
Chapter one: The Being Of The Story

It all started in the middle of the day in James P. High School when the students found out their rival, Jackson High School from the West side of MortVille, was being shut down for financial reasons. Half of the students from Jackson high school are going to transfer to James Patterson High School and the other half to different schools in town the students in James P High were not happy, especially the Jocks and cheerleaders because Half of the students in Jackson High school were troublemakers who got into fights with the chance they got and some of them had criminal records. There's a motorcycle gang in that school called "The Devil Rejects''. The next day, The Devil Rejects and half the other students of Jackson High School arrived at James P. High School. As they walked inside, half of the students were scared and half of them were welcoming and nice. The Devil Rejects walked up to a desk and behind the desk, the School president started talking to them "Hello there, on behalf of the students and faculty here at James P. High welcome to your new school to ease this transition I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply then cup that is fair James P. High'' she said and then Someone started talking and then all the Jocks and cheerleaders walking downstairs and the ones at front was Captain of the football team and head cheerleader and their names are Charles and Ashley Hudson and they are twins "Ashley no one Invited Wannabe Barbie to party" said School president "Wrong Susan no one Invited Jackson high scum to our school, listen up lowlifes i will not allow James P. High above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with brain dead people so please do us all a favor and find some other school or die all I care'' said Ashley and one of the members of The Devil Rejects name Clara walked up to Ashley and she said " Why don't you come over here and say it to my face you blonde headed bitch'' "well gladly Scum'' as Ash walks up to her face as well and a shy nerd name Billy walked up between them he started talking "ok guys and everyone can we just put our schools rivalry differences apart and start over a new slate" he said and then Charles said " You don't speak for Wolves nerd and Do i need to remind you that these Greaser Devils almost started a riot at the Celebration of the founding of MortVille couple weeks ago" and the Vice President of The Devil Rejects name Maximillion or Max for short walked up to Charles "happy to finish what we started blondie'' and then Jefferson the leader and The President of The Devil Rejects stop him "calm down Max'' and then the dean stop the tension in the hallway and told them get to class. And The Devil Rejects walked away and as well as Charles with the Wolves and Ash with her Cheerleaders. A couple of mins has past Jefferson, Clara, Max and one of their friend named Frank are hanging out talking then Susan walked into the Common Room sees them and walked up to them and she said " hello there I wanted to say that I'm so sorry what happened in the hallway couple min ago'' and then Jefferson looks at her "it's ok we are used to it" said Jefferson as he smiled at Susan and then Billy walks up to Susan to tell her "um Susan" " yes Billy" "sorry to bother but Ms. Honey is calling for you'' "ok thanks Billy" and she walked away and she went to the Principal office to talk to Ms. Honey and then Max put his arm around Billy and Max starts talking to him.


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