

Everything you've ever wanted, is sitting on the other side of fear. You need to face that fear to get to your dreams. In her past life, she thought she found hope. A new family. But that sane family took no delay in destroying and stabbing her in the back. Reborn, she swore to make them pay for everything they did to her. Starting from the jerk she thought she loved and accepting the one she thought she hated. ....... In her previous life, she got separated from her family at the age of 8 and was used to bring them down and later killed. Given a second chance, she became the beast once prophesied.

K_Popper_Gina · Urban
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15 Chs



Your author speaking. This novel is totally and I mean completely fictional. All characters, locations and all are totally fictional.

Any instance almost same with one in real life is a complete mistake. Nothing in this novel is historically justified.
