
chapter 63

--MC POV--

"Caught by a teenager, I should have started with philosophers, but as you know, women like their appearance the most" said Jennifer with a smirk, as she approached me.

"You passed from being strict teacher, to trying to seduce me. It won't work on me, since I already know who you are".

"Why are you this cruel with me? You already saved Deaton, and no one from your pride was targeted in the motel. Had I know Allison mattered that much to you I would have gone for another one. As you said yesterday we are allies now, shouldn't we at least speak as friends" she said while smiling.

"We are collaborating out of need, not for anything else. I need you but I'll always be disgusted by your ways, and by my unwilling acceptance of your actions"

"Do you have any idea of why I'm doing this? Have you seen my scars? I was Kali's emissary, I wasn't even one of her beta, but Deucalion still decided that I had to be killed for her to join his pack. She didn't even have the courage to do the killing blow, so she just mauled me and left me to die, bleeding in a forest. It was the desperation for life that gave me the strength to reach the Nemeton, from which I gained just enough power to survive, but even that was not enough, so I had to resort to sacrifice animals to heal completely. I gave up my teachings as a druid, because I had no other way to survive." She shouted.

"And why do you keep doing this?" I asked her.

"To stop them, they have killed tens of packs, they would take the alpha away when he accepted to join or kill them all if the alpha refused. They never stopped killing and if no one intervene they'll keep doing this in the future. Someone has to put an end to this and to avenge all the ones who died. You would do the same if it was your lovers".

"Is this really just a revenge for you. The three virgins you sacrificed for beauty? Did you need them? All the people you killed were innocent, who will stop you in the future, now you got power, healing abilities and beauty, but will that be enough for you. You'll just become like Deucalion, when you start compromising one time after the other, then you can only degenerate in something worse" I said, while looking at the frown that formed on her face.

"Okay, you can be disgusted by me, but this doesn't change the fact that you need my help. For example you still have to realize what kind of trap Deucalion laid for you." She stated.

"What are you talking about, do you know anything about Laura?" I demanded grabbing her arm.

"Calm down. I can tell you, but you'll have to help me hide myself from the others, since even if you won't stop me this doesn't mean that others won't interfere with my plan".

"What do you need?" I asked her.

"You must destroy Danny project about the currents and makes sure he doesn't talk about it with others, and your girlfriend has been drawing the Nemeton a lot recenlty. She still hasn't realized what it is, but I don't want others to notice and understand what her drawings mean. So why don't you distract her with some sex. After all for a werelion it won't be difficult to make her faint or consume all her energy into shagging" was this bitch planning to target Lydia too just to stop her from drawing a tree.

She tried to kill any possible threat to her plan, even if said person wasn't even aware of who she is or how he was interfering with the plan of an evil druid.

She is already lost, the moment her revenge ends she'll probably realize she wants more and starts bigger rituals.

"I'll deal with these things, but now tell me what you meant earlier" I'll have to find the best moment to sell her out.

"The vault where your little girlfriend is being kept, is made of hecatolite and it can block her connection with the moon and your perception too. A werewolf needs to be exposed to the moon, just like a flowers needs to be exposed to the sun. Right now she is being starved, and she is losing her resistance to the moonlight. The moment one of you will open the vault, the connection between the moon and the werewolf will be restored and she'll lose her control.

You won't have to fight against the Alpha pack alone when you'll rescue Laura, but you'll have to deal with her too, and you won't be able defend yourself without hurting her.

Moreover it could take hours for her to get her sanity back after she loses it." So this was Deucalion plan to stop me, he was planning to use Laura against me to incapacitate me from fighting.

This was all along the reason why I couldn't feel Laura's presence from inside the vault.

"Don't worry there is a solution. The moon's influence is always present, and after a werewolf lose its resistance to it, even if it is just midday, he would lose his control the moment he feels again the connection. There is only one moment when one won't feel it and that is during the eclipse, during those moments where the moon disappears behind the sun the shapeshifters will lose their power. This means that they'll be just humans for a short lapse of time, as long as you use those moments to bind Laura and deal with the alpha, she won't be able to attack you when she gets back her powers" she added.

Deucalion was planning this from the start.

"Deucalion is always ten moves ahead of us, he already sees the checkmate and he will never let go of a threat like you either" she added, but I knew that she won't either.

Be it me, Deucalion or Jennifer, we all know that the others two have to die, for one to survive.


"This time the darach didn't even appear" I said, as one of the teachers had just been murdered during the concert.

We were all present as we though that Jennifer next victim would be here, since the last two were teachers too, but we were unable to do anything to change the situation.

The music has shifted suddenly to the tribal one and the next moment the cord of the piano broke and slashed the throat of the pianist.

"The philosophers…" How does she know that name, the others always called this batch of sacrifices the educators.

"Philosophers?" Asked Stiles.

"I found a drawing in my father's room and there were written five names in a symbol: virgins, warriors, healers, philosophers and guardians" she said.

"Why did you tell us this just now?" asked Scott.

"I was in denial. Do you think that..." she tried to say, but I interrupted her.

"No, your father isn't the darach. He is just a an expert when it comes to the supernatural word, and he knows more than us" I said.

He should be retired too and now that he decided to search for the darach he may ends up in troubles, in case Jennifer gets to know this if she already doesn't.

"Does this mean that the next sacrifice will be police men. I have to tell my father something, I can't let him go around seeking the murder, when the murder is a dark druid, who is hunting him" he said.

"You are going to tell him about the supernatural?" I asked.

"Yes, and don't try to stop me" He said.

"I won't" I also wanted to tell Danny a few days ago, and with all the murders that are happening it would be useful if the sheriff knew more about the situation.

(I posted yesterday the first chapter of my HP fan fiction on Patreon, becomes a member if you want to read it, the link is patreon.com/user?u=60696780. Also I'll see if i can write faster and try to reach the eleventh chapter sooner so that I can start posting it on webnovel too)

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