
TMSN - Chapter 2

Once we were home, I went upstairs to my bedroom and sat on my window seat. I took out my notebook and started drawing.

Halfway through, I realised that I was drawing Mr White. Blushing, I finished the picture and tore it out of the book. I bid the page in one of my other books and started drawing again. Instead, I drew the view from my window - the lights, the park across the road and the big oak tree that was in the middle, shading people from the sun.

"Shadow, time to come down and have dinner!" Joe called.

"Okay!" I yelled back, not realising how late it got. I jogged down the stairs and sat in my usual spot at the dining table, which was across from Joe. Joe brought out his homemade lasagna as well as a bowl of salad as I settle down.

"Smells nice, dad," Joy smiled as Joe served the lasagna and salad.

"Why thank you, Joy," He smiled, kissing the top of her head as he passed her, her plate.

"I agree! Joe, it smells amazing," I add, as he passed me my plate and fist bumped me. He then got his food and sat at the head of the table.

"So, what did you guys do at school?" Joe asked, his gaze flickering between Joy and I. I nodded to Joy, signalling her to start.

"Well, I had English then Music, which was pretty good. Then, I had geography which I had with Shadow. I also have English with Shadow too," Joy said smiling, "It was a pretty fun day today."

"What about you, Shadow," Joe asked, nodding at Joy's answer.

Swallowing the food I was eating, I smiled. "Well, I had English then Photography, which was pretty fun. Then geography which was fund too," I said, "The teachers are really nice too."

"Well, that's good to hear! Let's hopes it stays that way huh," he smiled as Joy and I nodded. Joy looked at me and smiled knowingly. With that, we all went back to eating in silence.

"Anyone cute at school?" Joe asked out of nowhere, making both Joy and I groan. Typical dad. It's not as if anyone would tell their dad their crush, right?

"No daddy, not yet at least, it was only our first day," Joy said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, same here Joe," I muttered, not entirely being honest. I wasn't entirely lying too, Mr White isn't cute, he's hot.

I'd still fall for him anyway. I mentally groaned at the thought.

"Well if there is anyone who catches your eyes, just remember I have a shotgun," Joe said, Winking. I knew that he actually does have a two-barrel shotgun.

And he was proud of it.

"Yes daddy," Joy said, giving a small laugh at Joe's threat,

"Well, go do whatever teenagers do now, I'll be talking on the phone for business. So, no interruptions unless someone is dying or the house is on fire," Joe said, as he puts the dishes into the dishwasher. He then headed to his office, shutting the door behind him.

What did Mr White want during lunch?" Joy asked once Joe was gone and out of earshot.

"Just gave me a warning," I said, as we headed to our rooms to do our own thing. As I walked back into my room, I started tidying up the place. It was covered in paper from the drawing and school gear.

While clearing up my room and putting everything back in their original places, I looked at the pictures of Joe, Joy and I from holidays and celebrations. They made me happy but also sad on the inside.

"Would it be different if I wasn't put up for adoption?" I thought. I shook my head, there's no need to think that when I'm perfectly happy with the family I'm with now.

"I got out my laptop and plugged in the charger. I logged onto Facebook, then opened another tab and went on Wattpad to continue reading a Harry Potter fanfiction. Towards the end of the chapter, I started to get drowsy and decided that it was time to get some sleep.




Have you ever stopped and thought that it was funny how people in TV Shows and movies wake up all nice and pretty, knowing exactly where they were and everything but, in reality, you wake up completely messed up with bed hair and a bit confused about where you are?

Yeah, that's how I woke up - to an annoying alarm at seven o'clock in the morning, with bed hair and smudged makeup that I didn't wipe off last night, I looked like absolute crap.

"Come on, Shadow!" Joy yelled from the other side of my closed bedroom door. She knocked furiously on my door, I'm surprised it didn't break.

"Coming, just give me a second!" I shouted back, climbing out of bed and going to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit for today. I ended up getting dressed in a Black Veil Brides t-shirt with black ripped skinny jeans with a grey jacket. I wore my black combat boots to go with it and put on some light makeup. I quickly tied my hair in a high ponytail before grabbing my school bag and laptop off the charger.

"Ready to go?" Joe asked as he handed both Joy and I twenty dollars each for lunch, we nodded.

Joy was wearing a plaited skirt with slightly ripped stockings with her black shit that had the words 'Can You Not' printed onto it. She wore her black converse and her hair that was just touching her jaw was straightened. She put the tiniest amount of makeup on.

When Joe dropped us off, we hopped out of the car. A few students were looking at both of us. We ignored them. Jot smiled a little as we walked together to our lockers.

"What's up?" I asked her as we unlocked our lockers.

"Nothing, I just realised that I'm going to enjoy school here," Joy stated, smiling a little. I nodded.

"Well, let's hope it's better than the last few aye," I said, grabbing some books for my first lesson while Joy was checking her timetable.

"What do you have?" I asked her.

