
The beginning of everything

in the town of zambales there was a boy who was on a bed sleeping deeply until he was suddenly woke up from a dream. in the dream he was in a town full of demi humans and humans he was sitting in a fountain but he was sitting next by a red haired girl and a yellow haired girl and his bestfriend miya and his big sister sasha he was nervous because it feels to real like when you dream you suddenly forget but in his case he remembers it . but he said "nah it was a dream time to go to miya's house" it was in a saturday weekend no school in that day also they are in high school he was going to miya's house to help his bestfriend miya in the house because there was a lot of items miya inherited from his grandpa he will help to move it to the basement since miya is alone in the house her parents where abroad and she and her big sister sasha who was at that time in the school collage decorating for a said event. they where the only one living in there house, connor went to the bathroom to groom himself do toothbrush take a bath then after that he went to get some bread and he 's off then his mother said come "home early" then he said "yeah mom im off" then he went to miya's house while riding a bike after he arrived he notice a tingling sensation after passing that moving truck like there was something in that big moving truck then he said "oh well what a weird day today". he then knock the house and miya answered she said "you took long enough" connor said "i was sleeping like a bear". as miya answered "all that matters is you're here now help the movers as i arrange the basement ok". he said "ok commander" well miya as i describe is a pretty girl with medium breast a popular school girl and a smart one while connor is an pro wrestling fan and also studied in a dojo doing in the art of samurai also a gamer playing the likes of counter strike and call of duty and a manga superfan . as connor help the helpers he see a big mirror then he was suddenly froze the the mover said "are you alright lad then connor snap himself up then he said "i am all ok" then he help move the big mirror to the basement

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