
Chapter 1 Why is it like this

I was bored of life very quickly, I had basically everything, I was rich from birth, I was beautiful, It was natural for me to be social, the only thing just didn't have was two things, a loving family and a superpower, I'm 16 first year of superhuman school, and I had no superpower, but I had money, so I could pay people to keep me safe, but it all crumbled in my face when I met Jack, he had the power of Super Strength, he was normal, like me, but then he got his superpower, and he's already the top 20 people in the United States, alot of people have super Strength but his was unrivaled. He's only 16 as well. He turned on me, paid the people I paid more to beat me up, everyday, I had a face no one wanted to look at, my confidence dropped into the trash. An the last thing my parents said that they were leaving 100 thousand in my account, and that's it, I felt thrown, I felt like nothing was worth it. What can I do to change this fate, I've thought of that so many times. I was thinking of ending my self, a few times, I didn't want to give up to be honest, not because I didn't want to, just because I was to scared that no one would remember me.

I wanted to change so bad, I had an apartment, I ate Ramen almost everyday, it felt like nothing could change it, then that day came, the bullies found where I lived, they would wait outside my place everyday, and beat the he'll out of me with their powers, I over heard them talking about me, they were talking about just killing me since I was to boring, but then their top dog, was like

We need him to keep getting paid by that dummie jack. He won't pay us if Carlos is dead.

(Second guy) we can kill him, we just tell jack we're still beating him.

That was the decision that change their thoughts, the next day they came, they didn't even wait for me to leave my apartment, I was eating my morning Ramen, and they broke into my room, one of the guys grabbed me with his vines, the other guy hit me with supersonic power, I couldn't hear anymore, the vines got so tight that my arms broke, I hate it so much, I was screaming so loud, I knew no one was coming but I just wanted one person to help, then their top dog, poke me on the forehead, and lit my body on fire.

That's my life, my death

I started floating towards the sky, it felt weird, but also really calming, I reach past the sky and...

(Unknown) Hello Young one, your name is?

(Carlos) it's Carlos David Gonzalez

(Unknown) wait you weren't scheduled to die yet, why are you dead.

(Carlos) I got killed my some people.

(Unknown) that's not good, how about this I'm looking at your record, you weren't half bad in your life, so let's make a deal, I'll let you be reborn, in the same world at this time, but you'll actually get a power, wait from what I'm reading it said you had a superpower, you just didn't awaken it, it's name was Null. Don't know what that means.

(Carlos) I'll take that

(Unknown) you won't have the same name, power, or nationality.

(Carlos) fine

(Unknown) ok, have a safe trip my child. I'll give you a screen only you can see, just so we can speak at anytime needed.


God's Menu

Nationality: Japanese

Power: Telekinesis, ???

New name: Kaito
