

Stepping into Lina's home, more so by her invitation, was something Pete hadn't imagined happening anytime soon. It was surreal, yet there he was, standing in the sitting room of her cosy little house.

His gaze toured around the place. It was every inch her grandparent's house. The old model appliances, the rocking chair, and the antiquated yet sturdy furniture spoke of a tale from a different generation, one he would have loved to see had he been opportune to.

The house was cosy and warm, and a lot of picture frames hung on the wall, most of them of Lina.

Following his tour of the place, Lina felt wrapped in self-consciousness. "I haven't been able to do much around. Activities at the shop have kept me busy, and it's only been a few weeks since we moved in." She said almost too awkwardly.

Pete turned to her with a small smile touching his lips. "It's homely and lovely." He softly said, but Lina only felt humoured by his words.

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