


Normal alpha : an alpha that gets their power by killing another alpha

True alpha : alpha that rises to power based on willpower only

Noble alpha : alphas that are born with the power of an alpha and can fully turn into a normal wolf

Alpheus : alphas that can turn into slightly bigger wolf's and have n elemental power (Can command other alphas)

Beta : yellow_normal betas

Blue_betas that have killed an innocent

Noble beta : betas that can fully turn into Wolfe's


Normal vampires : vampires turned by nobles

Noble vampires : vampires turned by Originals more powerful than an ordinary vampire and are resistant to sunlight

Originals : can control an element and are resistant to sunlight and cannot be killed normally (need to use white Ork wood to e killed

Chaos vampires : a special kind of vampires that cannot be killed without the use of magic


Normal witches : have enough magic power to kill normal vampires or betas

Noble witches : have abundant magic and can go toe to toe with a true alpha

Original witches : one of the strongest witches in existence

Legendary witches : a title given to original witches when they perform a legendary feat


Half human half vampire. Stronger than you're normal human have super speed and seses but does not need to drink blood. Not immortal.

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