

Andriana Belle Decker, a sixteen years old High school student. Perfect family. Perfect part time job. Perfect friends. Perfectly everything. Victor Gibson, a twenty six years old transfer teachers. He found hers. He hers teachers. He had eyes on hers. He own everythings.

PhantomGhost92 · Teen
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41 Chs


Since that flowers begin happen in Belle life. she received more, more flowers and card from O.G. she knew it's from Victor Gibson but she can't sure he is.

sometimes she found on her desk. sometimes under the tree she, Emma and Jake used to hanging out. from the flowers deliveries. at the restaurant even at Decker's home.

everyday. each time. whenever she goes the O.G were there. is like a symbolic. flowers is a symbolic to O.G. she not surely if she living in fear or should she act to be one.

she's not afraid of O.G. why should she?

if is true this flowers came from Gibson. she think his the one who living cowardly. sending the flowers to her like an coward stalker. he knew it already that she hate him before his disappearing. why he done this.

this out of control when the things keep happening. what will she do all this flowers she receives everyday?

"Are these flowers came from your fan?." asked the mother to Belle. "I've never know my daughter are famous."

"I'm not." she push the flowers aside. she barely touch it and feel disgust. "Maybe there's a crazy, maniac stranger did this."

her mother eyeing her daughter. "What do you mean?."

"I'd said. an idiots done this. wasted money for nothing. this."

she pointed at the flowers.

"I'm not sure who did this. but if is a man who send me this. his should stayed in mental hospital forever."

her mother looked at her. "Like a obsession fan? stalker fan? am I right? someone liking you but - you reject it. you hated it that happen."

Belle nod. she nod everything what her mother said. true. her mother doesn't not know who's the one sending this flowers to her. she keep it secret till the senders revealed himself.

but what if it wasn't Gibson? what if who sending those flowers are someone else? someone who really stalked her.

"You should - you should lodge a report to cop." said her mother.

"Harassment? stalker? what kind of report will I do, mom? will they believe me."

"Because you are my daughter and I don't want anything happen to you. yes, stalker! they believe you. a sixteen years being stalked by unknown strangers weirdo. whatever cause that."

her mother breath. continue. "I don't want this happen. this is not gonna happen to my daughter. come. I company you. I convinced them - that they will protect you no matter what."

few moments later. someone knocked at the Decker's door. Belle mother started to panicked. she reach Belle arm shoves her away from the door. she order Belle hiding under somewhere else.

Belle refused. she need to protect her mother and herself. if her mother died, she died too.

she watched her mother slowly walked toward the door. before she reach the knob. she use peephole to see who at the door. and what she saw it was Jake that she barely knew.

he standing at the door bitting his bottom lips waiting someone opened the door for him.

the mother curious. Jake too innocent and handsome to be a stalker of her daughter. maybe his the one or not. how many time the mother blink her eyes as her mind keep fuzzy thinking about it.

Jake wasn't a boy the mother expect. without telling Belle. she reach the knob and swung the door half open. she confront Jake with fear.

"Hi? you must be Belle's mother. I'm Jake Harley."

he said with smile. he can see how scared Belle mother face meeting him in personal. her face about to turned pale of his presence.

"I'm Belle classmate. didn't she tell you?."

"Are you my daughter stalker young man?!." the mother asked. "If you do? fight me." she said grit her teeth.

Jake sudden burst to small laugh. he correct Belle's mother.

"No. I'm not. truly I'm Jake Harley. just moved in her month ago. Belle know me. if she at home?."

the mother still no responding. he spokes back.

"Ah, she must tell you already about the flowers she get from the strangers. I know that too. that's why I'm here to protect her."

Belle mother stare his face. she studied him from head to shoes then back to his face. like what she thought. Jake to clean to be a series stalker. maybe she should trust him but if he wasn't?

she jolted as Belle standing next to her. she greet Jake with smile.

"Jake, what are you doing here?."

"Belle? I clearly see your mother wouldn't trust me what I'am to you. she froze."

Belle shake her mother body. she snap from her overreacting thinking. she looked at Belle.

"Mom. it's okay. he just my classmates. don't worried about it. he know too."

her mother turn to Belle. said. "Really? so I guess my thoughts were wrong about him."

the mother invited him in. Belle and Jake sitting at the living room. the mother at the kitchen making a tea.

in minute the mother out from the kitchen with tray and a cookies jar in her hand. she laid it down the table. then take a sit beside Belle with smile. she asked him.

"Classmate. I kindly know you somewhere. are you the new family business from new york?."

"Yes. we are." he smile.

"Funny. why your family moved in here? business trip?."

Jake reach the cup as Belle pour the tea inside the cup for her mother. he drink it then laid the cup on his laps. he spokes.

"No. wasn't business trip. actually our home in new york is on renovation. this just temporarily stayed."

"Why choose here? colorado? why?."


Belle pinch her mother laps. she know. her mother still afraid of kind that weird happened. especially involve her own daughter life. of course all mother are worried about their kids safety.

"My mother. she's the one. she like wild green, lakes. so she choose colorado. so they work on online till the house fully done. then we moved back."

"Interesting. Katherine your mother. like I did buy something from her on online. perfume I think. I don't remember. well - welcome. as long I know you friend with my daughter I shouldn't be afraid."

silent. the mother spokes back. "You will protect my daughter right?."

"With all I have. I will." he smile.

later. Decker's house. Belle escort Jake out. the weather looks like already in evening. times flew fast. windy and calmy. she look up at the sky. cloudy. the sky it's about to rain this evening. they two stop at the end, he face her with sweet smile she never see.

"She nice." he said. "Your mother. I like her. funny is she, thought I'm the one. but wasn't."

"She asked me to - you know. cops."

his smile widen. slowly he lean kiss her cheeks. she felt shocked and blushing. she can feel her face hot red like a tomato or chillies.

why he kiss her? she can feel his breath on her cheek. an second he cupped both of her cheek, stare on her round eyes. he about to said something and he did.

"Before regret anything. I must tell you this. for the first time I've meet you, Belle."

Belle? that's it?

"I completely stunning on you. I tried to confess but I'am afraid you will rejected me. and you suddenly received a gift from the strangers and this time I make my moved on you."

silent couple of second. he spokes back. she hear him breathing heavily. what should he said to her. make moved on her? what's that supposed to mean?

"I love you, Andriana Belle Decker."

he know her full name. how?

"I'll protect you no matter what or hard could be. I don't care what will happen to me. even I'm hurt. I rather died for you. you the weird girl I've never seen. well compared than Emma."

she snort. he continued.

"You mine craziness. I can't lose you. I will fight to have you. let that bastard came to me. he will never get you."

and this time he kiss her lips. at this moment. someone are watching them both in anger.