

all my life I have been happy. I have everything I want, an amazing father,cars, okay let's just say everything that money can buy. I lost my mother when I was five years but my father is both a mother and a father to me.

"Chloe!hurry up you will be late for your first day at school!" Father called out.

I came down stairs and found my father sitting on the big fancy relaxing chair that he won't at the golf club."Good morning father"Chloe said with a smile."you remind me of your mother and now that you are a teenager you look exactly like her when she was also a teenager"father said looking at Chloe with a smile."okay okay,so tell me why you suddenly decided to send me to a real school like a normal child,huh why?"Chloe looked at her father with a questioning look."well it's because you always wanted to interact with people at a real school I mean I also felt guilty when I saw you in your room learning.....I mean you seemed lonely and I'm sure that you didn't even pay attention" father said while laughing."well why now?, I mean back in Australia you didn't allow me to go out of the house". Chloe looking at her father weirdly."well we are now Chicago"father smiling."okay" Chloe smiling."well the driver is waiting outside, choose the car of your choice and the guards will follow you"father sounding serious."but father I can't move with the guards everywhere"Chloe complaining."listen to me Chloe Martin,you are the daughter of Chris Martin,the most richest and famous man here in America and also in other countries and I'm yet to be known by the entire world and I have uncountable friends and if my friends are uncountable that means that my enemies are also uncountable. I am this rich all because of you and if anything happens to you I lose everything"father said while looking at me with a concerned face."okay I'll go with the guards"Chloe hugging him"bye now father"Chloe letting go. Chloe went outside and choose the car she wanted it was a red Lamborghini."driver let's go I'll be late for school"walking towards the car. The guard opened the door"morning Miss Chloe" the guard smiling."morning Charles"Chloe smiling.she entered the car and the two guards also entered the car and they drove off.

oh sorry,I forgot to mention that we recently moved to Chicago from Australia.