
first day at university

my first day at board universty of china. i was a little bit worried about my first day at university bcz i don't have any friends or even i was new there so i was worried that how can i start. i went to principle office. i opened the door, looking down and step forword.

when i up my eyes i saw someone is taking to principle...

i was continusly looking at him he was so cute, innocent, and handsome.

then he juct step over nd i saw him he was looking at me. i was i little bit shy and down my head again he went out form the office. i juct indro myself to principle nd get my form to go to the class.

when i entered the class the person i saw in the principle office he was my class teacher.

i was i little bit shocked bcz i dont thing that the person i saw in the office... like... i don't have words to say...

i entered the class nd sit at front seat.

i was looking at him continously nd saying to myself that... how cute is he..

he was also looking at me i felt like he was blushing like me...

the class he over now i juct went out nd call him...

me.... sir... excuse me..

sir... yes...!

me.. sir can u give me extra classes...? plz..!

sir... why..?

me... bcz i m late admission so can u help me plzz..?

sir ... ok

me... thank you sir

sir... 2 o'clock

me... what sir..?

sir.. your extra classes.

me... ooo okie sir.