
Waking up

Authors note:

From now on I will be referring to Akil as Shen Yue to make it easier for me to write and for you to read.

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It was a bright morning in glory city; you could see the rising golden sun in the clear blue sky sparsely covered with white fluffy clouds.

You could hear the early morning cicadas and chirping sounds of birds waking up and flying out their nest, people walked around glory city heading to work or training in their yards to one-day raise their family status and to protect themselves. From what you may ask?

It was from Humans and Demons. Thousands of years ago before glory city was founded, humanity was attacked by ferocious beasts and Demons causing the fall of the empires and for humanity to split into different settlements glory city being one of them.

These thoughts came to Shen Yue a few minutes after waking up; he was breathing heavily with sweat dripping everywhere from his brow to the toes of his feet.

It was a close call taking in 8 years worth of memories, he ended up combining souls with Shen Yue instead of devouring him because of the original Shen Yue making the choice of fusion in-order to not dissipate completely.

It just couldn't be helped because of his soul's strength not being enough to completely devour his benefactor's soul.

The forced fusion caused him to live through the entirety of the original Shen Yue's life; feeling his emotions and hearing his thoughts up until the point they fused.

"Even if I wanted to stick to my original self it would be nearly impossible after truly experiencing his life. It makes my choice even firmer now, to survive what's coming in the next... five years I need strength, resources, and connections.

I shouldn't halt my learning either inscriptions which my family is known for, formations, and alchemy are all major things that I need to know besides combat skills.

Luckily with my talent, foreknowledge, and resources I will be able to advance quicker than others and should have a good chance to at least not die."

Said Shen Yue to himself quietly, doing his best to think things through even with the dull headache in his mind.

Putting his right hand on the wall he pushed against it keeping his body still while taking deep breaths. "10..9..8..7..6..5...4...3.....2....1 and now relax the mind."Shen Yue relaxed his mind honestly this entire reincarnation was freaking him out and worried the hell out of him but first, he needed to completely assess the situation. Memories from the perspective of a child can only take you so far.

While Shen Yue was deep in thought the door of his room slowly opened until it revealed two maid's One had long black hair with soft features but an average face, she looked younger than the second one and carried what looked like medicine on a tray.

The other maid similar to the younger one had soft features and long hair, but instead of black hair it was blond; her face had a mature look to it but no wrinkles due to cultivation.

She had an aura of experience and subservience being a maid or butler for a while would do that to you. In her right hand held a bucket of water, with her left hand she held a towel.

"Young master thank goodness you are awake!: Said the young maid rushing in excitement and relief towards Shen Yue, but stopping at a good distance away to show her worry yet still be respectful towards her young master.

The older maid having a bit more "clout" then the other came a bit slower but had a look of relief on her face as well, they finally got through that potential crisis and now their lives were not in major danger.If Shen Yue would have died then their lives could be considered a forfeit.

"How long have I been asleep?" Asked Shen Yue he needed to find out how much time he lost so he knows how to properly plan out his next moves.

"It has been one week since you caught the fever and slept for that entire week. Do you feel ill anywhere young master? We can collect something if needed." Replied the younger maid who was doing a good job for someone relatively new at this.

"I feel fine just catch me up on recent events and draw me up some bathwater."Replied Shen Yue before taking another deep breath and then exhaling out his cluttered mind calming down his worries bringing him to completely focus on the present.

He waited to hear the news of the outside world so he would be able to calculate his current status.

"Yes, young master," Said the younger maid leaving the room to go draw some bath water and heat the water to Shen Yue's usually preferred temperature.

"My lord the winged dragon family is falling into debt to our sacred family and Ye Mo has vanished from glory city.

On another note sir, Yang Xin from the alchemist guild created a pill recipe to promote soul force and became the director of the alchemist guild."Said the older maid who was very familiar with the rumors and news of the city.

"Currently I am only the second young master of the sacred family the winged dragon family falling into debt is the start of my family's annexation of their properties.

Although we are a relatively new family compared to the other two families with the addition of the winged dragon family's properties we will have a chance to rise the position of the family and firmly keep our current place.

The only potential problem would be the engagement that will be between her and my brother Shen Fei who is set as the future patriarch of the family.

Oh well I need to do one thing at a time, and the most pressing thing besides getting stronger is to gain a positive reputation and learn more about family matters; however, Shen Yue never bothered to attend the family meetings since it was boring to him.

From now on I need to attend these meetings as for the alchemist guild that will come for later when I can take it over."

While planning Shen Yue was half shocked at his thinking speed. It was way faster than his previous lives; furthermore, all of those thoughts came to him in the span of half a second.

"This changes a few things but it will be an indispensable tool later on. Is it because of the fusion between souls or is it because of my heavenly talent?" Shen Yue allowed his thoughts to wonder in awe a bit before getting up.

Using Shen Yue's previous self memories to guide him he made his way to the bathroom and before entering addressed the maids.

"Stay outside the room and bring my clothes, hand them over when I finish my bath."Shen Yue did not wait for them to respond and walked directly into the bathroom.

After closing the door he undressed and walked into the tub relaxing his body. He made sure to thoroughly clean himself before drying himself with a towel.Sticking his hand out the door and grabbing his clothes before closing it and getting dressed again.

You might be wondering why was there no protest to his actions of bathing himself or dressing. It was because of Shen Fei, he was not always a pervert but it changed after one of the maids his age seduced him and took advantage of his naivety in the bath to try to control him.

And because of that, she was beheaded in-front of Shen Fei and the rest of the family to serve as a warning.

Ever since then servant's were not allowed to be in the same room as him during a bath unless called to attend to them by their admission which Shen Yue never did partly because of fear and other parts his aunt who warned him against ever doing it out of concern for his mental health.

Shen Xiu drifted apart from Shen Fei after this due to Shen Hong's orders (He feared that Shen Xiu would tempt him too much, instead of worrying about his son's mental health. It shows how fucked up he was and how society was.) but was allowed to visit me because of my status as a second young master, my marriage agreement between me and Ye Ziyun, and my age causing us to be closer then we would have.

Meanwhile, Shen Fei would go out with different women on his initiative it seemed a form of denial, a way for him to prove his manhood, and a form of control. I can use that.

Shen Yue stepped out of the bathroom and was greeted by the maids. He had on a black Tieli with a white inner shirt, it had white designs from the shoulder down wrapping across his writs and waist.

With his handsome looks and dark blue hair, he brought out the effects of the outfit to his maximum. It was not the clothes that made the person but the person that made the clothes, of course, this was the case only for handsome and beautiful people.

He walked off heading to the family library so he could learn more about the world and maybe find a tutor for himself.

Are you still enjoying it so far? What do you think about Shen Fei's past?

10 thousand views in less then two days that's simply crazy for me and inspired me all the more not to drop the stroy and to work harder.

Make sure to vote with your power stones the higher I am on the raking the more inspiration I get!

Remember I upload on wensdays and Saturdays.

Thank you for reading.

BlackKingJadecreators' thoughts
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