12 A Billion Sorrys

I wake up with Ezra beside me, sometimes he just takes over me...

Last Night

I lie down on the bed reading a book of course, only a little mad at him. I hear the door open and it traces a loud creak when it opens. "I'm sorry," He says as he closes the door behind him, but is he really sorry? "I shouldn't use that tone with you, you were only helping me settle down." His voice is very soothing. "You know how sensitive I get, and I'm still mad... this isn't even the first time either." I say.

"I know, my mistake." He walks towards the bed and sits on the side I'm on.

"I... Ezra, Sorry won't be enough this time."

He kisses me.

I put the book down and put my arms around his neck like I don't want to let go. He clasps his arms around my waste. I think I forgive him now...


I get dressed in a pink wrap dress with shiny beige flats for school. I lightly shake Ezra to wake him up. "Get ready." I kiss him on the cheek. "