"I have a free lesson then geography, you?" She answered.

"Math then Geography with you afterwards," I responded, "What are you going to do for the first lesson?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, "probably get a practise room and find my music teacher. Maybe talk to her if she's free." I nodded.

"Well, walk me to my class for now?" I asked. Joy nodded as she put her bag into her locker and locked it. We then walked to Maths, talking about anything and everything under the sun.

When we arrived at my maths class, there were quite a lot of students that had sat down already. So, Joy said a quick goodbye and went off to find her music teacher. Taking in a big breath, I walked into my math class. The teacher looked up at me and smiled, nodding towards an empty table at the front.

"Okay everyone, we will be learning geometry today. Take out your protractors and your other math gear that you think you might need," the teacher, who I found out later was named Mr Gruve, said. Groaning, I took out all the stuff I needed. I've already learnt this so it wasn't anything new.

At the end of the lesson, Mr Gruve gave the class some homework that was due by Friday. The class grumbled, took the assignment sheet and left for the next lesson.




In Geography, we were continuing with our investigation, so I sat back and watched a video on pollution in the water and where it comes from. It took the whole of the forty-five-minute lesson and my notebooks were full of notes.

When the bell rang, signalling the end of class, I had already filled two and a half pages with notes and had already started writing a bit of the report.

After packing up, I walked with Joy to our lockers before we split ways. I went to the canteen to get some food while Joy went up to the SACE floor which was open to the senior students - year 11 and 12. They were probably chilling with the counsellor who was apparently walking to Joy in her free time.

Walking up the stairs to join Joy in the office, I had an iced coffee and potato cakes with gravy in my hand. It was for both Joy and myself.

"So this is the famous Shadow," The counsellor, Ms Wilson, said. She smiled as I sat across from Joy. Joy was enjoying one of the potato cakes.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, taking a sip of my ice coffee.

"Well, I hope you guys enjoy it here," She said, taking a bite of her vegetarian sandwich.

Joy and I both nodded, chewing on our food.

"So what do you guys want to be when you graduate?" she asked.

"Swallowing her food Joy was the first one to answer. "I don't know what exactly, but I would like to become a musician or maybe a teacher. Something along those lines," she said, taking another bite of her food.

"I don't know at all what I want to be. I'm hopefully going to figure it out by the end of this year," I said honestly, taking another sip of my coffee before finishing the last of the potato cakes.

"Well, make sure it's something you are going to enjoy," Ms Wilson advised, smiling as she finished off her sandwich.

"Will do," I replied, throwing out my rubbish, just before the bell rang.

"See you later," I said as Joy and I walked to our lockers before heading to our Aqua Marine class.




During Aqua Marine, Mr Bow talked about the oldest animal alive - the Blue Whale. It also happened to be the biggest animal that we currently know of too. After a while, another girl in the class Zoey Kohl, who is a bitch to me, started to annoy me by tapping my shoulders and whispering loudly. I don't know why, maybe I was too perfect and fabulous for her tiny, minuscule brain to understand.

"So, this class, if you haven't noticed, is a combination of two classes, Marine Biology and Aquaculture, because we didn't get enough students for both classes so we combined them into Aqua Marine," he said, making a few people in the class laugh, including Joy. I just smiled.

"Every Thursday or Friday we will be going to the shed to check on the trouts," he said, making a few students happy.

"So, if you like I can show you them today or leave it for another lesson," Mr Bow said. A discussion started in the class on what people wanted to do in the end, the majority wanted to see them today and to learn how to check on them.




Down at the shed, Mr Bow was showing everyone the three different tanks, how to feed them and describing how we will be measuring them later into the week. As we got back to the classroom, the bell rang, signalling that it was time for the second break.

"What do you have next?" Joy asked me.

"A line of free lessons. What about you?" I answered as I unlocked my locker.

"Music, you going to get Joe to pick you up or stay?" Joy asked as we went to the canteen to get our food.

"I don't know yet. I'll probably stay so you're not alone at the end of the day," I said making Joy smile and nod.

"Thank you Shadow," Joy said, as we paid for our food and started heading towards the SACE floor to Ms Wilson's office.

"So, how was your lesson?" She asked as we sat down with our potato cakes topped with gravy. The meal also included nuggets and chocolate milk.

"Alright, for a first lesson," I answered and Joy nodded in agreement.

"That's good," she said.

"And I have-" I said but got interrupted before I could tell her what I wanted.

"To come to talk to me," I heard a familiar voice say. I slowly turned around, wanting and dreading - is that even Possible? The moment when I found out who interrupted me. I had a pretty clear idea who interrupted me.

There he was, dressed smartly.

Mr White






Hello readers,

Thank you much for sticking to TMSN for another chapter, it means so much for me and helps me see that people actually read my work and tolerate it.

Writing this has been draining me, I love it don't get me wrong, writing is everything to me, but it still drains you.

See you in the next chapter

Rebecca_Lewiscreators' thoughts
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