
Teacher of the year

Is a story about a 28 year old Michelle Dalinton who's an agent in her own father's company and is the leader of the team called "City Magicians". Michelle and her team was given a very important mission, the goal is to expose the "Sunshine Academy's" dirty secrets. Michelle's first move is to pretend as the new teacher in the school. Author's note: This is my first book. sorry for the wrong grammars and typos. hope ya'll have fun reading!

Angel_Ferrer_1010 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Plan

Dalinton's Mansion

"So? What's the plan" Daniel said as he slam he's hands on the table in front of Michelle. The 5 of them are having a meeting in Michelle's office, Brian is standing in front of the big window looking at the view of the mansion's garden, Matthew is standing in front of the big book shelves looking for different books, Franklin is just sitting there, taking a sip of his whiskey, Brian stood in front of Michelle, while Michelle just relaxed on her swivel chair. "You don't have any plans?" Daniel asked and Michelle chuckled "How are you?" she asked instead "Michelle, if you continue playing our precious time will be wasted" Daniel said as he straighten his suit "Hm? I don't think so, right Franklin?" she said and Franklin just smiled and nodded "Mr. Dalinton didn't gave us a dead line so…we can do this job any time we want" she said and smiled like a real business woman "Remember, we don't need the company, the company needs us" she said before getting her glass of wine "What are we going to do?" Daniel asked "Research" Brian said that made Michelle smile and stood up before taking a sip on her wine

"Clever Brian" Michelle uttered "I found a book about them" Matthew said and throw the book to Daniel, Daniel catch it and scanned it "We should start scanning and searching things about that school" Daniel said "Why? We all know that, that school is a very famous school for rich people, everyone knows that school" Franklin said and chuckled "where are we going to do the work?" Daniel asked "There's a lot of space in the basement, well, it's our old office. The computers that we need are still there and ready to use" Michelle said and they all nodded in agreement. "The work will start tomorrow 8 am sharp" Michelle said before leaving her office.


"So, how's everything?" Michelle asked the mall manager as they walk "Everything's fine ma'am" the manager said and smiled "Thank you for the company, you can go back to work now" She said and the manager nodded and bowed to her before leaving. Michelle walked peacefully in their own family mall. She's looking around while walking when suddenly…. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" a lady complained when Michelle bumped her that made her coffee spill to her clothes "It's your fault" Michelle said that made the lady chuckle sarcastically "It's your fault! You're inside the mall and you should remove those dark shades of yours! Tsk! You're so arrogant!" The lady exclaimed that made her remove her glasses "Hey, miss, you don't know me so you shut up" she said while walking close to the lady, the lady stepped back while looking at her "well just in case you don't know. I am Elina. Elina Scotts" Elina said proudly "My brother Samuel serves as the body guard of one of the richest agent not just here in UK, but also in other country!" Elina exclaimed "Scotts…hmm I see" Michelle said and chuckled before stepping forward and leaning close to her, making their face inches apart "hey what are you doing?!" Elina exclaimed before slapping her hard....that made Michelle touch her cheek

"Ms. Dalinton!" She heard a guy's voice before stepping away "You go fix your sister's problem before you come back to work Mr. Samuel Scotts!" Michelle yelled angrily before walking away


"Agh! Can you be gentle?!" Michelle exclaimed as Brian put the ice pack on her slapped cheek. They are at the living room because Michelle is not in the mood to walk towards their work place "What happened" Daniel asked "I got slapped, can't you see?" Michelle said grumpily "why?" Franklin asked "She almost kissed a girl" Matthew said before the 4 of them burst on laughing "wrong move Michelle" Franklin said before laughing hard. Michelle just rolled her eyes "I wasn't trying to kiss her, why would I do that" Michelle said and huff in annoyance as they continued laughing

"How long will it take?" Michelle asked as they start working on their mission "it will take us 10 months" Matthew said and continued typing on the computer "It's too long" Michelle said and check another files "10 months if we choose the method 1 and 6 months if we choose method 2" Daniel said that made the 4 of them look at him "Method what?" The four of them asked in unison that made Daniel smirk "You said we have to research something right? So here is it" Daniel said and showed them his laptop "last year one of the teachers in that university went missing, after one week the university announced that they are looking for a new teacher that can replace the missing one" Daniel said and smirked at them "So? What are we going to do?" Franklin asked "we're going to make them look for a new teacher" Matthew said "that can replace the missing one" Brian said that made their heads turn to him "huh?" the four of them said in unison "what's the main reason why are they looking for a new teacher?" Brian asked "Because one of their teachers went missing" Franklin said "So? What are we going to do?" Brian said "Make one of them disappear?" Daniel asked that made Brian clap his hands "Yes! That's right!" he exclaimed "You're not going to kill a teacher right?" Matthew asked "That's the only way" Brian said and stop clapping his hands "No, that's not the only way" Michelle said that made the four boys look at her "Just make him sleep and we're done" She said before walking towards the computer. "The question is...who's going to act as the teacher?" Daniel said that made Michelle look at them just to see the other boys looking at her "what?" she asked "No, not me" she said before turning her back "Come on Michelle! This is for the mission" Franklin said and walk towards her "no" she said "Michelle, please" Franklin whined like a kid "Hey, let me remind you, you're just short, you're not a kid" Michelle said that made Matthew and Daniel laugh "Okay fine! Just short, not a kid" Franklin said "This is for the mission Michelle" Brian said and Michelle turn to him "After this, you're done" Brian said that made her nod "Okay fine" Michelle said "But, I don't want to be a Math teacher" she said and face the computer again "Why not?" Matthew said "Because….I hate math" Michelle said as she type something on the computer "Get the profile of each teachers in that school" Michelle demanded "For what?" Daniel asked "So that I can choose" Michelle said and turn to them "You're so demanding, but yeah, okay fine" Franklin said and starts to work on his laptop.

"I hope this'll end well like the other missions we did before" Michelle uttered before facing the computer and starts working