
Chapter 12

--MC POV--

As the wind graze my skin, I feel the thrill of running in my werelion form. The forest is dark and full of obstacles, but thanks to my senses I don't have any problem navigating it.

Running using my supernatural power, has become a way to release my stress, I like to stop hiding this side of me and unleash all of my abilities at once. During these moments I release all the pressure that I accumulate by living the life of a normal teen.

The animals keep running away from me as if they could feel that I am a superior predator, even thought I'm not hunting for them.

Blue eyes. It was just for a moment, but the light that came from them stood out from the shadows cast from the trees. Stopping abruptly, I gaze to my side, and I distinguish the form of a coyote, looking right into my eyes with its blue pupils.

That's not normal. This was the first thought that came to mind and as if to confirm my belief I suddenly star feeling a well-known sensation, the same one I feel with Lydia, the desire to conquer, to possess.

She'll be mine. Wait… it's a female?

The tension was broken by the coyote, who all of a sudden started running and as if answering to my instinct I start chasing her, giving it my all to not lose sight of her form.

Unfortunately, she was clearly faster than me and I soon lost sight of her and a little later even her scent ended leading me to a river, just to later disappear.

What the hell happened and how am I going to explain this to Lydia?


Practice had just ended and as usual I was with Lydia, but this time I was silent, trying to come up with some words to explain myself.

I knew I could just act as if nothing happened, but this was going to come up again in the future and I want my relationship with Lydia to be clear of any doubts, I want her to always trust me with her problems and for that to happen I must do the same.

"I met…"

"Another girl, right?"

Luckily I was planning to speak to her from the start, it is scarry how difficult it is to keep a secret when your girlfriend have this level of IQ.

"Yes, but I just wanted you to know that even if my instinct lead me to other girls, I won't act on it, for me you are important and I don't want anything to come between us, so please trust me when I say that I will never betray you"

"You don't need to do this for me"

"What do you mean?"

I don't know what is happening, I mean why would she be okay with me going after other girls, although there is no reason to doubt the stability of our relationship, I'm starting to fear that she wants to break up.

"During these last months I have lived the strangest moments of my existence. I sometimes hear things other can't, enter trances and do strange things. I would already be mad and isolated if it wasn't for you. You have been taking care of me and helping me deal with my banshee's craziness; you have shown me so much love and helped me too much that I feel like I will never be able to repay you. I can't even completely satisfy your sexual needs and you don't have an idea of how impotent that makes me feel. If now I was to stop you from following your nature I would feel even worse. You always tells me to accept myself as banshee and that you love the whole me, the crazy side too. Now I want you to do the same, cause I will always love you, and that is why I want both of us to be happy and satisfied."

I was stumped by her reply, I literally never thought she had been thinking of all these things, but it makes me happy knowing she isn't planning to leave, and she loves me enough to accept this side of me too.

"Being with you is the best thing that happened to me, so I don't need anything more than having you by my side, how much have you been thinking of this?"

"For some weeks. After you explained to me all you knew about werelion I also did my research on lions and their prides. I don't know how our relationship will change, but I know that we will face everything together like always. I'm a banshee and you are a werelion, we don't have to follow what the society thinks is right."

"Now it seems like you are the one who wants this the most"

"Well, I always wanted a sister, and you made me perverted enough to find these thoughts about polygamy hot. Having this said I want to know everything that happened and for you to present me to her."

"Well… that might be difficult for now"

"I'm ready for this Thomas."

"I believe you, it's just that she is a coyote…"

"Maybe I'm not ready for this"

(Thanks for all the support you are giving me, I hope you all are happy with the second love interest. For now the story has been going quite fast, but once canon start it will slow down.)

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