1 Chapter 1

One day in Jump City there was a construction team.Then they were done with the T-shape tower was done so that all went in the tower and Raven went to her room first. Raven found a body with dark red blood and with meany gun shots. She told the other Teen titans and that quickly ran to see but it wasnt their so they look behind them and they saw the porson. They fought for 30mins and the porson was a villain but it wasn't a villain it was a person that Batman killed and scared the Teen Titans. Batman arrived and said" , did you find a dead body" said Batman "yes" said Beastboy and Raven "why do you know him" said Robin " yes" said Batman he is the killer joker. "WOW!!!" said Best Boy, Raven said" the killer joker is still alive"said Raven " What he has to be dead if not he is going to be partners with Harley Queen" said Raven " because they are going to be evil and make a machine to kill all the heroes" said Batman. "okay bye" said Batman " okay so I am going to my room" said Best Boy. Beast Boy saw the killer Joker right on his window. To be continued this story is from Kendra

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