
The Struggles Of Fashion

Following the little standoff between Alexander and the motel manager and his goon. He nonchalantly exited his room, walked to his car, unlocked the trunk, and took out a large black duffle bag. Which he carried back to his room, but not before stopping by the reception desk to ask for the WiFi Password.

Back in his room and connecting his laptop to the motels shitty Network. Alexander began doing a quick search online for all things Beacon Hills. From it's history, to any notable landmarks and even through various social media posts regarding the small town. Of note were a string of recent murders in the woods which coincided with a Werewolf attack. What intrigued Alexander about these murders was a report detailing how one of the bodies was found.

' The mutilated body of a female victim was discovered having been severed vertically... Isn't that exactly how the Argent's like to carry out their sick executions? Guess they're here to do an extermination job, making it almost impossible to get near them right now. As they'll be on the lookout for anything or anyone suspicious...'

Coming to this realization, he couldn't help but feel a bit dejected. Since he couldn't go back now, not after what he'd gone through to reach this point. So while he rattled his brain for some scheme or grand plan of infiltration. Alexander begrudgingly continued his search through social media. Going through countless profiles, he couldn't help but feel contempt for them.

' Here I am trying to brainstorm my way into a Family of Hunters, meanwhile these guys are worried about tommorows pop quiz. Hell, If my life ever gets like these guys, I hope the Argents cut me in half too... Eh?'

Just as he was mocking the highschool experience, he came across a very interesting photo. It was of two girls, hugging each other at some party a few days ago. The girl on the left was a very attractive red headed girl, who actually was totally his type. While the other, albeit a bit shy, was considerably pretty, but what grabbed his attention was the underlying caption.

[With my new best friend! Follow her at @ArgentAllison]

' The account belongs to the red headed girl, who's named Lydia. Meaning the other girl should be, Allison Argent... Hmm, let's take a look at her profile, she might just prove to be useful to me.'

Unfortunately for him, it seemed that the account was almost brand new, and had little to no information about the girl.

" I knew it, things couldn't be that easy. Meaning I'll have to actually meet this Allison, and find out if she's part of The Argent Family"

As he finished saying this, he closed his laptop and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Since it wouldn't make a good first impression arriving covered in blood and dirt. Quickly undressing himself, his bare body was in full view, without any mark or imperfection on it. It also went without saying that the large wound from yesterday was nowhere to be seen.


Some time later, a group of men holding onto various weapons were waiting outside his room. Among them was Mark (the goon from before) and the manager who stood far away.

" Alright you guys know what to do. I want this fucker to regret ever fucking threatening me. I hope you guys won't be such pussies like Mark, who ran away like a little girl!"

Although he obviously took offense at the managers words, Mark couldn't deny them. What he did do was tighten his grip on the metal bat he was carrying.

' After I beat that piece of shit in there, I'm going to get you back for this, motherfucker!'


Back inside, Alexander had gotten out of the shower and was in the middle of getting clothes from his duffle bag. Then out of nowhere the door was smashed wide open and all the men outside rushed in. Although when they did, they found that Alexander was very calm. It almost felt like he was actually expecting them, he even greeted them.

" Can I help you?"

This set off the manager who immediately ordered his thugs to crush him.

" What are you idiots waiting for, break his legs!"

Even after that proclamation, Alexander didn't flinch instead he looked at the men with pity. He specially took a second to stare at Mark whom he recognized from before.

' Even after I let you leave last time... Idiot.'

Mark did notice his gaze, but in response simply shook his head before rushing towards Alexander. Who was still naked and presumably defenseless. Or so one would think, however Alexander didn't waver. Nor did his plans change, he still proceeded to get dressed even as the armed men charged at him.

Mark who was the first person to get close enough to Alexander to take a swing at him, missed and was subsequently thrown across the room.

In the time frame that the others were in shock, Alexander dropped the towel around his waist and put on his briefs.

Getting over their collective shock another two men swung metal pipes at his head.

Alexander effortlessly ducked, grabbed his pants, stood up and threw a punch to one while the other received a kick.

The next part was slightly troublesome as he needed to put on his pants. While a man was wildly swinging his two large fists at him. Yet, they never once made contact with any part of his body. They barely even touched his wild flowing hair much less his face.

" What the fuck are you!? Why can't I hit you?!!?"

The large man shouted while swinging faster in hopes of connecting even one punch.

" It's because you're so fucking slow..."

Following Alexander's answer he gave him a hard kick with his leg that had entered a pant's leg.

At this point the remaining men who hadn't been knocked around became fearful. What they'd just bore witness to, was completely unexplainable, illogical. They were all armed and not weak in the slightest, yet to this teenager they were nothing. Causing them to run away, leaving behind the Manager and Mark. Who despite taking a hit from Alexander was able to remain conscious. Who felt completely defeated and was now trembling in fear.

' I knew it.. those eyes.. they aren't normal.. he's not normal. No he's not human.. he's a monster!'

Unfortunately for him the entire time Alexander was getting dressed and beating up his buddies. He never cut eye contact with Mark, he stared directly at him. Even now as he was buttoning up a black polo shirt he was glaring at Mark. Or at least that's what he thought, because Alexander wasn't staring at him but rather at the man behind him.

This tid bit of information wasn't known to Mark who'd lost the will to do anything. So the moment the terrifying teen started speaking he almost instantly dropped to his knees.

" I believe I was more than generous at our last encounter, seeing as I let you go unharmed..."

" I'm sorry! Please let me go!"

" ... Yet, here you are once again, and you've brought even more of these thugs."

Surprisingly as Mark heard more of Alexander's words he realized they weren't aimed at him. That said, when he tried to silently craw away, a now fully dressed Alexander mercilessly stepped on his leg.

" Did you think I'd forgotten about you?"

" Please don't hurt me, I didn't want to come here! He's the one who ordered us to bother you, he's the one you want!!"

" Oh, I'm quite aware of that and he's going to pay for that. However you should be punished for bothering me as well right? It wouldn't be fare to your friends any other way.

" No plea-"

Not wasting another second to argue with him, Alexander kicked him right in the middle of his fat face. After which he slowly approached the man of the hour, the mortified manager.

When he stood directly in front of him, he placed his right hand on the man's left shoulder while wearing a smile. Then he slowly started to apply more strength, the manager of course tried to fight back, but it was all in vain. No matter how much he struggled he couldn't get out of Alexander's grip.

Who lowered his own head to look at the man right in eye Then a low, composed but clear voice he spoke to him.

" You're a special type of stupid aren't you? Coming in here acting all powerful with these street thugs. What, did you think with their help you'd fare better than before? Well how did that turn out for you?"

" That's.. that's.. How did you do that? Who, are you? What are you?"

" I'm someone who's going to show you what true power looks like...

In a split second Alexander's face morphed into that of a monster. Causing the Manager to collapsed to the floor unconscious, like a puppet who's strings were cut. Alexander who saw this occur looked down at the man with utter disgust and apathy.

" Pathetic.."

Having dealt with the inconveniences, Alexander picked up his duffle bag, before casually stepping outside. After which he walked across the Motel, while fixing his long locks into a ponytail. Without a single care in the world, as if he was walking through a park or his own neighborhood. Not a rundown motel room and after having knocked out several armed men.

Chapter Two of the fifth rewrite...

Let me know what you think!

I wanted this chapter to be a bit dark and gory to show Alexander's ruthless side.(To those who want to hurt him.)

Last Updated On: 6/12/20

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