
Chapter 1: Peacefulness

Chirp. Chirp. Chirp. 

Inside a dense and vibrant forest, full of wildlife. A single log cabin stood proudly, atop a grassy hill in a brief clearing of trees. The loud cabin sat motionlessly, as a frail man walked towards it, his footsteps echoing, bouncing off the trees.

The man was wearing a long grayish robe. His hair, was a pure white, that contrasted sharply with his piercing black eyes. He stared at the cabin while the katana fastened to his waist juggled up and down rhythmically, his face was blank until the cabin's door abruptly swung open and a wide grin appeared on his face.

" Brother! Welcome back. " 

With a full voice full of excitement, a child sprinted off of the cabin, rushing towards his brother, in only three steps, the child leaped into the air before snagging onto his brother's neck, this sudden force made the man stumble back before he regained his footing and gently peeled his brother off his body, dropping him to the ground. 

" Well? Did you clean the cabin like I told you? " 

" Yes, I did. You wouldn't even be able to tell if someone lived here. "

" Ah, that's good. I guess, I'll have to do the end of my bargain then too, huh? "

Said the man rubbing his chin with a defeated look on his face, the child just grinned eagerly before he pointed at his older brother and spoke. 

"It's my tenth birthday today, and you promised me. If I cleaned the house, you would train me to be a shinobi like you " 

" Tsk, I think you would be better off, a farmer or something. " 

Said the man, walking past his brother while rubbing his head. The child's eyes widened, as he spun around and watched his brother approach his cabin with a sad look until, after three more steps, his older brother spoke. 

" Let me put my stuff inside, and then we will begin our training, Liarko. "

The sadness on Liarko's face instantly vanished, as a wide grin spread across his face. He started to tap his foot on the ground impatiently, waiting for his brother to come outside the cabin. After a few minutes, Liarko watched his brother walk out of the cabin staring at him, before he wagged his fingers while pivoting, heading into the dense forest.

Liarko quickly sprinted after him, running past several trees until he suddenly felt someone trip him, causing Liarko to crash face-first onto the ground, he slid across the lush grass before he rolled and rose to his feet. In the corner of his eye, Liarko saw his brother nonchalantly leaning on an oak tree with his arms crossed, Liarko fully stood up before he yelled out. 

" Hey! Karkia, you can't do that. I wasn't ready. "

" And? If you're going to be a Shinobi, you have to be ready for the unexpected. Also, don't raise your voice at me like that, until you are confident that you can beat me in a fight. " 

" Yea? I bet I can beat you in a fight right now. "

As soon as Liarko said this, a loud scoff could be heard followed by Karkia's body vanishing, Liarko's eyes widened in astonishment but before he could react, he felt a firm grip grab on his left shoulder, Liarko looked up only to see his brother tightly holding onto his shoulder with a grin on his face. 

" If you can't see my movements. How do you plan on beating me in a fight? Is it strength? Strategy? Or do you think you can beat me because eventually I will feel bad? "

" You got- "

Before Liarko could respond, his brother flicked him in the head making him stumble back with watery eyes, Liarko looked forward at his brother before his brother sighed and spoke while reaching into his white robe. 

" Stop acting rashly and think brother. Are you going to rely on pure strength to win a fight or are you going to use strategy to trick them? "

" I-I would have to trick them? Relying on pure strength would get me killed. " 

" Correct. But how about this? Since you believe you can beat me. If you manage to run up a tree and grab onto this Kunai, I'll gladly fight you and I won't use any Jutsu. " 

Said Karkia as his arm shot out of his robe, flinging a kunai at a tree, the kunai easily pierced into the bark. The kunai was at the very top of the tree several feet above Liarko. Liarko stared at this tree before he glanced at his brother and spoke.

" Run up it? "

" Yes, infuse chakra into your feet and run up the tree and grab onto it? Is it that hard to understand? "

" I-I understand that, but aren't you going to help me? I don't know how to infuse my feet with chakra, I barely can even use chakra. " 

" Really? You see, I would help you. But, why would I help someone who is trying to beat me? Does that make any sense Liarko? No, it doesn't right? " 

Said Karkia while grinning at his brother, until suddenly he started to walk away heading back towards the cabin several feet away, Liarko stared at this in shock, his brother has never once treated him so harshly, as a matter of fact, Karkia was always kind and gentle to his brother, but for some reason, he was being rude and cocky. 

Liarko pondered this before he exhaled loudly, trying to calm the anger brewing inside him. Liarko glanced up at the Kunai before he gritted his teeth and dashed towards the tree...

Several hours later, the darkness of night had engulfed the forest. The bright full moon was hidden by thousands of tall trees, inside the log cabin, Karkia could be seen sitting on a creaky wooden bed, with a book in hand, he was gently humming to himself, while his eyes scanned down the page, lost in the words. 

A single orange lantern illuminated the cabin, there were only two beds and a singular shelf. Due to the cabin being so cramped, it gave the cabin a cozy feel, It was so cozy that Karkia was about to fall asleep after he read the final page of the book. However, the annoying sound of faint banging repeatedly rippled out. Karkia let out an annoyed smile before he closed the book and murmured to himself. 

" He's a persistent bastard, isn't he? "

The sound of banging was stemming from Liarko who was falling over and over, trying to grab onto the kunai. Karkia listened to one more bang before he stood up from his bed and walked towards the log door pushing it open. He stepped outside and gently closed the door before he headed towards Liarko.

Karkia walked through the dark forest, with his hand resting on the hilt of his katana, he walked past several trees before his eyes widened from the sound of joyous laughter. Liarko stared forward, staring at Liarko holding his right arm in the air while lying back first on the ground. He was tightly holding onto the kunai with a grin on his face.

" I-I finally did it. "

Liarko could only murmur these few words before his arm fell to his side and he passed out from exhaustion. Karkia stared at his brother before a pleased grin appeared on his face and he walked towards him stopping directly next to him, he looked down at his brother, staring at the bruises covering his body until in the corner of his eye. Karkia saw a figure standing on a tree branch, the figure feeling Karkia's gaze spoke cockily. 

" You know? Abandoning your brother, and letting him figure out chakra control by himself is quite cruel. "

" Being a shinobi is a dangerous job. I was hoping to discourage him, making him despise me and despise becoming a shinobi. "

" Tsk, pretty sentimental, for a rogue shinobi like yourself. "

" Rogue or not, we all have family to care about but what village sent you to claim my life? " 

Said Karkia slowly unsheathing his blade. The figure just let out a small chuckle before speaking. 

" The Leaf. "

" Ah, that explains the funny looking mask. "...

Next chapter