
Girl with Blade Wings

A sudden appearance of an abyss in an unknown area of the world creates tremors that reverberate around the world. Every creature feels tremendous tremor and feels suppression along with it. Within the abyss, a pulsing translucent egg-shaped substance starts to emerge. The substance continues to move further and further away from the abyss. As soon as it left the boundaries of the abyss, suspended in the sky, the translucent material starts to disintegrate, and the tremors that plague the world immediately stop.

Furled deep violet blade wings become visible as the translucent material quickly crumbles and disappears. When the last of the translucent material breaks apart and disappears, within the furled bladed wings, a crouched creature resembling a naked teenage girl slowly opens her beautiful emerald feral eyes. Unhurriedly, she elegantly stretches her limbs and unfurls her wings. The moment she completely unfurls her wings, her vibrant long wavy crimson hair is revealed. She examines herself with uncertainty. Her exposed unnatural unblemished fair skin glitters when touched by the sunlight. Her blade wings shine menacingly. She cups her average size breast with her hands, giving it a slight squeeze unsure written in her face. She tries to speak but no words are spoken instead an enchanting melody comes out. She puts her hands on her sides while she tilts her head in confusion.

Then, she notices the erratic behavior of things around her. The great tension in the space around her. As though it is expanding and contracting at the same time. The air pressure too keeps changing. When she looks down she sees an expanding crater. She instinctively realizes that her aura is the cause of such a disturbing occurrence. She immediately tries to seal her aura but disappointingly realizes that she doesn't know-how. Her eyes moisten after coming to that realization. But, a sudden idea pops into her thought. She smiles as she works on that idea and eventually the idea did help her to seal her highly chaotic aura.

She was still immersed with the feeling of success when she felt a powerful presence thousands of kilometers east away from her. Intrigue, like a moth drawn to the flame she flies toward it with great speed. She reaches her target only after a few minutes or so. The creature turns out to be a Dreadlic. A creature that was designed and masterfully created by the gods that have abandoned this world. Dreadlic has the highest magical capabilities as well as physical but they rarely express their emotions. Their appearances can be described as ethereal. The only difference between their appearances from each other is the color of their eyes.

Only a few centimeters away, the Dreadlic vanishes.

She immediately feels a threatening presence behind her and instinctively covers her body with her blade wings.

*Shzzpt, Shzzzpt, Shzzpt, BOOM!*

Multiple ferocious lightning spears are hurled towards her. At the same time, an overwhelming oppressing aura engulfs her. Sparks simultaneously ignite from the collision of lightning spears and her blade wings.

She ignores the oppressing aura. Crouch within her wings, she prepares to counter-attack.

And then, before the next barrage of lightning spears are hurled towards her, with a great force she unfurls her wings that sweep the lightning spears away. Then, she immediately rushes towards the Dreadlic while conjuring dark material knives from both of her hands.

Already covered with multiple magic shields and barriers, the Dreadlic with an intense look on his face confidently awaits. But then, in a blink, she has already closed in front of him with both of her knives centimeters away from slashing his throat. All his barriers and shields are gone.

Without a moment to lose the Dreadlic backs up a hundred or so kilometers away with his arms crossed.

But before he could even put up any shield or barrier, he feels a presence behind him.

He immediately dodges, and yet he is caught off guard by a kick from above. The kick is so powerful that it knocks out the Dreadlic cold. To the point that as the Dreadlic slams to the ground that created a hundred-kilometer crater.

As soon as the Dreadlic was knocked out cold, the humanoid stop her attacks. She tilts her head and slowly descends to the crater. She walks toward the unconscious Dreadlic with her bladed wings still full spread. Sensing that the Dreadlic is no longer conscious, the humanoid tucks her blade wings and examines the Dreadlic with great interest. At first, she started poking then pinching, and touching. Eventually, she realizes that the Dreadlic is badly injured. Again a sudden idea pops into her head. The idea is to heal the Dreadlic. Curious about the idea the humanoid looks at the Dreadlic and finds herself instinctively knowing what magic to use to heal him. Opening her mouth soothing melody pours out at the same time as the melody started warm gentle lights wrap around the Dreadlic. Just after a couple of minutes pass when the humanoid uses healing arts the Dreadlic woke up.

"Child I thought you wanted to kill me?" he humanoid tilts her head on one side and opens her mouth but again only melody flowed out. Yet this time it was a sweet and tender one.

"I see, you don't mean no harm," he frowns "still, your aura is too powerful even though you try to conceal it. I am a Dreadlic after all. Though an oddball," a slight upward curve of his mouth.

The humanoid only tilted her head to the opposite side and let out a soft "hmm"


"Let us talk telepathically then, is this better?"

Her eyes got bigger as she stares at him

"Try it."

"Try it?" a soft velvety voice resounds in Dreadlics thoughts

"That's it. Good job" he pats her head

She smiles then started to hum a lively tone with a hint of soft laughter

"So, little one where did you come from?"

She shakes her head in confusion then just point towards the abyss as she looks at the Dreadlic full of confusion. He frowns again "You were from the void?"

She hesitates for a moment then nods.

"Hmm. Well, that's surprising. The void itself can be considered safe but the surrounding of it is pure chaotic elements. Are you alone?

She nods her head again

"I see. From what I could perceive your a creature almost made of pure chaos energy yet there's something unknown mixed in."

She tilts her head

"Oh, you're wondering where I came from. Chuckles Well I am the last Dreadlic created by the gods." The Dreadlic with aquamarine eyes replies. He also notices how the little humanoid keeps looking at everything with a curious gaze.

"I see that you are a curious little thing. Since it seems like you are like a newborn babe I shall be your guide. Let me teach you about this world by traveling and experiencing the diverse landscapes it offers. I find touring the ever-changing world a novelty." The Dreadlic suggests.

She smiles and nods only half understanding what the Dreadlic is saying.

"Well, let's be on our way then? Ah, I almost forget my name little lady is Irrylath." Irrylath says with a wide grin different from other Dreadlics who suffer from facial paralysis.

She nods and hums a lively tone

"You do have an enchanting voice, my dear. Your very image is enchantingly dazzling."

She laughs. The sound of her laughter was refreshingly charming. She then spreads her bladed wings wide open and beckon to Irrylath to start the journey already. Irrylath lets out a chuckle and telepathically says "Fine, little lady we'll start our journey right away!"

End of Chapter