
The First Chapter

Falling. The first thing you think of when the word comes to mind is a deep hole bottomless, dark and empty with you or a person speeding down through the darkness. or maybe you think of a stooping cliff towards a rocky demise. This was not the case here, in Toms case falling meant a flight of stairs stood below him beckoning his face as he flew forwards. As the stairs gained on him he realised that under no circumstances would he be able to get out of this. With both hands trapped in his annoyingly small jean pockets his impending doom grew closer. As the distance between his head and stair decreased, the thoughts that rushed through his head were not about his impending nosebleed (Added bonus on head first stairfalling) but about why today, of all days he had chosen to eat a healthy breakfast. On a normal day he would have toast and peanut butter or a super sugary processed cereal but not today. Today he'd chosen an apple, a single apple just ripening in its shades of dark red to yellow. But why of all days today had been the day that this misfortune occured and then... SLAM his forehead hit the metal encased ledge of the step inducing a loud crack as the motion reverberated around his head the crunch echoed through the hall. Then silence. Blood dripped down the steps slowly and collected in its deep thick dark puddle below.

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