
New home *Takes place during season 3* "talking" 'thinking'

{Flynn P.O.V}

I always favored my Mom over my Dad,which is exactly why I'm happy she divorced that prick,Why is he a prick you may ask well he found it fun to always be in bed with every woman except my Mom and for that reason only is why he's a prick.But sadly that meant moving to a new town,I still don't understand why tho but it's my Mom so I don't care if doesn't make sense, anyways were supposed to be moving to some place named beacon hills or something I don't really care.Anyways I'm going to be taking a nap until we get there.....now where did I put that pillow?

{3rd P.O.V}

In a small and beautiful home you can see a beautiful woman exit making her way to a red jeep and opening up the back doors to see an male almost identical to the beautiful woman if not for the different colour of their hair, looking at the young man sleeping a small smile makes it's way onto the woman's face as she shakes him awake, a soft groan escapes the young man's lips as he gets used to the bright sun shining in on his face, looking up at the beautiful woman the young man says barely above a whisper "are we there yet Mom"the woman now know as the young man's mother smile's and says"Yes Flynn infact we've been here for a while"" Wait really, I guess we should start unpacking"he said rubbing his eyes, smiling again the young man's mother says"No need I already finished unpacking for both of us"eyes widening in shock he says"Really ugh, now I feel bad for just relaxing while you do all the work" 'and I'm a werewolf too,I have strength for days' smiling ONCE again his mother says "Don't worry it was easy, besides I have another job for you"gaining a hopefull look on his face he says "What is it " "I want you to deliver cookies to our neighbor's" suddenly he turns deflated and says "What" seeing his deflated look she decides to pull out her MEGA secret ULTRA weapon" Please its for mommy "she says, completely oblivious to the trick Flynn happily says "Where are you my neighbors"he says running out of the house and disappearing down the block.