
Chapter 4 New Beginnings

The next day,

Sable was surprised to discover that his laptop could function as a regular device when he disconnected the device from FutureNet even the dates was updated to the present. He even stumbled upon a built-in app that could keep FutureNet hidden, allowing the laptop to function as a regular computer when needed. He felt relieved to have discovered this, as he could use it for his future plans without raising any suspicion.

Sable let out a sigh of relief as he closed the laptop. For weeks, he had been living in constant fear of being caught with the FutureNet device. He knew he had to be careful, but the pressure was mounting, and the stress was getting to him.

But now, with the built-in app he had discovered, Sable could finally relax. He knew he could use the laptop for regular purposes without worrying about being discovered. He could even take it to school without raising any suspicion.

Sable couldn't help but smile as he imagined the possibilities. He could do his school work, browse the internet, and even play games without having to constantly look over his shoulder.

Nope better not risk it, with the amount of money he has he can buy the most advanced laptop of this time period.

As he closed his eyes, Sable knew that he could finally focus on his next plan without any distractions.

Sable thought about the upcoming school year. With June just a month away, he knew that he had to make the most of his free time. He remembered back to when he was younger, and how his family had moved during this same time period. His mom had just graduated with a degree in education, but had not yet passed her board exams to become a licensed teacher. As a result, she was currently unemployed, and money was tight.

Sable's dad had been the main breadwinner for the family, and after his passing, they had to move out of their current rented home to his mother's relatives' house on her side. Sable's mom had done her best to make ends meet, but it was a struggle. They had to be very careful with their expenses, He knew that it was a necessary move, especially since they couldn't afford to keep renting their current place.

As he continued to think, he also remembered that it was around this same time when his mother informed him that he would be transferring to a private school. He was initially surprised, as he had been attending a public school all his life. But he soon realized that his mother was doing everything she could to give him a better education and a brighter future.

Sable leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. Memories from the past flooded his mind, reminding him of the difficulties they had faced as a family. He remembered how many times they had to move to different places and the reasons why they had to do it. He shook his head, trying to shake off the unpleasant thoughts.

But then, he reminded himself that things were different now. They were moving to the same city and barangay as his mother's relative, but this time, they were doing it on their own terms. They weren't being forced to move because of their circumstances now. They had the means to make their own choices and take control of their lives.

Sable smiled to himself, With the money he had won from the lotto, they had the financial security to make the move without worrying about the cost.

Sable opened his laptop and started browsing the internet. He remembered a subdivision he used to pass by when commuting in the past on his way to his old high school and always wondered what it looked like inside and what it would feel like to live there, he was curious to learn more about it. He searched for the name of the subdivision and found some information about it. It was a high-end residential community with a lot of amenities like a clubhouse, swimming pool, and playground. The houses were big and beautiful, with modern designs and landscaped gardens.

As Sable looked at the pictures of the houses, "its decided let's buy a house there"

Sable approached his mom and excitedly said, "Mom, I found a subdivision that I think we should check out. There's a house and lot for sale and it's ready to occupy!"

His mom looked at him quizzically and asked, "Where did you find this subdivision, Sable?"

"I was looking for a house on the internet and have come across it, Mom. It's called Green Valley Subdivision," he replied.

His mom seemed interested and asked, "How much is the house and lot?"

"It's priced at 3.5 million pesos, Mom. And it's fully furnished too! I think it's a great deal," Sable said.

His mom looked at him with surprise and asked, "3.5 million pesos? That's a lot of money, Sable. Are you sure we can afford it?"

Sable replied confidently, "Yes, Mom. With the money we won from the lotto, we can definitely afford it. Plus, the house is fully furnished so we won't have to spend more money on furniture and appliances and its value will only keep on increasing in the future." Besides it's much cheaper now compared to the prices of the future where a property like that can reach tens of millions". "he said to himself"

His mom thought about it for a moment and then said, "Okay, Sable. Let's go and check out this subdivision and see if the house and lot is worth the price. But we have to make sure that we're not overspending our money."

As Sable excitedly described to his mom about the house and lot he found, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, she was happy for her son's enthusiasm and initiative to secure their future. On the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about the idea of buying a house at such a young age.

She knew that Sable had been through a lot, losing his father and having to adjust to a new life without him. She also knew that he was a bright and responsible young man, but the idea of taking on such a big responsibility at his age still made her nervous.

However, as she listened to Sable explain his plans and the benefits of owning a house, she began to see the wisdom in his decision. She couldn't deny that having a place of their own would provide stability and security for their family.

Deep down, she knew that Sable was right, and she was proud of him for being so resourceful and forward-thinking. She silently thanked his father for instilling such values in their son.

