

Hi how you doing sorry it's not the character in the story but it's just the author lol. You see that guy over there? Opps how will you see him right? Hehe i'm so dumb. Still let's continue his name's Ryan he faced a lot of hardships when he was young but now it seems like he's doing well he's going to get married isn't it amazing? What happened was.... Opps sorry you don't know him let's catch up with his past from the very beginning the story of a boy who lost hope and how he found his way back.

Ryan wakes up, "Ughh another boring day, wish i could just sleep the entire day" that's ryan for you he's 15 years old he doesn't have much friends you can just say he's a loner. But he does have a few good friends. Ding!! Ding!! Ding!! , "Ugh a text this early? Who might it be?" He checks his phone to see who it was when he saw the text his eyes almost popped out from his eye sockets, It was 'Ariana' his crush. He never really talked to her since he always felt shy, there was only this once he spoke to her when they were doing a project in school... Ariana had asked him something that day..., "Umm excuse me can you tell me from where can i get those covers for my project like the one you have?" Ryan almost fell over when she suddenly asked somthing to him, "Umm... Yeah? Oh the...the cover it's ....from....from a... shop that is near my house... do you wanna come?" There he said.... the most embarassing day in his life that day he kept his head lowered and his cheeks all were red he stayed that way until he reached home. Since then he hadn't talked to her his friends tried to persuade him, "hey you didn't do anything wrong man.. Just cheer up!!" But everyone's advice went over his head he felt embarassed. Since that day he hadn't talked to her but that incident was only a few days ago so he wasn't really over it. And now this....??? He reads her text once more not beleiving what he just saw , "Hi adrian remember me? It's ariana i wanted to talk to you about something.... If it's ok wid ya".

Hi guys this is my first ever story i feek really nervous please support if you like it, writing is my dream and hobby if uh just dont like something bout it feel free to say anything. I would gladly welcome any advice. Thanks a lot...

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