

A middle class boy who has fallen in love with a pretty famous actress who's brother is an gangster ,it's about how he gets his love

""". middle class family room.""""

....a fan

....carpets on floor

....a boy Nitesh who is 19years old

chatting with a girl on Instagram

girl is an actress who's brother is an gangster in his city

she's name is ""Shruthi"".

the love story was going well and well

they used to chat too long whole night

video calls


a message came from Shruthi

that her brother has fixed engagement with a son of a big gangster of the state but she doesn't want to marry him

a couple of hours they talk

then they decided to run away

and problems started from there;

""Nitesh was tensed and thinking""""

about his life

a middle class boy who has no job

no bank balance

no shelter

how he could manage his love?

how he could feed her?

where will they live?

so many questions were rising in his mind...

it's just a introduction if you are interested to know what happened next

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it's based on a real story

it's about a middle class boy who's

life was a mess

at a age

where boys start loving

starts making friends

stars loosing friend

and so many changes comes in life

Nitesh_Nitzcreators' thoughts