
Template Aizen Sosuke's in Naruto

Переродиться в Наруто и стать братом Учиха Шисуи, потомком Учиха Кагами. Открытие входа Учиха Лу - это шаблон Айзен Сосуке! Третий Хокаге: Лю, хороший мальчик с хорошим характером. Учиха Фугаку: Лю, ты должен стать связующим звеном между семьей и деревней. Учиха Шисуи: Брат! Я хочу использовать Котоамацуками, чтобы изменить ваши неправильные мысли! Учиха Итачи: Независимо от того, насколько мрачна деревня, я всегда буду Учиха Итачи, ниндзя Конохи. Учиха Лю снял очки и вытер руки лаком для волос. «Отныне я буду стоять в небе!»

Felegranco · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 14 Kill Troy!

Sangou jade transformed into hexagon.

The hexagon is separated by three shallows and three deeps.

Concentric circles appear at the pupils.

(Detailed picture as above.jpg)

"This is… Mangekyō Sharingan!"

I can clearly feel the strong pupil power of the abnormal changes in the eyes.

Uchiha Lue was very surprised by this.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke…

From the beginning, he knew that the other party was someone sent by Hokage.

Act as a good teacher.

The purpose is to establish a false bond with him.

The loyal dog who invisibly brainwashed him into Konoha.

Uchiha Lue knows all this and at the same time acts as a good student.

The two sides acted with each other.

Performed as a master and apprentice for half a year.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke enters the play.

Uchiha Lue is not without any waves.

Even if it is false fetters.

But the experience is real.

This is why.

When Uchiha Lue stabbed Sarutobi Shinnosuke behind his back, he couldn't help but shed a few tears.


Just a few drops.

The tremendous excitement of Master Killing prompted him to start Mangekyō Sharingan!

This is an unexpected gain!


"Teacher Shinnosuke, thank you for your last gift~"

The corner of Uchiha Lue's mouth twitched, and a very happy smile appeared on his face.

The feeling of killing the "mentor".

Simply awesome!


Watching Konoha's master and apprentice kill each other.

Troy only felt a tingling scalp.

The gloating thoughts of watching theater have disappeared.

At this time in his heart.

There is only one thought.


There is no nonsense.

Troy turned around and ran away!


Uchiha Lue's figure appeared in front of the opponent for an instant.

Hand up and down!

[Slicing Proficiency +1]



Troy let out a scream, and quickly moved backwards.

A lot of blood was scattered on his body!

"Why do you want to run? Obviously I am just a Konoha Genin."

Uchiha Lue dumped the blood on Zanpakutō.

"You… Genin shit!"

Troy couldn't help cursing.

First, he stabbed Jōnin in the back.

Now he slashed him head-on.

What kind of Genin is this?

In the battle with Sarutobi Shinnosuke just now.

He has been severely traumatized.

Not to mention that he was injured, even in his heyday without injury.

He also didn't have full assurance that he could defeat this weird Genin in front of him.

Especially the other party's terrifying illusion.

Unknowingly, Sarutobi's new assistant turned around.

"Don't worry, deal with you. I don't need to use Kyōka Suigetsu's abilities."

Uchiha Lue held a sword in both hands and assumed a strange posture.

A Jōnin with residual blood.

It just can be used to brush the proficiency of skills.

"Sword pressure!"

No need to liberate Zanpakutō, just swing Reiatsu on the sword to attack the enemy!

[Slicing Proficiency +1]


Troy's pupils suddenly tightened.

I saw a transparent slash in front of him, and slashed at him from the air!

Subconsciously raised the two-handed Wind Demon Shuriken.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two wind demon shurikens were cut off at the same time.

"Puff chuff~"

Slash cut out a bloodbath on him!

"You are Jōnin, please help me."

Uchiha Lue waved Zanpakutō and rushed to the opponent quickly.

[Slicing Proficiency +1]

[Slicing Proficiency +1]

[Slicing Proficiency +1]

Performed a series of slashing stabs.

Troy dodges in a hurry.

"Puff puff puff puff~"

There are more and more wounds on the body.

"Damn it.... What kind of sword is this!"

There was a look of fear on Troy's face.

The dazzling blade of the other side gave him a tremor of soul.

It seems that Shinigami from hell is going to harvest his soul now!


Uchiha Lue kicked the opponent to the ground.

[White Hits Proficiency +1]

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sharp blade thrusts continuously.

Several transparent holes were punched in the ground.

Troy rolled on the ground without an image, looking very embarrassed.

"That's right, please keep struggling!"

Uchiha Lue raised his hand.

A crimson ball of light condensed in an instant.

"Thirty-one of Hadō: Red Cannon!"

[Kidō Proficiency +1]

"What? Muji Ninjutsu!"

Troy was too late to make the seal with both hands.

Was hit by this compressed flame bomb.


The flame explodes, and it is as powerful as a high-end Fire Style!


Troy vomited blood again, and was dying in black.

I tried to stand up several times.

But in the end he fell to the ground feebly.

"Is that the end?"

Uchiha Lue felt bored.

He didn't expect it either.

Two Jōnin will fight both sides.

He became the winner of the final reaping.

"Boy... Tell me, your name!"

Troy's blood-stained palms held a severed wind demon shuriken.

Taking a feeble step, he launched a final charge towards Uchiha Lue.

"Uchiha Lue. Remember this name that killed you!"

Zanpakutō in Uchiha Lue's hand gave a light wave.

The moment the two were intertwined.


Troy's head flew up.

The wind demon shuriken in his hand fell weakly to the ground.

[The proficiency of the elementary slashing technique reaches the complete level, and it is promoted to the intermediate level]