
Teenagers Wasteland

Angel_Vizcarra · Realistic
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3 Chs

Chapter Two: The Being Of The Story Part Two

During lunch Time Max, Clara, Jefferson, Frank, Billy, and Susan are hanging out and talking and eating as well trying to get to know each other and then as they are talking the dean of the school walks up to them and asks them "you guys come with me now!" and Max, Clara, Jefferson, Frank, Billy, and Susan gets up and they walked to the front of the school and when they got there the school seal was tag and it looked like the logo of The Devil Rejects but they did it all wrong and the dean was standing next to Charles and Two random jock's was hiding graffiti can and the Dean said " which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti" "this is what they do Mr. Bond, They tag their turf'' said Charles, and Susan speaks up "oh my fucking god Charles could you be any more duchebag that you already are'' "Effective immediately no gang behavior of any kind would be tolerated in James P. High and at this moment no more Devil Jackets" Mr.Bond said "WHAT!" Said Max "Are you Kidding me?" said Jefferson then Mr. Bond repeated himself "No more Devil Jackets and all Tattoos will be covered and possession of any gang involved will be expelled Immediately" Said Mr. Bond and then Ms. Honey shows up and asks "what's going on?" Said Ms.Honey And Mr.Bond replied "well here's the thing Ms.Honey one of these new Students Graffiti Our School sealed with their Gang logo and told them they can't wear their Jackets or show Tattoos and gang Staff will be expelled'' said Bond. Ms.Honey walks up and looks at the logo on the school seal and she knew something was wrong "it's wrong" said Ms.Honey "what do you mean it's wrong?" Mr.Bond replied "the logo is wrong, it's not how it looks'' Mr. Bond asks "how do you know if it's wrong?" Said Mr. Bond "because back in High School I was part of The Devil Rejects back when Jefferson Dad was the leader of the Gang at the time," said Ms.Honey and she shows her Tattoo of the logo and Mr.Bond, Charles and Jefferson was in shock in their way Mr. Bond and Charles are upset. They didn't know that Ms. Honey was an old gang member and Jefferson was Happy because he can talk to her about his dad who died after he was born. Then Ms.Honey said to them " I do agree with Mr.Bond about the jackets and the tattoos and I know what the jackets mean to you guys coming from an old member of the gang but as the Principal, I want to make this school a safe place for the staff, students so please understand" as she looks at Jefferson and he walks up to her and he said "As the leader of The Devil Rejects and with an old member you got a deal" he takes out his hand to shake on it and she shakes his hand "don't worry I will tell the rest of the Devils what's going on" Ms.Honey Smiles "Thank you" she said and then she walked to a random jock tell him to clean up his mess and Mr.Bond and Charles were upset. Then the bell rang and lunch was over and all of them walked away to go to their next class couple of hours later school ended and all the members of the Devil Rejects walked outside the school walking to the parking lot and all of them got in their Motorcycle and they drive away from the school to their house from the other side of Town and they made it to their hangout and Jefferson had a meeting and he told the younger members that the school banned the jacket and they want to hide tattoos as well and he agreed with Ms.Honey and that what they will do meanwhile another side of town Charles is in his room laying in his bed and then he gets a text from his Girlfriend and it's says she coming back home from her vacation with her family and Charles texted her back and he started telling her about what happened in school while she was away.