
TMSN - Chapter 4

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I stretched, grabbing my crutches and made my way into the dining room to see Joe setting up a huge breakfast feast for the three of us.

Smiling, I took my seat and helped myself to some bacon and scrambled eggs. I made myself a sandwich with toast, eggs, bacon, and I added some pepper and salt.

"How are you feeling today?" Joe asked as he sat down and started digging into his breakfast.

"Okay, I guess considering the circumstances," I answered, between bites of my food.

"You going to go to school?" Joy asked.

I nodded, "this isn't going to hold me back Joy." I smiled as I finished my breakfast.

While Joy helped me grab my bag and laptop, I took some money from Joe for lunch. I felt so useless because Joy and Joe had to help me get ready. I smiled at them as we hopped into the car. Joy gave me the front seat so I had more room.

When we arrived at school Joy helped me out of the car and onto my crutches, ignoring the stares and mumbles from other students.

"Call me if you guys need anything," Joe called as Joy and I headed inside, slowly.

"I'm sorry Joy, I didn't mean to get you to carry my stuff," I said as we got to our lockers.

"All good Shadow. I'm here for you, no matter what. It's what families are for, you are my sister." Joy smiled.

"Thank you Joy. So what do you have anyway?" I asked, changing the subject, I don't do well with emotional shit.

"Nothing, I have two free lessons, what about you?" Joy asked, quickly opening my locker so she could help put my stuff away. I looked at my timetable that I taped onto the door of my locker.

"A double free then math," I said, closing my locker door.

"Sounds fun," Joy said before looking at the phone as she got a text. "Will you be alright by yourself? Cera texted me saying that my music teacher wants to talk to me," Joy explained, looking guilty.

"Nah, it's fine, go do what you need to, I need to catch up with some teachers too," I replied, giving Joy an awkward hug before she jogged to the performing arts building.

Once she left, I started making my way to Mr White's office to see if he was in. When I knocked, I heard a grumble in response. Walking in, I saw Mr White making himself a coffee.

"Oh, hello Shadow, I didn't expect you to come to school today. How are your foot and ankle?" He asked as I sat awkwardly onto my usual chair next to his desk.

"Yeah, it's healing. I wanted to thank you for the flowers," I said, tracing lyrics that I wrote onto my cast in different markers that Joe got me.

"Any time, I'm sorry I didn't come out earlier," Mr White apologized.

"Don't blame yourself. She was just being crazy," I said. "I don't believe what she said anyway."

"Good, because I never went there with her, she's not my type," Mr White said, looking at me. I could feel the heat rising to my face. I looked back down at my cast.

"Do you want to sign my cast, Mr White?" I asked, holding out the bundle of different coloured markers.

"Sure." Mr White smiled, taking out a blue marker. "And you can just call me Drew when it's just the two of us," Mr White said.

"Okay M-Drew," I said blushing at the feel of his name on my tongue and the mistake I made as I watched him sign the cast.

'Hope you get better.

All the best wishes

~ Drew xx'

Smiling at his note, I took the marker back. I took out a purple marker and drew a star around his writing.

"Thank you," I said.

"Welcome," he replied. He then looked at the clock. I followed his gaze and we realised it was almost time for the third lesson.

"I better get going so I don't get caught in the rush, I'll see you later, Drew," I smiled.

"Okay, stay safe and remember, only call me Drew when we are alone," I nodded, gave him a high five and grabbed my crutches, leaving his office and head to my locker then math classroom.

As I got to my locker and got my math stuff, I saw Joy waiting for me.

"I'm here to walk you to your class," She smiled. I nodded and got out all my stuff which she took and brought to my math class for me.

"Who's Drew?" Joy asked when she saw the place where Mr White signed my cast.

"Someone I know. We're just friends Joy," I said earning a hum in response.

"Because a friend adds X's when they sign a cast or anything at that," She replied.

"They can, don't worry," I said, not bothering to fight her, "Just friends."

"Okay, Shadow. If you say so," she said as she put my books down on my desk, while I sat down.

"I'll be at our lockers too after class," I nodded.

"Alright, see you after," I said as she leaves.

