trying to keep it together, but there's no lifeline."

Lily stopped pacing and turned to face her. "Soph, I get it. But marrying that asshole? You're selling yourself short. You're better than this."

Sophia's eyes burned with unshed tears, everything pressing down on her. "But am I, though? Because right now, I feel like I'm just failing. At everything. My dad's business is all I have left of him, and I'm about to lose it. How am I supposed to walk away from that?"

Lily's expression softened, and she sat down next to Sophia, pulling her into a tight hug. "You're not failing, okay? You're doing the best you can. But you don't have to sacrifice yourself for something that's not your fault. This company—your dad wouldn't want you to throw your life away to save it."

Sophia leaned into her friend's embrace, the tears finally slipping down her cheeks. "I know," she whispered. "But I don't know what else to do."

Lily pulled back slightly, looking Sophia dead in the eyes. "Look, if you marry Alexander, you won't just be tying yourself to him for two years. That guy's dangerous. You think it's just a business deal, but guys like him—they control everything. You won't just be some trophy wife. You'll be under his thumb 24/7."

Sophia swallowed hard. Lily wasn't wrong. She'd seen firsthand how ruthless Alexander could be in the boardroom, crushing his competitors without mercy. The idea of being trapped in his world, at his mercy, made her stomach turn.

But then the image of her father's smiling face flashed in her mind—the pride in his eyes whenever he talked about the business he'd built from the ground up. Could she really let that legacy die?

"What if… what if it's not as bad as I'm imagining?" Sophia asked quietly. "It's not like he's asking me to love him or anything. It's just a contract. Two years, and then I'm free."

Lily's eyes widened in disbelief. "Soph, seriously? Do you hear yourself? You think Alexander Maddox is going to just let you walk away after two years, like nothing ever happened? He's not that kind of man."

Sophia bit her lip. "Maybe you're right. But I'm out of options."

Lily sighed deeply, running a hand through her hair. "There's always another option. We'll figure it out. But please, *don't* sign away your life to that monster. You deserve better than that."

--Lily might be right, but Sophia's mind was already made up, no matter how much she wished it wasn't. Lily's words echoed in her head, but they couldn't silence the looming reality. No matter how much she wanted to believe there was another way, there wasn't.

By the time dusk had settled, Sophia found herself standing in front of her closet, staring at the small collection of dresses hanging there. If she was going to meet Alexander at his penthouse, she couldn't exactly show up in jeans and a hoodie. But the thought of dressing up for him felt wrong, like she was playing into his hands.

Still, she needed to look presentable. It was a business deal, after all.

She pulled out a simple black dress—nothing too flashy, just enough to make her look professional. As she slipped it on, she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her heart sank.

*You look like you're walking to your own execution.*

With a heavy sigh, Sophia grabbed her purse and headed out the door. The air outside was cool, the streets quieter than usual as she made her way to the car waiting to take her to Alexander's penthouse.

By the time she arrived at his building, her heart was pounding. The doorman greeted her with a polite nod, and she stepped into the sleek elevator that would take her to the top floor. As the doors closed, Sophia's stomach twisted with nerves.

*This is it,* she thought, clenching her hands into fists. *There's no turning back now.*

When the elevator doors slid open, Sophia stepped into the luxurious penthouse, her breath catching at the sight. The floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking view of the city, the skyline lit up against the night sky. Everything in the room screamed wealth and power, from the expensive artwork on the walls to the plush furniture arranged with precision.

And then there was Alexander, standing near the window, his back to her. He turned when he heard her footsteps, his blue eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her stomach flip.

"Sophia," he said smoothly, a hint of a smile on his lips. "I wasn't sure you'd show."

Sophia swallowed hard, her throat dry. "I'm here."

Alexander nodded, gesturing toward a small table set up in the center of the room. A contract lay on it, along with a pen. "You know why."

Her eyes flicked to the contract, her heart pounding louder in her ears. This was it. The moment that would change everything.

She walked toward the table, her heels clicking against the marble floor. Her hands trembled as she picked up the pen, her eyes scanning the pages. It was all there—everything he had promised. Financial stability, control of the company, protection from creditors. And in return, two years of her life.

Two years as Mrs. Alexander Maddox.

Her fingers hovered over the dotted line, her breath shallow. Once she signed, there was no going back. She'd be his—contractually bound to him for two years, tied to his world of power and control.

"Take your time," Alexander said, his voice calm and steady. "This is a big decision."

Sophia's mind raced. She could still walk away. She could tell him to shove his contract and figure out another way to save her father's company. But where would that leave her? Penniless, drowning in debt, with nothing left to fight for.

With a deep breath, she gripped the pen tighter.

"Are you sure about this?" Alexander's voice was low, almost a whisper.

Sophia looked up, meeting his gaze.

"I don't have a choice," she said softly.

Alexander's eyes darkened, but he said nothing.

Sophia signed her name on the dotted line.

The moment the pen left the paper, it felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest—only to be replaced by a different kind of burden.

She wasn't just Sophia Hart anymore.

She was Mrs. Alexander Maddox.