
Chapter Three.

Isle closes his eyes faced in a difficult situation "I have to find away to crack this , wait I have an idea " Isle thought, " Torisho before you activated the security protocol did you implant your face scan ? " Isle asked ," ya I did" Toshiro answers , "alright then but if I unlock your phone what's in for me ?" " alright if you can unlock it I'll give you access to any department you want but it can only be one " Toshiro says , " its a deal" Isle agrees then he brings out his laptop from his bag, placing it on the table he opens it then bringing out a cable , " you always bring a cable with you ? " Haruki asked, " ya, its handy in case I need to hack into anything " Isle says then connecting the phone and the laptop with the cable then he begins typing on the laptop which showed all the features with the phone, licking his lips he then clicks on the enter key the the laptop which shows a face scanner , " ya , okay Torisho please stare at the camera " Isle says , " alright " Torisho says in confusion as he stared at the laptops camera the phone immediately went on living Toshiro and Isles friends amazed, " check it , its all good to go " Isle says as Toshiro gladly takes his phone then begins , " its finally working , I guess you do live up to your dad's expectation " Toshiro says , " now for my prize " Isle asked , " ya , tomorrow I'll get all the departments assess cards and let you choose what ever one you want and thanks again man I'll see you around " Toshiro says then walking away happily with his new phone , " that was awesome Isle how did you do it ?" Akio asked as all of them played their listening ears, " well since he activated a back up solution to this but couldn't access it because the phone wouldn't come , I thought I could connect it to my laptop which gave me temporary access to the phone for me to activate the back up solution " Isle explained, " Toshiro was right , you do live up to your dads expectation " Haruki says then the bell rings , "time for lunch " Daiki says , " come on there two other people we'd like you to meet " Haruki says talking to Isle.

at the cafeteria lots of students walk into the cafeteria including Isle and his friend wh where standing right at the entrance , " Haruki look over there , its Himari and Hana " Daiki said pointing at three girls sitting at a table with three empty sits , " ha , bashira's there too " Isle happily said. they walk towards the the girls, " Isle wait , you should wear this " Akio says lending Isle a suglass , " uh , what's it for ? '' he asked , "trust me just a little prank " he answers back, " alright " he says then putting on the glasses. "Hi girls " Daiki called then the girls looked up to see to see Daiki and the rest a stranger with dark glass on his eyes , " hey what's the matter shy boy " one of the girl says talking to Isle, " honestly I'm not even sure why I'm putting these on '' Isle says , "that voice,could it be" Bashir thought, " alright, you can take off the glasses " Akio instructed which Isle did as the two girls opened their mouth wide aghast to see who was right in front of them while Bashir chukled at their expression.


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