As class began I noticed a few people looking at me, my cast to be more specific. It made me beyond furious. I gave a few students glares and they stopped looking and went back to focusing on the class, or whatever they were doing beforehand.

As the bell rang, signalling the end of class, I stayed behind. I slowly packed up my things, waiting for Joy to come by and help me carry them to my locker.

"Shadow, are you okay?" asked Mr Gruve. I nodded as I handed in my homework sheet.

"Yeah, just waiting for Joy," I said. At that moment, she walked in, smiling at me.

"Ready to GO?" She grabbed my things, looking over at Mr Gruve as if she was asking permission. Mr Gruve nodded then indicated to the door.

"Yea, let's go," I said, getting a grip on my crutches before we headed towards our lockers.

"Wanna go to Ms Wilson's office?" Joy asked. I nodded

"Sure, why not," I answered. We then made our way to Ms Wilson's office, where she was working on her computer.

"How is your ankle and foot going?" Ms Wilson asked me.

I shrugged. "It's okay I guess," I replied. "Wanna sign it?" I asked grabbing the bundle of coloured sharpie markers out of my pockets.

"Okay," She replied grabbing the red marker.

'Get better,

Learn from your mistakes.

~ Ms Wilson'

"Thank you," I said, taking the marker back from her while smiling.

"Any time. But pick your battles, sweetie," Ms Wilson said in warning, testing my patience.

"Funny. I tried to walk away and ignore her but she pulled me back and purposely broke my ankle and foot," I snapped at her.

Ms Wilson looked mad but ignored my remark. I was surprised but thankful. As Joy sat there talking to Ms Wilson about some class she has, I was shuffling through my music on my phone.

Not long after picking a song, the bell rang signalling the end of recess.

Sighing, Joy and I made our way to our lockers and then made our way to our English class.

While we were taking our seats, Mr White walked in and walked towards his desk. He looked up at the class, then directly at me for a few seconds before taking the attendance and getting started on the lecture.

"Joy, what would you be doing your assignment on?" Mr White asked as he handed out the assignment sheets that had the guidelines on it.

"I was thinking maybe on Deadpool. And the different types of techniques that were used and stuff," Joy said, as she skimmed through the sheet.

"Good choice," Mr White commented before moving over to me. "What about you?" He asked me.

"I was thinking of doing mine on Suicide Squad," I said after a moment thinking. Mr White nodded.

"Alright. Well if you need help feel free to come and ask me," He said softly before his eyes widened when he realised that we weren't alone.

He turned around and called loudly, "That goes for all of you. If you need help, feel free to come and ask for help with anything," he said, looking at me as he said that last part.

"Sure will," I said softly so that only he would be the one to hear me. Smiling, he continued to go to each student in the class, handing out the assignment sheets and asking what everyone was planning on doing. Surprisingly, no ideas had been repeated.




After English and lunch, I was sitting in Photography editing more photos while Joy was taking her maths test.

Finishing up the last photo, I uploaded it to daymap for my teacher so that she could grade my work while I went out to take more photos.

As I walked around the buildings trying to manage the camera and the crutches, finding people and random things to take photos of, I ran into Mr White.

"How's the leg going?" he asked as I let the camera rest on my chest and started making my way down the hall again.

"Alright," I answered honestly as he followed me down the hall, and back to my photography class.

"Well, be careful and have fun," he replied as he left me at the art building, heading toward the staff room.

Heading to my classroom with a smile on my face, I transferred the photos I took into my computer and began editing those ones too before uploading them onto daymap.

"Shadow Thompson. Can you come here please?" asked Ms Wine, summoning me to her desk. Nodding, I stood up and made my way to her desk.

"What did you want me for?" I asked, leaning against my crutches.

"I wanted to tell you personally, that you dear have talent. For these photos, it's all A's. One suggestion is to focus on one subject," Ms Wine stated, smiling sweetly. I nodded.

"Is that all, miss?" I asked, getting annoyed, I mean, I got a good grade, don't wreck the feeling and everything by telling me I need to focus on certain subjects.

"No that's all, thank you," she said as I made my way to my desk just before the bell rang and Joy came in to help me go to our lockers.

Next chapter