

It is a beautiful morning .The light from the sun shines so brightly on Celyn,which makes her reluctantly get up from bed

"oh,it's morning already(stretching as usual),thank goodness there are no lectures today".

Without freshening up,she walks to the kitchen to get food,only to find out that the kitchen is locked.

" OMG,mum dares to lock the kitchen,knowing fully well that I'll be hungry by the time I wake up"

..."by the way,where did those useless maids go off to"

2pm in the afternoon

After getting food delivered and spending the whole day playing games on her computer,Celyn is prepared to head out to meet her boyfriend who her mother never imagined even in her wildest dreams,exist...Her phone rings...picking up,she is informed that her mother is currently in the hospital, fighting for her life.

A lifeless gaze falls upon her face,she's still in disbelief as to how it happens that she wasn't even given a heads up about the sickness of her mother

...how could this happen now?,mum is such a burden..

....I still can't believe she'd ruin this day for me...she thought to her self before deciding to go see her boyfriend,first and would head to the hospital later to check up on her mum.

Mrs Murphy, Celyn is down with a chronic disease .Although she's rich,but there is the saying that"money can't buy joy nor good health",it is only now that it's clear to her .Imagine,she has all the money in the world and there she still is,fighting to stay alive .The thought of her daughter being the way she is is certainly isn't any good for her .It's been 8hours since her mother's been in the hospital,but there's still no trace of her.

There girl is such a pain.When is she gonna show up

federalcreators' thoughts