With a smile, she turned to Sable and said, "You know what, son? I think you're right. Let's take a look at that house and lot you found."

Later that day

Sable and his mom arrived at the Green Valley subdivision, excited to finally see the house and lot that Sable found online. They were greeted by a friendly real estate agent whose contact information he found on the internet, who introduced herself as Ms. Reyes.

"Welcome to Green Valley, Sable and Mrs. Cruz. I'm Ms. Reyes, and I'll be showing you around the house and lot that you're interested in," Ms. Reyes said with a smile.

"Thank you, Ms. Reyes. We're really excited to see the property," Sable replied.

As they walked towards the house, Ms. Reyes explained the features and amenities of the subdivision. "Green Valley is one of the most sought-after subdivisions in this area. We have a clubhouse, a swimming pool, a basketball court, and a playground for the kids. We also have 24/7 security to ensure the safety and privacy of our residents."

"That's great to hear," Sable's mom said. "How about the house and lot that Sable found online? Is it still available?"

"Yes, it is. And I must say, it's a great choice. The house is a two-story, three-bedroom unit with a spacious living room, a dining area, and a modern kitchen. It also has a carport and a backyard," Ms. Reyes answered.

As they entered the house, Sable and his mom were impressed with the interior design and the furnishings. Sable's mom took note of the storage spaces and the layout of the bedrooms.

"This is really nice, Sable. And the price is reasonable too," Sable's mom said, smiling at her son.

Sable nodded, "Yes, mom. And the location is great too. It's just a few minutes away from your relatives' house, and it's also accessible to public transportation."

After their tour, they sat down with Ms. Reyes to discuss the details of the house and lot. They talked about the payment terms, the move-in date, and the requirements needed to finalize the purchase.

Sable's mom was a bit hesitant at first, but Sable assured her that they could afford it, given their current financial situation. After some more discussion, they finally agreed to go ahead with the purchase.

As they left the subdivision, Sable and his mom were both excited about their new home. They talked about the things they needed to prepare before the move, and Sable's mom couldn't help but feel grateful for her son's resourcefulness and determination to provide for their family.

A few days had passed since Sable and his mother visited the house and lot in Green Valley subdivision. They spent their days finalizing their moving plans and preparing everything they would need for the move. Sable helped his mother pack all their belongings into boxes, and they both made sure that everything was organized and properly labeled.

As they worked, Sable's mind wandered to the time when they said their intention to move to his uncles and cousins that live a few houses away from their own.

They were all gathered in their small living room, chatting and laughing as if they didn't have a care in the world. Sable felt a pang of sadness as he realized that their living conditions were not so different from their own before he returned from the future.

He knew that saying goodbye to them was not going to be easy. They had always been there for him and his mother, and helping them out whenever they could. Sable felt grateful for everything they had done for him, and he vowed to himself that he would help them in the future.

"Hey, guys," Sable said, his voice cracking slightly. "I just wanted to say goodbye before we move."

His uncles and cousins turned to him, their smiles fading as they realized what was happening.

"We're going to miss you, Sable," one of his cousins said, her eyes misting up.

Sable felt a lump form in his throat. "I'm going to miss you guys too," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I promise that I'll come back and visit, and I'll make sure to help you out whenever I can."

His uncles and cousins nodded, their expressions grateful. Sable knew that they were struggling to make ends meet, and he felt a sense of responsibility to help them out.

As he said his final goodbyes and made his way out of their home, Sable couldn't help but think about the future. He knew that he had a lot of work to do, but he was determined to create a better life for himself and his family. And he knew that he would always be grateful for the love and support of his extended family, who had been there for him when he needed them the most.

"Back to the Present"

He couldn't wait to live in a place they could call their own, a place where they could finally settle down and start fresh. He remembered how his heart raced when they first saw the house and lot for sale, and how he felt a sense of excitement and pride knowing that they would soon own it.

Sable couldn't help but compare himself now to his future self, the one he saw in the mirror with a protruding belly and thinning hair. He promised himself that he would take care of his body and health, and not let himself go like that. He wanted to make sure that he would be able to enjoy their new home to the fullest, and that he would be healthy enough to make the most out of life.

Finally, the day of their move arrived. Sable and his mother loaded all their belongings into a rented truck and made their way to Green Valley subdivision. They arrived at their new home, and Sable's heart swelled with pride and happiness as they stepped inside. The house was even more beautiful than he remembered, and he couldn't wait to start living there with his mother.

As they sat down to rest after a long day of moving, Sable and his mother talked about their plans for their new home. They discussed how they would decorate it, what furniture they would need to buy, and how they would make the most of the space. They both felt a sense of excitement and joy knowing that they were finally able to own a place they could call their own.

Next chapter